This week's top Post of the Week goes to:
Other wonderful posts in no particular order are:
Soul of Musa by Joseph at Life in Motion
Violated by Kevin at Blunoz Random Ramblings
Rust on the Roof by Steviewren from A Little Bird Told Me So
What Is Your Sell By Date? by FFF at Fat, Frumpy & FIfty
Keeping Up With Rex by Maria at Gardening With Turtles
A Friday Bench on Saturday by Kerri at A Little Piece of Me
Recommended by Jane:
Noisy Nighttime Orgasm by The Walking Man
Recommended by Daryl:
This Week's Windmill by Anita at Prairie Visions II
Recommended by I'm Being Held Hostage:
Write a Blog and Be Respected by One Strangely Lush Mother
Recommended by Eddie Bluelights:
Beyond Herself by Sande at So To Speak
Recommended by DS:
A Tiny Glimpse of Portland, Maine by Louise at Potted Frog
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices for top posts in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thanks for stopping by!
I have read the *What is Your sell By Date* and thoroughly recommend this but I haven't read any others yet. So I have got a lot of catching up to do!
Nuts in May
I thank you my first ALL new POTW!
The atmosphere has changed, its different but still charged with enthusiasm ......
I'm off work today and have the time to laze back and ctach up, particularly with all those mentioned here..
I am trying so hard to keep up with various blogs. There are many good ones, but I think I would spend my entire time at the PC if I did so. I have a list of bookmarks already and do not know when I will get to them...but then when I found you I was so glad...so who know what other gems are out there.
So many wonderful offerings.
Wordless Wednesday - Now That's Scary
Thanks so much for finding these for us Hilary. I'm sure it must be very time consuming and dedication is necessary. I'm off to read, read, read!
Wonderful selection ...
Hi Hillary:)
Many, many thanks for mentioning my post as one of the top post of the week. I am thrilled. I will visit all the posts you have honored as quickly as possible.
Have a wonderful day Hillary:)
nice. loved the offerings this week...and the recommendations by others...ncie to see some familiar faces as well...smiles.
How cool. I've been getting some friendly new visitors from POTW.
I'm very happy to be in such good company. Thank you.
Wow! Thank you so much!! It is an honor, for sure. Now I'm off to read the others. :-)
Wow, thanks for including me in the POTW, Hilary! I'm tremendously honored!
Just dropping over to say hello. I've seen you around on Nancy and Rain's blogs so I thought I'd say hi. :)
Good job, Hilary, and a wonderful service you're continuing. It allows us to meet new folks and continue to improve our perspectives. Brava.
There are so many wonderful blogs out there, and the one of best ones is
and people have not discovered it yet.
I'm finding that blogging has become a social network and that seems to detract a bit from the essence of blogging.
I will be interested to see what some of your future choices will be. You are very astute. Your blog should be included in your POTW. :-)
I look forward to checking these out...
Congrats to everyone.
Plenty of good reading there, I'm sure. Now -how to work them in? I'll figure out a way, somehow though.
Congrats to winners! (Soooo wish I had more reading time.) :(
I'll be away from my computer for a couple of days but I have a post scheduled to go for Thursday morning. Hopefully that will work. I'll reply to your kind comments and will be around to visit your blogs upon my return. Thanks to everyone for your warm support. :)
* I'm glad you enjoyed that piece, Maggie and I'm sure you'll like the rest too. Thanks for stopping by. :)
* FF&F, my sincere pleasure. I'm glad you have the time to do some of the reading. Thanks for your support. :)
* Tabor, I know what that's like. I have found some of my favourite bloggers through David's POTD. Yours might have been among those - I'm not sure. In any event I'm glad we connected and I understand if you're unable to put too much time into new posts. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :)
* Nessa, I'm glad you think so. :)
* Thanks for the kind words, GS. I hope you enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! :)
* Daryl, thanks. I'm glad you think so. :)
* Joseph, that was my pleasure. I'm glad to have found your blog and to be able to introduce you to others. I hope you enjoy your reading. :)
* Thanks, Brian. I'm glad you were happy with this week's selections. :)
* Sass-E, my pleasure. I'm happy to do so. Thanks for stopping by. :)
* Thank YOU, Nancy. That was a fine post and I'm happy to share with others. Thanks for the visit. :)
* Kevin, my pleasure. I'm happy to do so. Thanks for stopping by. :)
* Welcome, Meeko and thanks for stopping by. Any friend of Rain and Nancy's.... ;) Thanks for the visit. :)
* Lakeviewer, thanks so much for the very kind words. They mean a lot to me. Thanks for stopping by. :)
* Thanks for the very kind words, Jo and for this link. I'll be sure to check it out before next week's choices get posted. I appreciate your help. Thanks for dropping by. :)
* Thanks, Stacey. Much appreciated. :)
* Thanks, Jeni. I'm glad you think so. And I appreciate you taking the time to say so. :)
* Thanks, Angie, and I understand the lack of time. I'm sure you have a large blog list of your own, too. Thanks for the visit. :)
Great choice on Nancy's blog. She is always a very thoughtful writer. Will check out the others also.
P.S. Glad you posted about the POTW icon. Will do!
Great lists. I've been hankering for good blogging material lately but am too time consumed to look much.
Yes, I really do like the icon, Hilary. If I have time, I'll try and check out some of those posts. And I do like the way you list the recommendations.
What a surprise! Thanks Hilary for featuring me.
I'm excited to read these posts!! Thank you!! Congrats to the winners!!
Great choices! I had read some, now off to see if I can get some more read before the children discover where I'm hiding :-)
Thanks Hilary!!
What wonderful choices!!! You've done us a treat this time!
* Thanks, MJ. I agree about Nancy's wonderful blog and I'm glad you'll be placing the POTW icon on your blog. :)
* Maggie May #2, I'm glad that this may be of some time-saving, good blog-surfing help to you. Thanks for stopping by. :)
* Good to see you, David and I'm happy to see that you approve. Thanks so much for the visit. :)
* Steviewren, my pleasure. :)
* Cheffie, thanks for always being so supportive. :)
* Thanks very much, IBHH. I remember those days of trying to find some free time from the kids. I hope you manage to. :)
* Thanks very kindly, Sandi. Your kind words are always appreciated. :)
Hilary - Thank you so much! Sorry I am late in responding - a family emergency this week. But I really really appreciate it!!
Thanks, Kerri. I'm sorry your family is experiencing troubles. I hope all works out very soon. Thanks for stopping by. :)
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