There is a Season - for Perspective by Julie at Midlife Jobhunter
Other wonderful posts in no particular order are:
My Neighbor Jerry by Grayquill at It's Just So Homer...
Life is Food by San at A Life With A View
Creepy Old Guy Hates Fat Girls by Dianne at Forks Off the Moment
Slice of Lime - Slice of Zucchini by Lime at House of Lime
Grey Matter Management 101 by LadyLuck at Surreal Housewife of Amador County
Not Funny, Do Not Laugh by Hilary (not me!) at Crazy as a Loom
How Big Al Got His Name by Rochelle at Adventures in Nature
The Quest by Wendy at Changes With Seasons
A Moment of Urgent Prayer by Debbie at I Overcooked My Family
Leaving Las Vegas by Kathleen at Easy for Me to Say
Recommended by Sandi:
In My Heart And On The Dance Floor by Sandra at Dances With God.
Recommended by Thumbelina:
The Maiming of the Shrew by Keith at Bloke in the North
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices for top posts in the comments section below, where others can see them. Thanks for stopping by!
Glad you're doing this - spreads the goodness of others blogs! Yours is not so bad either!
Can't wait to check them out! Thanks!
Looking forward to having a go at these. You sure put in the time!
My computer is down so I am on very limited time, but I will return to read all of these!
Thanks for the post recommendations. After the mess this week has become, they will give me some interesting blog reading over the weekend, I'm sure.
Always happy to find new inspiration and meeting new lovely and talented people.;) You are doing a great job Hilary.;) xoxo
Oh my Goodness! I haven't read any of these! I shall have a lot of reading to do after work!
Many thanks for doing this Hilary! It does broaden our circle of friends!
Nuts in May
Great...now I will spend more time at the computer. Who is going to stack that wood?? ;-)
I loved Julie's post too! Entirely deserving of being crowned the best. Thanks for the other links!
Grayquill's post about Jerry was very moving. I loved it. I'm glad he got a mention on your list.
Some great choices and more new ones for me to read!
Would like to recommend the following for next week:
These are always helpful.
A great way to get great posts out about great people. Thanks!
Oh, my. I'm flattered, speechless, and grateful.
I thank you.
Hi Hillary:)
A great way to promote camaraderie and friendship. I am sure many will form a life time association and share ideas, thoughts and views.
I will also visit each one them as soon as possible. Many thanks for visiting my blog and posting a comment. Hope to see you again.
Wish you all the best Hillary:)
So nice to see Midlife Job Hunter here - her blog is one of my favorites. Looking forward to checking out the rest.
Looks like a bunch of good offerings.
Wordless Wednesday - King of the Field
in other news H., I have finally been successful in making raccoons on mugs--it has been months of work, but all those pics the other day were inspiring!
• Thanks, TSanne, and ditto for you. ;)
• I hope you enjoy them, Kelly. :)
• Gary I hope you like my choices. :)
• MT, sorry to hear you have computer woes. I hope you're up and running again soon. :)
• Jeni, I just read all about the sad events. I'm sorry for your losses. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you find some good, distracting reads. :)
• Thank you, Protege, my friend. I hope you find some that you like. :)
• Maggie, it sure does. That's how I've found so many, myself.. including you. :)
• Tabor.. FINE! I'll stack the wood but you supply the belly warmer. ;)
• Thanks, Sujatha. I'm glad you agree. :)
• Thanks, Valerie. It was a great post. :)
• Thanks very much, Jane. I have it noted. :)
• Thanks, Tom. I'm glad you think so. :)
• Thanks, Michelle. Much appreciated. :)
• MJ, and deserving! Thank YOU. :)
• Thanks very much for the kind words, Joseph. Much appreciated. :)
• Agreed, Deb. She's a fine writer. I hope you enjoy the others. :)
• It is indeed, Nessa. Thanks for dropping by. :)
• Gary, I'm so happy to hear that! I'll have to go take a look. Thanks for letting me know. :)
I'm so glad that you're doing this. I love reading new blogs.
Aw, Hilary, you are such a dear one. Thank you for the shout out. I just loved the comment you left on that post. And this is icing on the cake!
Thanks for keeping us all connected!
This is beautiful post !!
Thank you very much!! You bring a smile to my face each time I visit your blog!! Hugs and blessings!!
Hilary, Cheffie-Mom stopped by my place to congratulate me on your including me this week--THANK YOU.
All of the other posts you've mentioned sound so intriguing. I'm at work right now and have to complete some tasks before I return to browse your links.
Again, thank you for opening to door to new discoveries for us.
I mean to say "opening the door" not "opening to door." DUH.
Yesterday was a bit crazy for me .. so I am catching up.
Anita Hohl's blog: click here has some amazing photos, I am recommending the one of the windmill but her set up doesnt have separate URLs for each post, so please visit her and scroll down to see the windmill and as you scroll check out her other shots.. equally awesome!
Congrats to everyone this week .. I have lots of blog reading to make up .. see ya later!
• So glad to hear that, Elizabeth. Thank you. :)
• My pleasure, Kathleen. It's a great post and I'm happy to share. Thanks for the kind words. :)
• Thanks for stopping by, UR. :)
• Thanks kindly, Cheffie. Very much appreciated. :)
• Thanks so much for stopping by, San. I'm happy to be able to share your fine post with others. I hope you enjoy the other ones too. :)
• Thanks very much, Daryl. She indeed noted for a link for next time. Thanks for stopping by. :)
nicely done again. just finished the grand tour. a good mix of funny, serious, creative...
Thank you! This is an unexpected and plesant surprise! Some people stopped by my blog and left nice comments. Can't wait to catch up and visit others.
thank you Hilary, I appreciate the mention
off to check out the others
Thank you for the acknowledgement - That was very nice and certainly more than I deserve.
Thanks again!
aww, thanks hilary. very kind of you to link me. hope i dont' scare away the saner folks ;)
• Thanks very much, Brian. I'm glad you enjoyed the posts. :)
• My pleasure, Wendy. I hope you enjoy the rest. :)
• Thanks, Dianne. I'm pleased to know that. :)
• Grayquill, certainly not more than you deserve. It was a great post. :)
• Lime, who needs the saner folk? ;)
I admire how much work you must do to present these!! Good taste lady! :-)
As usual I'm a day late and a dollar short, but I'm here now!! Plan to do some reading! I'm waiting for you to come up with a Post of the Week icon that I can post on my sidebar...
• Thanks so very much, Sydney. Very much appreciated. :)
• Sandi, to me you are always right on time and always have the exact change. The only icon I planned to use is the POTW image I designed from one of my photos. It appears at the top of each post. Would you like me to downsize one so that if fits your sidebar better? Just let me know and I will. Thanks for the visit. :)
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