What a great bunch of people there are out here in the blogosphere. Below are just a few of the very many.
A Cappella written by DS at Third-Storey Window
Other wonderful posts in no particular order are:
Why a 20' Fence is a Very Good Thing by TSannie at Tombstone Chronicler
Temple Visit by Terrie at Kappa No He
Double Exposure by Gary Heller at Gary Heller Photography
Day Four of Fine Arithmetic by Imbeingheldhostage at In the Gutter
City by Jim at Suldog
Squirrels & Sand Maggie May at Nuts in May
Target Practice by Tom at A Pacific View
63 Kids by Sandy at Writing in Faith:Blog Your Blessings
Sunday in the Park by Daryl at Out & About in New York City
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta By Louise at Potted Frog
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices for top posts in the comments section below, where others can see them. Thanks for stopping by!
You've done a lot of reading! :-) Thanks for all the links to great posts ... I look forward to visiting them!
Why am I not surprised that you chose such lovely offerings? ♥
That is a lovely surprise, Hilary. Thank you very much.
Haven't read any of the others....... YET!
Nuts in May
Nothing like having someone else do the leg work in mining through the mountain for the gems :}
Good job!!!
Thank you, Hilary,
it is so comforting to know that you keep David's Post of the Day alive! I was really looking forward to Wednesday! Thank you! :-)
I think you are doing such a splendid job, what a great way to be exposed to new beautiful places.;)
Thank you so much, Hilary! I'm back on Mauna Kea's summit in a couple of days so I hope to have some more nice sunset photos very soon - I'm running out of the vacation snapshots!
I had no idea you were taking this on, how wonderful! Thank you so much for the mention and the great suggestions, off to read!!
Ooo, lots of new places to visit! Thanky. :)
What fun new spots!
Yay! I was wondering what to read! I used to count on David so much for suggestions! I am sure these are great choices..can't wait to dig in!
Know some of these but am now off to meet bloggers I don't know; one of the reasons I just love POTD, now POTW. Well done Hilary!
I'm on my way. Okay, well not right this minute, but I will take the time to check out these bloggers, none of which I'm familiar with.
Oh thank you so much for including me ... off to visit the ones I havent already met
This is very helpful posting some of the best posts like this.
Thanks Hilary, I'm honored. I'll be dropping by the others for a good treat of my own.
Soon again.
Thank you for the links! Now off to discover them!
I'm honored I'm included this week! Thank you so very much!
Glad you're keeping this alive.
Off to visit the others.
Hilary, I am honored and amazed! I opened my email (I do that first) this morning & found new comments for that post. Such a surprise!!
Thank you so very much.
I look forward to reading the other posts also; that will be a treat.
Thank you again.~ds (for dumb-struck)
Hilary, I am absolutely thrilled to hear you are keeping Post of the Week alive, it's a feature that brings so much fun to blog land. I am also delighted to recognise a few familiar faces in here, I look forward to a good peruse..
Thanks for taking this on, Hilary! Great job.
Hilary, Isn't Gary amazing?! Glad to see him mentioned. Now popping by the others. Just read A Cappella, chills ran down my arms! Lovely.
Hillary, you are so kind to carry on this generous tradition. Thank you for pointing the way to great reads and new bloggers to discover.
You rock, woman!
I'm happy to see the tradition of introducing new bloggers to each other continues. Most of my longest blogger friends and I met at Authorblog. Great job Hillary.
Thank you Hilary. For the first time in a while I have been to each and every post and they are all worth it. Excellent choices.
(One or two I had seen but I enjoyed seeing them again! Thanks.)
* Thank you, Kelly. I do the reading anyway.. now I'm just doing the sharing. :)
* KC, because we have similar taste? ;)
* Much deserved, Maggie. And I'm sure you'll enjoy the rest. :)
* Sande, somebody had to do it.. why not me? ;)
* Thank you, Jeni.
* Thanks, Merisi. I'm glad I didn't let you down. :)
* Thank you, Protege. I'm so glad you approve. :)
* Tom, I'm looking forward to your photos-to-be. :)
* My pleasure, IBHH. I'm glad you're enjoying this. :)
* Hope you enjoy them, Angie. :)
* MPM, I'm glad you think so. :)
* Thanks, Breeze. I'm glad you have some posts to look forward to. :)
* Thanks very much, GS. I'm glad to hear it. :)
* JarieLyn, I suspect you'll soon be quite familiar with many of them. :)
* My pleasure, Daryl. I hope you enjoy them. :)
* Thanks, Tom. I'm glad you think so. :)
* Thanks, Gary. I know folks are going to love your photography. :)
* Thanks, Sujatha. Enjoy. :)
* My pleasure, TSannie. Thanks for the support. :)
* DS, you're very welcome. My pleasure really. :)
* Thanks, Shrinky. I'm glad to hear that you approve. I'm sure you'll enjoy these posts. :)
* Thanks, Baggie. :)
* You're right, MT. He is indeed. I'm glad you liked the POTW. No doubt you'll enjoy the rest too. :)
* Thanks so much, San. I truly appreciate your support. :)
* Thank you, Chewy. That's where I met many, if not most of my bloggie people too. No doubt you'll see some familiar names. :)
* Thanks, Thumbelina. I'm glad you're enjoying these posts. Thanks for letting me know. :)
Thanks for the mention, my friend. I will visit these blogs. I am so grateful to you for continuing the tradition David established.
I've popped in to visit a few of the posts. I'm impressed just from my quick glances. It's late at the moment, but I will probably read a few tomorrow.
Gotta carve out blog reading in the mornings. There's so much good stuff out there.
Definitely going over to visit your choices...I'm sure they're just the ticket!
Sorry hon, I'm back..I want to nominate a post for Post of the Week
Thanks for the mention. I need to be a better blogger and responder. I will most definitely visit everyone who visited me. Thanks again, Hilary. You're a doll. Not a big-headed stone jizo doll. But you know that.
Thanks for showing us these great posts!!
Aloha, Hillary!
Comfort Spiral
It's so amazing that you've decided to fill David's shoes. Hurrah!!! Love your choices.
terrific idea :)
I look forward to reading these wonderful blogs! Thank you!!
* Thanks very much, Sandy. I'm glad you approve. That means a lot to me. :)
* Thanks, Anita. So many blogs. Such little time, eh? :)
* Thank you, Sandi. I've made note of this post for next time. :)
* Thanks so much, Terrie. Being a big-headed stone jizo doll in your eyes would be just fine with me. :)
* My pleasure, Cloudia. Thanks for the support. :)
* Thank you, Elizabeth. Much appreciated. :)
* Thanks, Lime. I'm glad you think so. :)
* Thank you, Cheffie. I'm sure you'll enjoy them. :)
just got around to hitting all the winners....great selections! so glad you have taken up this torch...a great opportunity to meet some new bloggers.
Thanks, Brian. I'm glad you're enjoying the posts. I appreciate your kind support. :)
Just got back from vacation and found that I had been mentioned here. What a pleasant way to come back to work! Thank you!
My pleasure, Suldog. Welcome back! :)
Thanks so much, Hilary. I was traveling right when this happened, so little late for the thanks. I truly appreciate it. What a nice thing for you to carry on!
Thanks so much for stopping by, Louise. Your post was wonderful and I'm glad that so many others got to see it too.
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