Around that same time, a Portuguese family moved in next door to us, and I quickly became fast friends with Debbie and Yvonne - two of the three daughters. We went everywhere and did everything together throughout our teen years.
Two doors down from them was our friend, Evan. He was a year younger than I was and probably a bit smarter. And was always interested in gadgets. Not like pocket knives and compasses - those were too typical. Evan liked electronic toys like bugging devices and noise meters. He was a 1960's kid ahead of his geeky time, and he was always looking for ways to acquire and use these gadgets for his entertainment.
One time the four of us decided to hold a faux séance. The victim was Isabel - Debbie and Yvonne's younger sister. Evan rigged up a speaker which sat hidden behind the drapes in Yvonne's bedroom, where the seance was to be held. He had a microphone which was connected to the speaker by a long wire that led back to his own home. I was stationed outside of Yvonne's room. On the other side of that door, the three sisters sat in semi-darkness trying to conjure up the dead. As they asked questions of the dearly departed, I repeated their words to Evan over the phone. Speaking into the microphone from home, he came up with appropriate responses which he delivered in a ghoulish voice over the makeshift sound system. Poor Isabel was totally convinced that she had successfully made contact with the other side.
I can remember a time when Evan got into a bit of trouble with the police for constructing and detonating a bomb. Oh, relax. It was a pretty benign explosive, which propelled unraveling rolls of toilet paper all over an unpleasant neighbour's yard. He had been caught, and was sitting in the back of a police car by the time Debbie and I found out what was going on. His one and only concern was that he had to get rid of the package of cigarettes he had, so that his parents wouldn't find out that he smoked. This was especially important because they believed he still had the asthma which bothered him as a younger child. That regularly re-enacted condition got him occasional days off from school.
Evan came from a musical family and was a talented pianist. He loved to play, and I loved to listen to his renditions of Elton John's Border Song and Your Song. He also took pride in having figured out how to play the Charlie Brown cartoon theme - tickling both the keyboard and our fancies. He had the most incredible eyes I've ever seen. The colour - unique. Not quite green. Not quite brown. Almost golden. They were startlingly beautiful and oddly catlike. He was a fun, intelligent guy, with a wry sense of humour.
We grew apart as kids tend to do, and though our paths crossed a couple of times when we were in our twenties, we never fully clicked again. As the years went by, and online communication made the world a little smaller, I thought about what path Evan's life might have taken. I had little doubt that he would be Internet-savvy and would likely work in a computer-related field. A few years ago, a quick Google search confirmed that.
Evan was a web page designer, a computer consultant and part time techno-guru for one of Montreal's top radio stations. The world of technology had finally grown into his long-standing geekdom. I couldn't resist emailing him to catch up. He responded shortly afterward with the pertinent details of his life. He had three sons of whom he was immensely proud, and a career which gave him much joy. He still created music. He still smoked those darn cigarettes. Our exchange was brief and pleasant, and more than a tad nostalgic. I was glad I'd made contact.
That was a number of years ago. Recently, I thought I'd look for a radio station to listen to online. I immediately thought of my native Montreal's CJAD - the station where I knew Evan worked on the air occasionally. I wondered if that was still the case and decided to Google his name once again. Sadly, the first item which came up was his obituary.
Evan passed away almost two years ago of lung cancer. Just yesterday, I found this very lovely tribute by his friend and colleague. The photo of Evan on that page must have been taken when he was in his forties, yet he looked almost the same as he did when we were young teenagers - minus the braces.
Evan and I hadn't been close for decades, but it ached and tugged at my heart to learn of his passing. So many good memories and laughs were shared with this boy who had eyes like a cat.
Rest in peace, old friend.
The following images were taken last week at a beautiful, old cemetery in Port Hope. Please remember to click on the images to enlarge them.

~Albert Einstein

I was totally unprepared for Evan's death. Your post is a touching tribute, and I hope others who knew Evan will stumble upon it.
A lovely tribute Hilary and good on you for locating him and have those moments to play catchup. Too often, childhood friends go their own way and never see or hear from each other again. You made the effort and was greatly rewarded. So sorry Evan has passed and you had to find out in such a startlingly way.
What a lovely tribute to your friend. And your photographs are, as always, stunningly beautiful.
Thanks for sharing your memories!
a touching tribute hillary...amazing how many old class mates that have found me online...good that you took the time to do that...may he rest in peace.
You were lucky and smart to touch base with him as I am sure you would feel even worse to learn of his death without that brief hello. I am reaching the time in my life where many of my classmates have passed on...some because of bad habits.
I knew the ending after the first couple of paragraphs. I could hear it in your voice.
It so reminded me of losing my cousin, Billy, 5 years ago. He was a day older than I, and we were hooked at the hip.
I still can not believe he is gone.
But isn't it wonderful, that someone can touch us so much, that they are with us forever.
Nice post.
Such a lovely story. people pass too quickly.
Thursday Thirteen - Useless Knowledge
Oh Hilary. That has brought tears. What a wonderful tribute to a talented and fun loving man and a childhood friend.
Thank you also for showing how childhood mistakes are just that. Mistakes. Nothing more. And the children go on to be responsible young (and then older usually) men who play a huge part in the "big picture." I know that you know how much that means to me right now.
I'm off to read the article you linked. Blessings dear friend. I hope the hole in your life becomes a little smaller in time.
Hilary, I am so sorry that this friend from the past has died and I think you have done a lovely tribute to him.
You will always remember him and he did sound a really fun person to grow up with.
The photos are really lovely. There is something quite beautiful about churchyards I think.
Nuts in May
Beautiful tribute. I hate cigarettes.
My sincerest condolences on the passing of your childhood friend, Hilary. May God bless his soul.
Hilary, This is such a beautiful tribute to Evan. And thank you for the link to the article. Blessings and hugs to you.
Nice tribute your own self, Hil. Sounds like a man who got the most out of, and appreciated the time he had.
Wonderful quotes to accompany the fine pics. Lots of truthiness in them. Well done. :)
A lovely tribute to your friend; so glad you were able to catch up with him one last time. He sounds like a terrific and warm person (with a definite wicked streak--has your former neighbor ever forgiven him for the "seance"?)
Beautiful photos and quotes also.
It is so hard to accept that people still have their life shortened by those deadly cigarettes!
Such a loving tribute to your childhood mate! I am sure it will be of comfort to his sons, to know that their dad is remembered and loved even by people they have never met.
All the images here are precious, but the leaves on the steps have a special appeal to me: I miss the the colorful leaves of the East Coast. Autumn back there is so full of light and color.
It didn't take long for me to figure where this would lead and I could feel the tightness in my chest as I continued to read. I suppose, those of us at certain age, begin to frequent our memories of days gone by and reminisce about old friends and childhood memories. From what you wrote, it appears as though your friend Evan, left an indelible mark on your heart. This in itself, keeps his memory alive. Very lovely tribute Hilary by both you and his Montreal friend.
Such fun memories you have of Evan. I love his toilet paper bomb!
It's really special that you contacted him and connected with him years later, but I know that must have made learning of his passing even sadder. No, I take that back. I believe that if I were in your place, I would feel even sadder if I had never made the effort to re-connect.
Your cemetery images are beautiful.
Lovely tribute Hilary. Gorgeous photos as always.
May he rest in peace .. what a loving and lovely tribute to an old friend ...
A beautiful tribute to a friend, a childhood of memories, a life well lived.
A touching and tender tribute to an important part of your life. I'm glad you were able to make contact with him and see how his life had been.
Beautiful pictures and fitting quotes to go with each one.
I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend... and what a lovely tribute.
• Thanks so much, EthelMae. I'm hoping that might happen too. Thanks for the kind words. :)
• Thanks very much, Jane. I really am glad that Evan and I touched base when we did. I appreciate your kindness. Thanks always for stopping by. :)
• Thanks kindly, Baggie. Much appreciated. :)
• Thank you, Brian. I'll bet you're not too easy to find either.. with a fairly popular first and last name. They must have really wanted to reconnect. :)
• You're right, Tabor. I would have been kicking myself for not trying if/when I had the chance or thought of doing so. Those bad habits of ours do have a way of catching up. Thanks for your visit. :)
• Thanks very much, Hilary. I'm so sorry you lost your cousin a few years back. It's got to be so difficult when you were close like that. You're coming to know my "voice" quite well. You'd think we had the same name or something. ;)
• Thanks for stopping by, Nessa. :)
• Thumbelina, thanks very much for such a kind and thoughtful comment. I DO know exactly what you mean about childhood deeds not necessarily shaping a life, so don't you lose heart, my friend. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
• Thanks very kindly, Maggie. I will indeed always remember him. Those were fun days. I agree about how cemeteries have a beauty of their own. Thanks always for the visit. :)
• Thanks, MPM. And ditto. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks so much, Suldog. Your always-kind sentiments are very much appreciated. :)
• Thanks very much, Cheffie. Your kindness always means so much to me. :)
• Thank you, Frank. I'm glad you think so because I know that you're always the voice of truthiness. ;)
• Thanks very much, DS. I don't know if my former neighbour ever really knew. That part is sketchy. Perhaps I'll be able to find out soon. This post prompted me to connect with the oldest of the sisters. I'll keep you posted. Thanks always for your visit.
• Thanks so much, Merisi. I agree about those dreaded cigarettes and I sure know what you mean about how lovely the colours are around here but you take so many lovely, colourful shots. I can't imagine you missing it TOO much. :) I don't know if his sons or other family members will ever read it, but I'm kind of hoping that they might at some time and that they'll comment if they do. Thanks always for the visit. :)
• Bogey, thanks very kindly for your lovely comments. You're so right about his indelible mark on my heart.. as is true with so many others. Thank you for your very kind words. :)
• Thanks so much, San. You were right the second time around. I am very grateful that we made contact a few years back. I'd have regrets if I had just let it go. Thanks very much for your kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks kindly, Reb. I'm glad you think so. :)
• Thanks very much, Daryl. Your kind words always mean so much to me. Thank you, friend. :)
• Lakeviewer, a lovely summation. Thank you for that. :)
• Thank you very much, Sue. Your very kind words mean a lot to me. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks very kindly, SD. Much appreciated. :)
Eric must have been a very nice guy, because both your tribute and his friend's speak so kindly of him. One of my son's smokes. I wish he would quit.
It looks like the leaves are almost at their peak there. Ours are still in the early stages. Beautiful cemetery shots.
That was a beautiful tribute to your friend. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.
And the photos are gorgeous. As always. :)
That's a great post about your childhood friend. He was a really character. I love the TP bomb! Great stuff. The absence of that kind of fun from this world does cause the heart to ache.
What a great memory of a childhood friend. Sad that he passed. His fear of getting caught with the cigarettes after he made the bomb figures so prominently!
What an incredibly touching post Hilary. To find out that your friend has succumb to such a dreadful disease must have been very difficult, it would for sure effect me terribly...
I went to the blog you linked to and even though I did not read it carefully, judging from the picture he seems like a very handsome man and full of life as well, as you describe him as a child.
Your pictures are absolutely beautiful, in a very nostalgic way. There is something about cemeteries in the fall season... The one of the stairs is my favorite, as is the quote beneath.
Lovely writing Hilary and a touching tribute to your childhood friend. You had me at 'my family bought and moved into their first and only house' an idyllic reference to someone with as many moves under her belt as I have.
I'm sorry about Evan
your post is lovely
and the photos are startling in their beauty
the quotes remind me how we are all connected
I'm sure you're glad you looked Evan up. My oldest son smokes and I sure wish he'd quit. This was a piece of wonderful writing, and those pictures are spectacular. I love walking around in graveyards, the older the better.
A touching tribute to an old friend, Hilary. Evan's spirit will live on in your memories. I'm glad you were able to connect with him to exchange your histories, and memories.
The photographs with their leaves remind us all of passing time.
What a lovely tribute to childhood, & friends.
Aloha, Evan.
Aloha, Hillary!
Comfort Spiral
What a lovely tribute. I clicked on the blog post of your friend. He was a unique person, for sure. I loved all the pictures and quotes. Life is moving, always.
Your early days sound like something from a Stephen King novel. A lovely tribute to Evan who made something of his geeky life. He didn't live long but boy did he prosper.
Nicely done. Those are excellent memories and you made them come alive for a little while. I enjoyed it a lot.
Oh Hilary! I guess I can't nominate this for POTW, but I would have.
This pulled at the heartstrings. A great tribute to a great friend. As long as you keep him in your heart, his memories will last forever.
Beautiful pics. And quotes. So sorry Evan is gone - too young, too soon.
I used to listen to CJAD and I'm sure my brother still does. Did not know of Evan.
I also clicked on the link to read Peter's blog and his tribute to Evan as well.
A beautiful, but sad post.
although you hadn't been particularly close for a long while i can well imagine this affected you. he was a lovely part of your gorwing up years and the brief reconnection confirmned to you that he continued to be true to the finer and more endearing parts of himself. i suspect finding out so long after his death also inflicted its own kind of wound. peace to you, hilary. may the warm memories be a comfort to you.
the warmth of the golden light in the pictures really created a tenderly reflective mood. they are lovely.
Lovely story and tribute to Evan. We have a story in our blog as a tribute to my sister, called Desert Survival 101. Cindy.
Ahhh that really moved me. My mother died of esophagal cancer when she was just 58 and she had smoked since she was a teenager. For years she had tried but just couldn't break the habit.
I had always told my children that if they smoked it would break my heart and then this summer my daughter told me she had been smoking for 2 years. I was shocked. I figured since she hadn't smoked as a teenager she wouldn't start later on but she did. So she told me that if I lost weight...because she worries because overweight that I'll have a heart attack that she would quite. The deal was once I lost 20 lbs that she would quit. Well I've hit the 20 lb mark and she plans to stick the patch on Monday. I sure hope she is successful because smoking is such a bad habit.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I think our earliest relationships become much like sibling or cousin relationships. They're in our blood in a way that time has little impact on. I'm glad you got to reconnect with him.
Those leaves on the steps are beautiful.
Cemeteries are always the prettiest places, especially in the fall. I guess that is fitting.
This is a beautiful post and tribute. I wish I could have seen Evan's eyes.
Beautiful images (especially the one with the leaves on the stairs) to go with the beautiful memories. I loved reading about it... a fitting tribute. I'm sorry for the loss of your childhood friend.
Somehow I knew this was going to be a memorial post...perhaps it was the use of the word WAS that peppered it like gunfire. Lovely tribute from a lovely friend. Friends don't recognize the passage of time, I've found. This just proves it.
I do love colored blogs, just not the ones I can't read! Thanks for the tip on enlarging the page! I had no idea how.
This was a moving post that has me teary eyed. Isn't it amazing how childhood friends always hold a place in our hearts?
The way you put this togher was beautiful. Now off to see the tribute.
Hilary, I am so sorry for the loss of such a wonderful person--your dear, youthful friend! He was so very young, and evidently had so much to offer! My heart is truly with you and his family. Your words ring so true and heartfelt, and could not more beautifully honor his life! And your fantastic photography so perfectly complements the words in your post! A truly reflective and peaceful piece! I am glad for having had the opportunity to visit with you today!! Thank you for visiting me,and leading me here...And thank you too for your kind words...you are such a gracious lady...and I am truly privileged to have met you! ~Janine XO
Hi Hilary! That is a nice post. You know I remember an "Evan" on Holder's radio show, I'm guessing that must have been him. People grow apart and live their own lives, I'm glad you were able to connect with him before he passed away.
What a lovely post. As you know I too knew Evan quite well. In addition to being on the air with me we were friends and used to talk on the phone several times a week and also almost every Saturday.
Even though it's been a few years since he's been gone, I still wake up on Saturdays with the initial intention of calling him, before I realize a split second later that I can't do that anymore.
He was one of a kind and he certainly left his mark on those around him who loved him.
Peter Anthony Holder
I'm Evan's brother Richard.Thank you Hilary!I was moved and couldn't help but smile when reading your warm tribute.
It was good to come back to this post. It touches my heart, and the photos are perfect. There is some comfort and peace in a cemetery.
• Thanks very kindly, Steviewren. I hope your son quits too. The leaves have pretty much peaked now and are making their way downward. Good thing for photography so that we can capture it and keep it. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks very much, Kat. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks always for your visits. :)
• It sure does, Sandy. Thanks so much for your very kind words. I wish I had seen the TP bomb rather than only the aftermath. Thanks so much for the visit. :)
• Clowncar it sure does. Thanks so much for the very kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks so much, Protege. I'm glad you took a look at the linked post too and saw Evan's photo and that you read and enjoyed my tale of our antics. Thanks always for your kind words, dear friend. :)
• Ah, Moanie. Thank you so much for your kind words. I've only ever lived in two houses - the one mentioned in the post and the townhouse in which I now live. I have however moved many times so I have a semi-good idea of what you mean. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks so much, Dianne. That message sure is among those quotes and I'm glad they touch you. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Thanks very much, Elizabeth. I enjoy strolling around in cemeteries too. I too hope for your son's sake that he quits smoking. And I am also glad that I looked Evan up when I did. Thanks for the very kind words. :)
• Thanks very kindly, Barbara. You're quite right about his spirit living on in my and others' memories - as is true for everyone. Thanks very much for stopping by. :)
• Aloha, Cloudia and thanks very kindly. :)
• Very true, Nancy. Thank you so much for the very kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Maddie Grigg, he did indeed. I don't know about a Stephen King novel - we weren't that bad but we did have a lot of fun. Thanks for the kind comments and for stopping by. :)
• Thanks very much, Abe. Such very kind words are much appreciated. :)
• Thanks so much for the very kind sentiment, IBHH. That means a lot to me. :)
• So true, Michelle. Thanks for stopping by and offering such kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks very much, Wendy. I'm glad you took a look at the linked post too. Your very kind words mean a lot to me. Nice to see another past (or current, maybe?) Montrealer. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Lime, thank you so much for such sweet and thoughtful words. You're so right about how it affected me, and I do indeed take great comfort in my memories. Thanks so much. :)
• Thanks very much, Cin Bud. I'll be by to read that post sometime soon. Thanks very much for stopping by. :)
• NJ, I'm so sorry you lost your mother at such at young age to such a horrible disease. You and your daughter should both be commended for sticking to your parts of the deal. I sure hope your daughter has the same success as her Mom. Smoking is best left behind. Congrats to both of you for getting healthier. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
• Thanks so much, Deb. I do believe you're right. Despite the time and distance, our friendship was pretty punch-on-the-arm sibling-like - which is perhaps one of the fondest parts of my memories. Thanks so much for the kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Thank you, Sandy. I found them irresistible. Thanks for the return visit. :)
• Thanks so much, Louise. I like cemeteries too. And I sure would have loved seeing those eyes again, too. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
• Thanks for the visit, Grayquill. :)
• Thanks very kindly, Sydney. Your caring words mean a lot to me. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks ever so much, Sandi. That a fine truth about friends. Your kind words, as always, are very much appreciated. :)
• MT, I hope you aren't finding this one too difficult to read - I'm quite hooked on these colours. I hope that enlarging the font that way can surely help when reading blogs. Thanks so much for the very kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Janine, thank you so much for all your very kind words. They mean a great deal to me. I'm so glad that your own scare of a cancer recurrence has proven to be negative. It's the very best news I've heard all week. Thanks very much for stopping by and sharing such kind thoughts. :)
• Hi, Rain. That must have been the same Even. I'm glad you remember hearing him. I'm sure glad that we connected when we did, too. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
• Peter, thanks so much for stopping by to comment. I'm so sorry for your sad loss of a close, dear friend and the hole he has left in your heart.. I thank you so much for your own lovely post about Evan and for the visit to my blog. :)
• Richard, thank you so much. I'm so glad that you liked this post and that it put a smile on your face. I'm so sorry that you lost your brother. My heart goes out to you and yours. Thank you very much for the visit. I so appreciate hearing from you. :)
• Sandy, you're so sweet to always come back for another look and comment. That's such a kindness. Thank you so much for always being so supportive. :)
Your tribute is lovely...bittersweet memories...
Your cemetery photos are wonderful. I love wandering around them.
I didn't see that coming, I guess. What a wonderful story, despite the sad ending. So glad you got to know him.
• Thanks, TSannie. I like visiting them too. Thank you for stopping by. :)
• Thanks so much, Kate. I sure am glad too. Thanks for the visit. :)
I saw it coming, yet I read on... because you always have such wonderful words to describe the moment (and yes, beautiful photographs, too).
Hilary, you are by far one of my favorite Bloggers not for just your photos, but for the type of person you are. Evan was fortunate to know you back in the day and you were blessed by knowing him. You can never go wrong when you have a geek as a friend.
• Thanks so much, KC. You're always so very kind. Much appreciated. :)
• Thank you so kindly, Cedar. Your sweet comment means so much to me. I agree about how blessed I am to have had this geeky friend. Many thanks. :)
It seems I'm a little late, but will add my comments anyway. My older brother was a close friend of Evan's in the 70's, and told me of his passing in late 2007, which was shocking given that our Dad outlived my brother's friend.
It's interesting hearing about his experiences from a different vantage point. Growing up, I recall hearing about the "bomb" event, though you added more detail than I ever knew before. I also remember Evan's affection for gadgetry including phone recording devices.
He used to play piano at our home, and he once invited me to get my guitar and jam with him for a few songs.
Upon visiting Montreal in 1995, and Peter at the CJAD studios, I learned that Evan was a contributor on the program, but did not run into him during that visit. Very unfortunate in retrospect.
Anyway, your comments are touching, and it was very nice to find a page dedicated to Evan.
Never too late to stop by, Les. I'm very glad that you did. I love that somebody else remembers the incident and that you also shared a love for music with Evan. I'm touched that you stopped by to share your memories. Thank you for that.
I remember Evan from public school. One of my first friends when I moved to Montreal. His parents were nice, especially his mother keeping us both well fed. I remember we set up a short wave radio in his room. And then there were the times he would try hypnotism on me. I was honoured to attend his Bar Mitzvah. I'm so sorry to now discover that he passed away, thank you for posting your memories.
Hi James. Thanks so much for sharing your own memories of Evan and his family. I still think of my old friend from time to time. And it's always with a smile. Thanks for stopping by.
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