October is the golden month.
Leaves change from deep greens to yellow, gold, orange and fiery red. It's the gold tones which bring magic to the days and enchantment as the sun sets at night. Please join me for a series of golden images taken around my home, Frank's area and up near the cottage. Sit down and I'll pour you a glass of golden mulled cider to keep the chill off.
On our way up to the cottage last week, I noticed this restored railroad caboose and quickly snapped a shot through my side window - hence the glassy appearance. (please click to enlarge)
There weren't too many moments of sunshine while we were away, but occasional snippets of sunlight illuminated the trees' autumn colours. Benny and I took advantage of the cold, but dry moments and walked for a while. Rain soon forced us to head back to the cottage. (please click to enlarge)
Back home, I discovered the last rose of the season had just bloomed on the bush in front of my house. It only produces flowers for two limited growth periods each year. In late June, I usually get about a half dozen blooms at one time, and then nothing again until September, when I often see one or two buds reappear on the plant. There was just this single, lovely rose this time. (please click to enlarge)
A walk around the park revealed autumn's presence. This stem of Ash leaves had fallen and was resting on the bough of a Pine tree. (please click to enlarge)
As the late day sun began to set, it gave life to the changing trees and their brilliant reflections. Hopeful ducks swam toward me, wondering if I might have some bread, but soon realized I had nothing but my camera in hand, and a sigh on my lips. (please click to enlarge)
At Frank's place, we took our usual walks along the creek. Life is very different there through the autumn months, since the spawning salmon attract ridiculous numbers of anglers from around southern Ontario. The shores of the creeks are crowded with people trying to get their hooks into one of these huge beasts - and not always in the most ethical way. (please click to enlarge)
The salmon leap up the ladder to return to their birthplace and die. As you can see by the carcasses in the background, many don't make it. In their exhausted state, if they land in the wrong area, they often lack the strength to return to the water to try again. Others just keep trying... (please click to enlarge)
This is roe - eggs which have spilled out of a female while she was dragged away from the water's edge. Sometimes the salmon are gutted simply to acquire the eggs (which work well as bait for trout fishing) and are left to die and rot on the shores of the creek. It's a disgusting practice - particularly since a few eggs can often be coaxed out of a live fish. The creature can be returned to the water to resume her journey, none the worse for wear. (please click to enlarge)
These wonderful flowers are in full bloom along the pathway. They seemed to just appear overnight, which is quite impossible because they've grown to a height of about ten feet. From what I could gather from Google, I believe they're called Sunroot, Sunchoke or Jerusalem Artichoke. Of course they're not really an artichoke nor are they from Jerusalem. (please click to enlarge)
Even the electric light which cast a warm, amber-toned glow on Frank's back deck provided us with yet another golden moment. (please click to enlarge)
Leaves change from deep greens to yellow, gold, orange and fiery red. It's the gold tones which bring magic to the days and enchantment as the sun sets at night. Please join me for a series of golden images taken around my home, Frank's area and up near the cottage. Sit down and I'll pour you a glass of golden mulled cider to keep the chill off.

A few of the several thousand salmon trying to make their way upstream this year.

I hope you enjoyed the tour of all things golden. More cider?
GORGEOUS pictures ... as are the captions that accompany them!
wonderful shots, great photos
The willow tree is exceptional! When enlarged the hungry ducks become apparent.
We humans have an enormous capacity for cruelty. Sad isn't it?
The salmon are finally starting to thin out. The pool below the dam only had about 30 fish today, though there's still at least a few more hundred in the rapids and pools below. Most of them are the really big fish which can't negotiate the ladder. I watched several spawning this morning in less-than ideal water because they knew they HAD to -- death was knocking.
I'm very pleased you showed the video. It can only add more admirers to the fan club of these incredible creatures.
Love the deck shot and you know how I feel about that willow.... :)
Your pictures really have quite a bit of emotional connectivity.
on a different note:
Salmon always remind me of talapia I saw a show "dirty jobs" etc? They said that the talapia fish lives purely by eatting the waste of salmon.
your tour is superb!!! i loved the picture of dusk!!
Oh how beautiful, glorious lights and shadows, terribly sad end to the salmon. It is indeed the circle of life in all these photos. Loved them. Jeanne
Lovely, lovely photos and the fish jumping and the beautiful lake with the yellow trees behind are out of this world.
Nuts in May
The photo of roe makes me sad; salmon deserve better!
John Denver's song "Golden Slumber" is running through my head right now, and yes, I'd love some golden mulled cider -- thank you! :)
Once again lovely photos. You made me sad to see our needless waste with the salmon. Your pics have such an artistic eye. The one that caught my eye was the golden leaves on the pine. Another great post.
very clever catch on gold, including the fish eggs! Sad to hear about the fish left struggling on shore for their eggs. Salmon always amaze me in their tenacious instinct to go home.
Beautiful, heart-warming and sad all in one post. Really liked the leaves on the spruce and the ducks making a V-line towards you.
Beautiful pics as always. sorry about those unethical fishermen. No compassion.
Those shots of the trees remind me of our stay in Canada.We arrive in October, glorious friezes of colour all along the St. Lawrence.
Thank you for picking up the baton passed on by David, and for giving me your first Post of the Week.
More cider would be lovely thank 'ee!
Those are awesome photos. Again! How sad that the fish die on the ledge and don't all get back home. Even sadder about how some treat them to get the eggs. You have captured the beauty and the tragedy of nature (and man) in here!
Thank you for your lovely comments at my place. You are very kind.
PS favourite photo is the willow. And the salmon jumping.
There was a long time in another life when I worked in the information arena for salmon hatchery folks...among others. I actually toured a few hatcheries. Love all of the photos...and was very intrigued by the roe that left evidence of a catch.
Wow those are big salmon. I've seen them spawning in the spring here in Napanee. The river would just be loaded with them. It's really quite amazing.
What a remarkable collection of amber inspired photos. Each one emitting a differing reaction or emotion. I admire the might salmon and dread the thought of careless, unscrupulous, border-line evil humans abusing such creatures.
As Mrs. Brice said of Fanny, "She possesses golden talents". As do you.
Beautiful post, as always, Cuz.
Love the salmon pics. Sad about the roe. I've seen them in an Alasakan stream struggling and dying.
Meanwhile, did you know Jerusalem aticokes have an edible root? It's nickname is the Canadian potato and they are suitable for diabetics, if memory serves.
Beautiful pictures, as usual.
I have a ton of the sunchokes growing outside my window.....apparently Samuel de Champlain took them back to France with him.....but they are supposed to cause a LOT of gas!!!
This is truly a 'golden' post. The rose with droplets of water is stunning, and loved the weeping willows hanging over the water. Thank you for sharing these!
Such lovely golden pictures.
Oh Hillary!
I enjoyed this post more than you can know. You have brought me some of the treasures that Hawaii lacks. Having lived here for so long, the October of the East, and of my youthful Ontario & New England rambles, seems a memory of heaven and a promise of a lovely autmnal trip....someday...
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
Beautiful pictures, for sure. But although I know bits and pieces of the reproductive methods used by salmon, still it was rather depressing to think about how so many of them can't make the trip to their "home" or get done in by people just wanting those salmon eggs. Gotta be a better way -for all concerned but how?
Favorites: the lone rose, the stem of ash, the LIGHT on the trees by the pond.
Most disturbing--the salmon, of course. Is that ladder meant as a sort of trap, so they're condemned if they do, and also if they don't?
You may have just put me off eating that fish for life. Such cruelty.
• Thanks very much Kelly. I'm glad you liked them. :)
• Thank you, Kazia. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks, TSannie. Yes, it's very sad. A lack of empathy is downright scary. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks muchly, Frank. I'm glad you're pleased with the post. I know fish are your territory so if you're pleased, I'm thrilled. ;) I'm glad the fish are thinning out.. which means in turn that the people will thin out as well. And you'll have your quiet walking spot back again. :)
• Thanks for the very kind comment, Tom. You know, this afternoon I was eating some of last night's left over talapia when I was reading your comment. It took me a moment to swallow the next bite. But I got over it pretty quickly. ;) Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks, Pranksy. I'm glad you could join me. :)
• Thanks kindly, Jeanne. I'm glad you liked the photos. Yes, it's a sad ending - at least to our eyes. Hopefully not to theirs. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Thanks very much, Maggie May. I'm glad you like them. Thanks always for stopping by. :)
• KC, I'm sorry the photo makes you feel sad. Perhaps an extra glass of cider will help. I know that song by the Beatles. I can't say I've ever head it by Denver though. Thanks always for the visit. :)
• Thanks very much for the kind words, Karen. I'm glad you like the photos, though I'm sorry that some of them made you feel sad. Thanks for dropping by. :)
• Thank you, MT. I'm glad you like the post. Yes, salmon and their tenacity are indeed admirable. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Thanks very kindly, Reb. I'm glad you saw and enjoyed all moods of this post. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks, Ellen. I'm glad you like them. And yes, I agree about your assessment of the fishermen. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Thank YOU, Moannie - my pleasure really. Your writing is always a treat. Do you come to Canada regularly in October? Or was that a one-time deal in years passed? I'd love to hear about your trip(s). Thanks for stopping by. :)
• More cider, Thumbelina? Geesh you've already had three glasses PLUS that toddy over at Frank's blog! Fine, just hand over your keys first. ;) Thanks very much for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the post as I always enjoy your visits. :)
• Tabor, A fish hatchery job would be interesting. I bet you learned a lot about them, eh? Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment. Always very much appreciated. :)
• NJ, the creek here was just loaded with them. It IS quite amazing to see so many fins and tails in motion all at the same time. I guess it would be pretty much the same in Napanee. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks kindly, Elizabeth. I appreciate your kind comments. I'm delighted that you got so much out of each photo. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Aww Cuzzie! Thanks so much for such a sweet comment. That means a lot to me. :)
• Thank you, Leah. You are a wealth of information. No, I had no idea about that. I should send Frank into the field with a shovel. I think we might have our Thanksgiving side dish. ;) Actually, in the spring, we do pick, cook and eat the fiddleheads which grow nearby - so why not these? Thanks always for stopping by. :)
• Thank you, Hilary. So farting Frenchmen are Champlain's fault? I'd better rethink my idea in the previous paragraph, eh? Thanks for the visit. :)
• Thanks very kindly, Bonnie. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. Your warm comments are much appreciated. :)
• Thanks very much, Nessa. :)
• Thank you, Cloudia. I'm so glad this post was a happy, nostalgic trip for you. I had no idea that you once lived in Ontario - and New England. I'd love to know where. I sure hope that you do have a return visit some not-too-distant autumn. :)
• Thank you, Jeni. The only part I know for sure, is that they don't need to be left to die in order to get their eggs. Like I mentioned in the post, they can be "milked" (as Frank tells me) and then held in the water to recover before they continue their swim upstream to spawn. I suppose it's a fact of salmon life that many won't make it. Sheer numbers along would dictate that, but I'm assuming that the vast majority do. Thanks for the visit. :)
• I'm glad you liked the photos, DS. The ladder is there to facilitate their swim upstream to spawn. It gets them through the dam so that they can continue their journey. The cruelty is in the folks who come out to fish for far more than they can or will eat, those who just want their eggs and will kill them for that - or just take too many, those who will snag fish rather than hook them properly and especially those who just let them die slowly on shore once they're caught (rather than a quick kill). Among those, there are many anglers who are very respectful of the animals they fish. Frank is tops in that regard, but he steers clear of the salmon run. Thanks for dropping by and checking it out. :)
Finally I got to the bottom so I could make a comment - Gee I am feeling a bit like one of those salmon.
Your pictures are amazing. I am impressed - again. Thanks for sharing.
You have a real great eye for the right shot at the right tim.
Good job.
Your pictures are amazing. I really like the last photo of the deck.
I'm still trying to figure out why the fish keep trying to jump up to go upstream. The video was cool to watch and of course, gotta love the Tom Petty song.
What makes people want to be so unethical and just plain cruel and stupid? Ugh!
Hilary, this is another great post.
The older I get, the more I start to appreciate the beauty of the the autumn colours and all that is significant of the fall season.
Your pictures speak volumes of its beauty. I feel sorry for the salmon though, but I guess that is nature in a nutshell; beautiful but without mercy.
Amazing shots all !!!
Beautiful :)
Bah! Rumbled!
*handing over keys*
*looks sheepishly*
can I borrow your sofa? *hic*
Hilary, you've struck gold...again!
Gorgeous ..
and I am sick about what is done to those fish ..
Fantastic shots !! Great place !! Rose is looking fantastic !!Unseen Rajasthan
The colours are sublime this time of year, as your photographs show so clearly!
Beatufil photos! Thank you so much for sharing your golden moments with us!
I loved the tour; thanks for inviting me to join you. The photos are, as usual, excellent. The one that took my breath away was the lake, trees, reflections and ducks! Looks like a Constable painting, only better!
Wishing you a wonderful Autumn!
Just beautiful. Except for the salmon murderers. So sad what mankind does....hardly 'kind' at all.
Wow, what a shoot. I think the pond picture is certainly worthy of a wall and enlargement. I feel so sorry for the salmon. I wish I could help them, don't you? They seem to be working so hard. And may every fisherman that kills them just for their eggs reap the karma from that act!
One day you will publish a pictorial vision of the beautiful country you live in.
Like you, I am inspired by many facets of Canada. I have visited at several times of the year, including October and it is a captivating country.
Great salmon shots, Hilary.
Love the picture with the trees and the pond. Interesting info on the roe, did not know that. :O)
I love those salmon swimming upstream. Heard about it all my life, but never seen it before. Kinda wild.
Wonderful wonderful shots, Hilary! Love them all! :)
Hello Hilary, beautiful collection of 'golden' photos. Lovely golden trees and mysterious sunset. Sad event for the Salmon. The photos looks so much better when I enlarged it! Amazing shots! You did a good documentation on the salmon!
Have not visited in some time, but I'm always so happy when I do. Happy October to you!
As usual I am just blown away by the photos that you have arranged for us...they are all so lovely it's hard for me to say that the rose is my favorite...is it me or is the last rose of summer always the most glorious?
Thanks for sharing these golden moments of autumn deliciousness!
I love the last photo of the deck! Great shot! As I was reading this: "Rain soon forced us to head back to the cottage." I thought, "no I didn't!!!", lol...I have to re-read things sometimes with my name, lol!
What a different life I'm living in Virginia! I so appreciate the stories and pictures from other places. The entire post told a story that incorporated beauty, information, and sadness. Thanks for sharing it.
*Passes the chocolate*
It's so strange, having chocolate again. Almost underwhelming and...yeah :) I think it will be a "sometimes" food, just because of the effects of not having any...*sigh*!
Having enjoyed your images, I am going to warm some cider and reflect on what you have shown and written. Anglers who are exploitative make me sick. That was very upsetting to read. The autumn images are wonderful and warm and lovely.
• Grayquill, thanks very much for the very kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos and really pleased that you managed to swim your way to the bottom of the comment window. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks very kindly, JarieLyn. The salmon swim upstream to spawn. They return to their native streams to do so. A quick Google search came up with this page (among many) which explains it. Thanks always for the visit. :)
• Thanks, Protege. I'm with you on feeling more appreciative as we get older. It's a good thing. Thanks for dropping by, friend. :)
• Thank you, Anya. Much appreciated. :)
• Anytime, Thumbelina. I'll get you a blanket... and an aspirin for morning. ;)
• Thank you, Angie. I'm glad you approve. :)
• Thanks, Daryl. You're sure not alone in that feeling. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Thanks very much for the kind words, Unseen Raj. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks very much, PT&E. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Welcome, Lisa and thanks kindly. I'm so glad you think so. Please come back soon. :)
• Thank you so much, Pat. Your kind comment made my day. I'm glad the photo pleases you. You're of course welcome to join me on my walks any and every time. Thanks for joining me. :)
• So true, MPM. It's pretty ugly sometimes. Thanks though, for the kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks very much, Nancy. I'm glad you like that photo. You do have to wonder what some people are thinking sometimes.. or perhaps not thinking. Thanks very much for stopping by. :)
• David, it's great to see you stop by for a visit. Thank you for all of your encouragement and for your always-kind words. They're very much appreciated. :)
• Thank you, Diane. I'm glad you like the post and learned something new. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Clowncar, I'd never seen it before the last couple of years either. It's pretty amazing to watch. Thank for stopping by. :)
• Thanks, Andrea. I'm glad you do. Much appreciated. :)
• Welcome, Tes and thanks so much for your kind comments. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post and sure hope I'll see you back again before too long. :)
• Thank you, UmmFarouq. I'm always happy to see you stop by too. I hope you're enjoying the season too. :)
• Thank you so much, Sandi. I think you're right about it being the last rose which makes it so special - that last, lingering touch of summer. How could it not appeal to most of us? Thanks for your incredibly kind words. :)
• Thank YOU, LadyFi. Your visit and kind words are much appreciated. :)
• That's too funny, Rain. I always knew you were a pushy broad! ;) Thanks for the kind words, my friend. :)
• Thank you very kindly for you generous comment, Anita. I'm so glad you enjoyed this post. That means a lot to me. :)
• Thanks for you the chocolate, Althea. ;)
• Thank for the kind comments, Sandy but I'm sorry the fishy part of the post upset you. Warmed cider sounds like a good accompaniment for warm reflection. Thanks always for your visits. They mean a lot to me. :)
Just rediscovered your blog....
FABULOUS images!
Beautiful pics. And yes, I'd like some more cider, please!
I did not know the story of the salmon. How awful. Those poor creatures to be abused this way. What's wrong with people?
Over from Meredith's place. She speaks highly of you, and I can see why. Wonderful photography! I love the cabboose and the deck and...
Amazing shots here, especially the leaping salmon and the beautiful rose, my favourite flower. Thanks for sharing.
CJ xx
Well chosen theme - Autumn Gold.
The salmon eggs, I am seeing something like that for the first time.
What a lovely golden journey! I came for a visit, and ended up following!
As always, your photos are gorgeous, a wonderful view of your world. Thank you for visiting my 55, and leaving me a comment. :)
• Welcome back, SD and thanks for the kind words. I hope you'll return often and soon. :)
• Thank you, Wendy. People aren't always at their best when they see a lot of something that they want. Simple and sad but true. Here, have still more cider and take a look at the next set of photos instead. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Welcome, and thanks very much, GOAW. I'm touched by Meredith's and your kind words. Thank you very kindly. :)
• Thanks very kindly, CJ. I'm glad you liked the photos. That means a lot to me. :)
• Thank you, Indrani. It was an eye-opening first for me too. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Thanks so much, EthelMae. I'm so glad you did. :)
• Thanks kindly, Eaton. Very much appreciated. :)
Hilary -- You were meant to write (and photograph!). What a wonderful artistic eye and literate mind you have. Your posts never seem thoughtless, or haphazardly thrown together. They always have beauty and worth. You are blogging at its best!
And when I see how many comments you get it makes me happy because it tells me that many others appreciate you too!
Oh, oh. I just read Tom Bailey's comment about Tilapia eating only the waste of Salmon. Yikes! More info than I needed. I loved tilapia -- up until now!!
I have had the window with this post open so long, you would think that I have fallen asleep over it while instead I enjoyed looking at your September Gold so much! I was thinking about doing an October Gold about Vienna, but have had so little time lately to do any post which necessitates me looking through several weeks of photos. So, there is yours to linger over, a very fine way to muse over autumn's colours!
• Sandra, thank you so much for such kind, thoughtful words. They mean so much to me when they come from you, my friend. I'm late in replying to these comments, and it's still early morning, but believe me, you've made my day. :) Thank you! And yes, I still love Tilapia (I was eating some at the time Tom's comment came in!) and mushrooms (and we know how they're grown) and other stuff that sounds like it should be bad but is good. ;)
• Thanks so kindly, Merisi. I'm at the point where I have more photos than time too. A little bit of organization would help. I need a secretary! OK, maybe not. Thank truly for such kind words. :)
The way people treat the salmon disgusts me. My daughter (8) would FLIP. OUT.
On a brighter note, the pictures are lovely, but the one with the golden trees, including a weeping willlow, in front of water... could stare at that for days... and days.
Louise, please don't let your daughter know about the post. I wouldn't want it upsetting her. Thanks for your kind words about the photo. Very much appreciated. I did in fact have a hard time walking away from it before the sun moved on. :)
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