On September 25, our dear bloggie friend David McMahon of Authorblog said his goodbyes to blogging - at least for now. David is taking the time to concentrate on writing his novels.
Along with more than two hundred others, I wished him luck and thanked him for bringing so many bloggers together with his Post of the Day - daily postings which pointed out blogs he felt were share-worthy. If it weren't for David, I would not know many of my favourite bloggers whom I enjoy visiting regularly. I also see numerous familiar faces around the blogopshere consistently landing on the many blogs which he has recommended.
In my comment to David, I semi-jokingly suggested that I might consider perpetuating his Post of the Day. To that, David gave me his blessing. You are acquainted with me well enough to know that I don't post anywhere near daily but I do come across many fine blog posts over the course of the week, so I've decided to venture into doing a "Posts of the Week" instead. I hope you'll come to know a few new blogs by clicking on the links which I'll suggest. Also, keeping true to David's method, I'd like you to feel free to mention and link to your own favourites in the comments section of my POTW - if you wish.
I'll try to make a point of publishing the POTW each Wednesday but hope you'll all understand if I'm not always quite as organized as our friend, David. He has left mighty big shoes to fill. Speaking of which, David also had a semi-regular post called Sunday Roast in which he would shine a spotlight on, and interview fellow bloggers. It's my understanding that a blogger named Eddie Bluelights is taking over that task at his blog Clouds and Silvery Linings. If you're a fan of Sunday Roasts, please make sure you visit Eddie where he'll resume these interviews beginning this Sunday, October 11. And please check out his sidebar where he has placed a permanent feature showing the "ROLL OF HONOUR" of all previous and current roast interviewees which will be updated weekly.
And with that, I offer you my first "Posts Of the Week". Please be sure to click on the links and give them all a visit. You'll be glad you did. I'll have a regular photo-laden post for you in a day or two.
This week's winner is Moannie at The View From This End with her touching post I'm So Sorry.
In no particular order, other top posts are:
Tabor from Room Without Walls
Rain from Island Sunsets
Protege from Life Through Reflections...
Sandra from Add Humor and Faith... Mix Well
Erin from Woman in a Window
Cloudia from Comfort Spiral
Meredith Teagarden from The Things We Carried
Merisi from Merisi's Vienna for Beginners
Sandy from Writing in Faith
If time permits, please click on the links and leave them a comment.
Hilary, I am so pleased to make your acquaintance. I have seen you many times in blogland making comments to many, many posts.
What a wonderful idea to make it Post of the Week, Hilary.
I am delighted you have picked up this very popular baton. Post of the week gives you far more time to scrutinise the field and I am over the moon you have agreed to do it and with David's blessing as well - wonderful. This whole idea is great encouragement to everyone, particularly the new bloggers, who really need encouragement to get started. Without David's POTD I might have given up blogging in my earlier days.
As for the Weekly Roast I am delighted with the interest people are showing and I look forward to the first roast on 11 October.
Hilary, I shall put something appropriate on my blog to direct people to you to help you get this very worthy show on the road ~ Eddie
Nice you're taking over for David. I didn't visit his blog very often, but was always amazed at the amount of work he ALWAYS put into it. I can certainly see why he'd have to give it up to concentrate on writing.
I'm so glad someone picked it up. Thank you Hilary.
Clever lady, what a great idea! I shall really enjoy checking these out.
Hilary, I have the greatest respect for your good tastes so I will definitely check out these new-to-me blogs/posts.
Well, blushing modestly, I do not know what to say...thanks. Your blog is always one of my favs.
Hilary......... that is BRILLIANT news I am so pleased!
Well done.
I will look up the others later tonight. some of them I have already read.
Nuts in May
Hilary! Thank you soooo much :)! I was shocked to see me here. You made my day! Now to visit the picks!
I am really glad to see you are doing this as I know you are an avid visitor to many blogs, and I love your writing/blog style.
You have some great bloggers that you follow. This is a great idea.
Ah, Hilary, first of all thank you for the nomination. I feel very honoured and touched...
Secondly, even though David was one in a million, if anyone should take over, you would be the absolute most suitable replacement.;) Having won and been nominated numerous times yourself.;)
I am looking forward to get acquainted with all the many talented people out there.;)
Great idea. I'll have to check them out. Thanks Hilary for stepping into the information highway breech.
Thank you Hilary! That was really nice of you to think of lil' ol' me as a post of the week gal!!!
It is wonderful that you are carrying on David's idea.
Hi Hillary, nice to meet you. Will look forward to coming here often to get to know you better and to meet other kindred souls. Cheers!
Brilliant idea! I've come over from Meredith's site, nice to finally visit you as I've seen your comments about the place, I'm a Hilary too (secretly) - I hope this works out for you as it's such a wonderful thing to do.
Take care,
Pink :-)
Thank you, friend. I'm honored!
This is great! I so loved David's blog and this will help fill the void! :)
Oops, sorry I spelt your name wrong earlier, Hilary.
Cool. I'm gonna have to check these out.
• So nice to meet you too, Eddie and thank you very kindly for all of your supportive comments. I know folks will make their way over to your place for the Sunday Roast. I trust it will be every bit as tasty as David's has always been. Thanks also for the linkage. I have done likewise on my "Blogs I Enjoy" sidebar. :)
• Thanks for the visit, TSannie. I agree - David has put an incredible amount of work into his blog over the course of any given day. I can't imagine keeping up with his pace - hence Post of the Week and not Day. Thanks for stopping by. It's good to see you. :)
• Thanks for the support, Ellen. :)
• Thank you, Reasons. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks so much, KC. Your support and always-kind words mean a lot to me. :)
• Thank you, Tabor. Clearly that feeling is mutual. :)
• Thanks so much, Maggie May. I'm glad you approve. :)
• Thank you SO much, MT. Your kindness means a lot to me. I can't thank you enough for creating a blog post just for this POTW. You're a gem! :)
• Thanks very much, Tom. Much appreciated. :)
• Thank you so much, Protege. I'm touched that you feel that way. Your support means very much to me, my friend. Thanks always for that. :)
• Thanks very much, Steviewren. I'm glad you like the idea. Much appreciated. :)
• Rain, how could I not think of you.. gorgeous photos and oodles of enthusiasm. You're a given. :)
• Welcome, Nessa and thanks for the support. I'm glad you approve. :)
• Welcome, Sujatha and thanks for the very kind words. I hope you'll enjoy the posts.. I'm sure you will. Thanks for the support. :)
• Thanks, Daryl. :)
• Welcome, Pink and thanks so much for the supportive comments. You're the third person I've met online now who shares my name. Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Thank YOU, Sandra. :)
• Welcome, Carol and thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you approve. :)
• No problem, Sujatha. :)
• Glad to hear it, Travis. I'm sure you'll enjoy these posts. Thanks for stopping by. :)
Great! I loved potd, thrilled that Eddie took over the roasts and now to find potw here is excellent. Will spread the word at my little place as well!
Congratulations to this weeks choices! Well done!
So glad to hear you'll be doing this! (Found my way here through M. Teagarden's blog!).
Thank you, for taking the time to do this and continuing this. I will try and find time to come back and look. Some posts I have seen already. Right now in the YUK (as some refer to it and judging by the recent weather I would agree) it is 1am and so I am not venturing into other blogs right now but just came to say "Thank you" and "well done" for filling those very big shoes of David's.
I cannot think of anyone who could do it better than you.
Thanks for doing this, Hillary. You are a real blogger friend for carryign on this fine tradition. I am very honored to be in this list. I have read some of the posts you have here, which just goes to show that what you said is so very true. I will visit the others.
Mahalo, Hillary! I love coming here....glad you enjoy my posts and leave your interesting comments.
Aloha, Friend!
Comfort Spiral
Oh, goody! More new places to bookmark!Moannie was a wonderful choice, and I know one or two of the others--now to the rest. You are a most gutsy woman; I salute you.
how very cool. i always loved POTD over at David's and met so many great bloggers. Glad to see you carrying the torch. congrats to the winner and runner ups. off to read.
I'm so glad you're taking the baton for Posts Of The Week! But it is sad to see David go. He will be sorely missed.
I'm so happy to have stumbled uopn you today. I, too, have found many blogs I love from David's POTD. I'm bookmarking you and will check out some of your recommendations.
What a wonderful double surprise, thank you, Hilary!
I found out because of fellow bloggers who commented about the mention on my blog.
I have not only been extremely busy lately, but have also problems with my photo archive. I load pictures down and they disappear as fast as the older ones have. I have to learn so much about my new laptop, but so little time, last night I was thinking about giving up my blog. Therefore, an extra thanks for your encouragement, to keep me going!
So sad to see him go, but I know he'll get tons of novel writing done. And congratulations on Post of the Day. You're the perfect one to continue the tradition. You go girl!
Oh my gosh! Hilary. I had no idea till I checked my comments. This is just so marvellous and could not have happened at a better time.
I have been mourning the loss of David, and I do not mean to sound dramatic but I can think of no other reason for my state of mind;he seemed to be the glue that held us all together. My goal in blogland has always been to please, to entertain, amuse occasionally and to be me, open to brickbats and praise, and David was always the first post I read every day. Without his encouragement, his punny verses, roasts and POTD things went a bit flat and I lost my mojo. Now the baton has been gathered up and I wish you great joy-because it is a huge thing to search out new faces for us all.
I used to call David my Sir Knight of the Blogging Quest...so thank you Dame Hilary for this honour and for relighting the touch paper to send me soaring again.
What a wonderful blog you have!! Love the idea of POTW. I can't wait to read more and check out these new blogs!
Having just recently discovered David and Authorblog, I was sad to see it go and now am very pleased to have now discovered you. Congratulations on your new venture!
Hilary, it seems you have taken on quite the task but from my first time spent here viewing over your words and thoughts it looks like you will do just fine.
I will have a go at the picks you have suggested and continue browsing through your enjoyable blog.
Soon again
David certainly left big shoes to fill. He was magnificent.
Congratulations and best wishes on 'inheriting' POTD (now POTW.) You're a lovely person, of course, and should do it proud.
How exciting!! I can't wait to read the Posts of the Week!!
• Welcome, Breeze and thanks very much for the kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Welcome, Kelly. I'm glad you found your way over here. And I'm always glad for Meredith. Thank you both! :)
• Thank you SO much, Thumbelina. You are so kind to create a blog post to direct folks this way. Your generous nature never fails to please. Thank you, friend. :)
• Thanks very much, Sandy. I'm glad you approve of my taking this on. Your posts are always entertaining - no doubt we'll see them here often. :)
• Thanks, Cloudia. Much appreciated. :)
• Thank you so much, DS. You're too sweet. :)
• Thank you, Brian. I'm pleased that you approve of this endeavor. I hope you'll continue to connect with many new bloggers over time. :)
• Agreed, Steph. David leaves a big void out here in the Blogosphere. I sure hope he'll return to blogging one day. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Welcome, PHST and thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll enjoy the posts.. I'm sure you will. :)
• Thanks so much, Merisi. I'm sorry to hear that you're having computer woes. I hope you get them sorted out soon because to give up your beautiful blog would be a heartbreaker. Sending good photo vibes your way.. with each click of the shutter. :)
• Thanks for the support, Kappa. Much appreciated. :)
• Moannie, you are SO sweet. Your comment really touches me deeply. I think you're one of the absolute best out here in the blogosphere and I hope others continue to discover your blog. I'm sorry you're having such a hard go of David's goodbye to blogging. You're right about his being the glue for so many. I suspect that about 75% of the blogs I visit are through him. I'm thrilled to have found yours and many other through his POTD. He's a tall man and has left behind HUGE shoes to fill. I sure hope I don't trip all over them. :) I'm glad this post, and my selection of your own has cheered you, Moannie. Your telling me so is a fine gift. Thank you for that. :)
• Welcome, Colleen and thank for the kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks kindly, Margo. I hope you'll enjoy your visits. :)
• Welcome, Gary and thanks very much for the kind words. You're not kidding about taking on quite a task.. I'm beginning to.. continuing to doubt my sanity. ;) Thanks for the supportive words. :)
• Thank you, Suldog. David is indeed magnificent and those shoes are mighty large. Thanks for your always-kind words. They mean so much to me. :)
• Thanks, Cheffie. I'm sure you'll love them. :)
nice photos and writing!
Thank you so much for doing this! David is a wonderful blogger/writer, and I will miss his posts. But I am so glad you are taking this on! Going to go visit all these wonderful folks;)
• Thanks, Jeremy. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks so kindly, MPM. I really appreciate your enthusiasm. :)
Wow, I've never seen so many comments on a blog before. It sounds like you will be very busy. I like this idea and I will definitely check out the blogs that you have put links to.
I like how you did the photo. It's very cool.
Happy hopping! : )
Hillary, so this is where the POTD lives now. It has a wonderful new home. And thank you. It was a surprise, to be sure, especially with this post.
Thanks again, Hillary.
How wonderful that you have acted upon that which was only an intangible thought over at mine....so you picked up the gauntlet..brave ole you!!
look forward to hearing abut your posts of the weeks...are you taking nominations as we read them as David did???
Yeah and Mum/moannie got a mention in your first week, yeah Ma!!
We must be on similar wavelengths, to have the same urge to share the creativity we find in the blog world.
It's like I always say, there is no random in random. We are all part of the same great spirit!
I'm so glad to meet you. I bet we will be meeting lots of new bloggers through our followers.
xo ~ Elise
What a wonderful writer you've chosen as your first winner, Hilary.
And I see familiar names on this list. Will try and visit them all.
It was a VERY tough call to concentrate on my novels and give away blogging, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting POTW .....
Great idea!
I am so happy to see that you are continuing David's work.
He passed the baton to me to continue on with his punny news bits and I've posted two already in the past couple of weeks. I have to get into the routine. I have full time grad school so I can't do them daily.
• Thanks very much, JarieLyn. I'm glad you'll be visiting these great bloggers. You'll not regret it. Thanks for your always-kind words. :)
• My pleasure, WIAW. You blog is one worth sharing with many. Thanks very much for stopping by. :)
• Thanks very much, FF&F. Brave ole me or crazy ole me - I'm not sure which. Probably just ole me. ;) Thanks for the kind words. And sure, as mentioned in this post, please feel free to list your own choice(s) for a favourite post which you've read recently. Hopefully folks will read the comments and click on more posts from there. Thanks for the support.. and for sharing your beautiful Ma! :)
• Nice to meet you too, OMG Elsie. I'm glad to know that you too will be offering up weekly picks. The more, the merrier. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thank you so much, David. I'm glad you've entrusted me with my watered down version of your POTD. I sure do understand how blogging took up too much of your writing time - particularly with how prolific you were with those multiple daily posts. I don't know how you did it.. but I'm sure glad you did, and hope that you will again one day. Until then, I'm sure we'll have your wonderful book(s) to read soon. Thanks for the support, David. :)
• Thank you, LadyFi. :)
• Thanks, Pouty. That's wonderful that you decided to go with the punny news bits. I sure do understand not being able to post them with the same frequency. I truly don't know how David blogged as much as he did. I'm glad that you're helping to reconstruct. :)
When I read Maggie's post to tell us about your new venture I was so thrilled. David's potd was something I always looked forward to as it also gave me new opportunities to make new blogging friends. What a fantastic idea, and very generous one, that you have decided to take over this role. I look forward to your weekly post recommendations and hopefully to seeking new friends.
CJ xx
I came back to read your choices, Hilary and they were all so good and most were new to me. Keep up the good work...and three cheers.
The things we carried- was heart-breakingly good.
• CJ thanks so much for the kind and encouraging words. I hope you'll enjoy the choices I make each week. Thanks for your support. :)
• Thank you very much, Moannie. It pleases me to know that you have enjoyed them. Was The Things We Carried a new blog to you? If so, I know that you and Meredith will be huge fans of one another. You're both such accomplished wordsmiths. Thanks for returning to tell me this. That means a lot to me. :)
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