Birds of a Feather
All images were shot around my beautiful park pond, just a few steps from my front door. Come walk with me, will you?
On this very hot day, three Mallards took shelter in the brush of an old fallen tree. The dappled sunlight danced on their moulting feathers.
This young robin was singing a cheery song. I interpreted its music as "Come take my picture!"
A pretty female cardinal hopped along the path, close enough to wander into camera range. There's a family or two of those residing at our park.
Like most bodies of water, ours has the ubiquitous sea gull. This one was just shooed off by the newcomers to our lake...
The Caspian tern. There's a family of them which we've seen daily for the past few weeks. The parents seem to be teaching the young to fish. They're a noisy lot, and very difficult for me to capture in flight.
But I did. Hopefully it won't be the best shot I'll ever get but for now, I wanted to share this elegant, streamlined bird.
This feather was floating in the water close to the dock - just not close enough to reach. It might belong to a gull or a tern.
Along with gulls and terns, we have several species of fishing birds. Among them, is this magnificent beauty - the Great Blue heron. He's a regular visitor each spring through autumn.
Earlier in the week I was gifted with seeing two of them in flight together. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a really clear shot of them but I was so thrilled about seeing the pair, that I wanted to share anyway.
This is a related bird - smaller but every bit as lovely. He's the Green heron. I've only seen him once before at this pond but this year, he's a regular visitor.
Another fishing bird is the beautiful Belted Kingfisher. You can hear his rattle-like cry which announces his presence.I suppose the fishing is decent at our little pond. This is a relief to know after last spring's infuriating oil spill which killed a few of our beautiful Canada geese. It's been wonderful to see life thriving at my little oasis. Thanks for joining me on my walk.
This was a scheduled post. If all goes according to plans, we're probably back up at the cottage for a few days. I'll be around to read comments and catch up with your blog posts shortly after I return.
Beautiful images Hilary! I love the ducks in a row...the colors are magnificent!!
I am always amazed, when a picture is taken of a bird (close up) at their coloring. So intricate and varied! What wonderful hands painted them?
Beautiful, I've never seen a Kingfisher. I love the "up-do" she has.
Thanks for taking us on this walk with you.
It isn't easy to photograph birds.
I'm trying. :)
Thanks, Hilary. I've never seen some of these birds so your post was more of a treat than usual.
Wonderful photos but more wonderful photography!
What wonderful pictures! Makes my batch from my front porch look pretty lame. I love the diversity of birds you have, and your ability to capture them with your camera makes me want to try harder!!
Hilary! Do let us know when you publish your coffee table book or a calendar!!! That first shot should be on one of the covers. Just beautiful.
Aren't you lucky living so close to the pond and all those interesting birds. I love the first pic... getting all your ducks in a row, as they say.
I hope you're having a great time at the cottage. I'm at home, suffering from a nasty head and chest cold... atishoo!... and there's nothing worse that having a bad cold when it's so hot and humid!
Just gorgeous. And, forgive me for this, but, I think you have all your ducks in a row now;)
Sitting ducks?
Amazing how many fabulous feathered friendships you've fostered
Love the bird pics, especially the herons.
nature has such wonderful artistry...and you capture her brushstrokes well hillary...i am with the colors and pairings...thanks for taking us on that walk...
Thanks for this walk. It was great! Birds are just amazing aren't they?
Thanks for setting up this lovely post. The three mallards must be professional models all lined up in a row posing just right. The herons in flight is a great picture. I just can't get over how blessed you are to live right by all this beauty.
Thanks for the nice walk through the park. Those are some lovely birds.
You've captured several types of birds on film that I've never seen before. I enjoyed birdwatching along with you. Thanks.
Stunning as always!
Gorgeous! I love the great blue heron and the Caspian tern standing on a rock, although each and every one is magnificent. You always amaze me with your ability to capture birds in flight!
The robin certainly did seem to be posing, quite handsomely. Thank you for the tour.
Your art lives up to these magnificent creatures! WoW
Aloha from Honolulu :)
Comfort Spiral
I have always loved Mallard ducks. So sweet. Have fun at the cottage. Relax.
Gotta love the birds!
I loved my walk around with you. The duck photo is neat, all brown except for the yellow beaked one. And to catch that fast bird in the air, you are sooo good!
Hello Hilary thank you for your comment the other day. I've enjoyed my walk with you around your pond meeting your feathered ones, those Mallards are stunning*!*
Lovely mallards, all in a row. Through this blog, I'm learning to identify all kinds of wildlife. Thank you.
Oh Hilary such beautiful photo's. Wow! Thank you for taking me on a walk with you...and I didn't even have to get hot! :) I hope that you and yours are away enjoying life at the cotage. Bless you. XX
What an amazing place - LOVE that female cardinal - what a cutie pie she is!!
Love them all, but the top one is my favorite; ducks on a row, sitting and posing for the photographer.;))
As always, I love to see what captures your interest.;)
beautiful shots
The first picture is my favorite :)
Beautiful. I so envy your photographic skills.
You are truly fortunate to live in a place where you have such a variety of bird life. And for the birds to stand (or fly) still long enough to be able to capture them.
Such a beautiful place. I imagine it's very peaceful there. And the variety of birds-- Wow, I'm looking out my window and at the moment all I see are crows. A LOT of crows.
Hope your time away is grand.
Some beautiful bird images; your robin and gull are quite different to what we know in Britain...
Just lovely. You always broaden my horizon. :)
I so love taking walks with you! Really interesting birds; had never seen those terns before--they are striking. And those regal herons. Thank you.
Oh. my. goodness. Each photo is a delightful work of art! Enjoy the cottage!
Another wonderful selection of bird shots again Hilary, with great captions. Thanks for these. - Dave
How lucky to have all these right at your door step! Beautiful captures all.
I LOVE terns. They're so beautiful and such graceful fliers. I spent a summer off the coast of Norway watching them.
Beautiful photos as always - my awe of your photography driven by the fact that I can never seem to get my photos to come out as awesome as yours.
I feel like I was walking right along with you. How blessed you are with so much wildlife (and such a variety of birds) so close by. :)
Beautiful shots of a wide variety of birds. Strange the herons look so awkward on land but so majestic in the air - a miracle of aerodynamics.
Great to visit again ~ Eddie
These are spectacular shots. I think you've done a wonderful job of capturing the birds in flight. It's not an easy thing. Photographing birds while they fly takes patience and timing.
Thanks everyone, for such kind comments. I'd love to do my usual one to one responses but time just won't allow for that right now. Please know that I so appreciate your visits and kind words.
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