I'm having a fun, busy summer which keeps me away from an internet connection 85% of the time. This gives me little-to-no time to prepare posts, reply to comments and visit your wonderful blogs. It also gives me no real time for preparing the Posts of the Week.
I will get back to my usual blogging schedule eventually but for now, I'm spending a lot of time with Frank up at his cottage and I'll soon have the opportunity to spend some time with my older son, whom I've not seen since early summer.
In the meantime, if you're craving some new blogs to read, please check out Jillsy who has begun her own Thursday posts of the week which she calls Blog Hop. If it's photos you're here to see, I'm hoping to schedule a few light posts of a couple of images each for the next little while.
I will get back to my usual routine of posting, responding to comments and of visiting your blogs once cottage season has settled down again. Until then, I hope you'll understand my semi-absence.
Below are a couple of photos which I hope you'll enjoy. See you in a scheduled post soon.

the seasons of our lives change with or in spite or faster than the yearly ones it seems.
enjoy the last of summer's glory while you can.
hilary...enjoy life...some back and tell us all about it...smiles.
see you soon!
I'll be here when you get back, and I always enjoy your pictures and learn something from them. Love the purple on black.
'never to apologize for real life getting in the way..' I like that. Those lures are works of art!
By all means, enjoy the rest of the summer. Plus, you'll have some lovely memories of spending time at Frank's cabin that will carry you through the cold old winter that is almost upon us! Luv both photos, too, Hilary.
I can wait.
This makes me so happy to read that you are so busy having fun and living life to be blogging. Your friend Daryl is very wise. :) Enjoy the time with your son. :)
You certainly don't have to apologize when it comes to having fun! Thanks for the link-up! Brian has already stopped by. I have decided to open up the Blog Hop to more than just Thursdays, since several people have mentioned that Thursdays are a bad day for them. I'll continue on Thursdays with my selections, and of course the more the merrier, but when it comes to reading great posts and meeting new bloggers, it doesn't matter which day of the week it is!
Enjoy the cottage!
Enjoy summer to the fullest! :-)
I give good advice ... and I love the lures, I know I would have taken a lot of shots of them ... and now I am off to thank Jillsy for picking up the mantle .. enjoy yourself!!!!!!!!
Hilary--Wishing the the best of times! Always a pleasure when I see a new post from you.
Love the pictures!
Where I live, we have two seasons, wet and hurricane. You live where there is just winter and road repair, or in your particular case, winter and cottage.
Enjoy "cottage season" while it lasts, and we will enjoy the resulting pictures all through winter. Or wet, as we call it.
Glad you are enjoying yourself!!
Participating in your REAL life takes precedence. Always. I for one am glad you are doing just that. Enjoy yourself.
What kind of zoom do you have that you can capture that clear an image "from across the way"?!
Have fun, relax, enjoy the simple pleasures of Frank's cottage. And takes LOTS of pictures - I always adore seeing life through your eyes.
Oh yes! Real life MUST come first, but we will be here, waiting.
Have a lovely time.
It's summer. Life has captured all of us in it's joy. I too post little. Ah well.....nothing preprepared here.
Enjoy the glory of summer. There is so little time left.
Summer is meant to be enjoyed, not attached to a computer. Good for you!
And holy moly! That flower shot is GORGEOUS!
Colourful lures are most eye-pleasing. That flow pic is amazing.
Enjoy your summer, and thanks for sharing so many stories and photos!
I'm sure when the time is right we're in for some wonderful new stories and images from a time well spent. Best regards to you and Frank!
Jolly Summer fun. enjoy!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki :)
Comfort Spiral
Enjoy your break and time away Hilary. Look forward to your return later - Dave
Enjoy yourself!!! You are where you are supposed to be!!
Wonderful photos
I'm glad you are having a fun summer. It's been the best one in a few years. It results in the most beautiful pictures coming out of your camera.
Hilary, no apologies necessary!
The macro and the colorful lures make me smile.
Enjoy your summer!
Thank you, everyone for such kind comments. They're so appreciated. :)
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