2 - An elephant or American buffalo charging.
3 - A cartoon dog wearing a bandit's mask.
What do you see?
If you enjoyed looking for images in the photo above, you'll love Jillsy Girl's post Things That Go Bump in the Night listed below.

The icon to the left here is yours for the taking if your blog post has been named as a Post of the Week - either as top post or as a runner up, today or in past weeks.
Without further delay, this week's top post is a tie between:
Things I Have Learned This Week
by June
at Aging Gratefully
by Pauline
at Writing Down the Words
by June
at Aging Gratefully
by Pauline
at Writing Down the Words
by Joanna
at The Fifty Factor
Summer Days
by EthelMaePotter
at The Adventures of Fred and Ethel
The Unexpected Package
by Susie
at A Slice of My Life
A B.. C
by Saz
at Fab, Fiesty & Fifty
Photo Finish Friday
by Reb
at Sibu Pegasus Power
Creatile Dysfunction
by Travis
at One Word, One Rung, One Day
Old Havana
by Leah
at The Goat's Lunch Pail
Toilet Talk
by ImBeingHeldHostage
at In the Gutter
Things That Go Bump in the Night
by Jillsy
at Jillsy Girl
by CherylK
at Lake Mary Musings
Nudists in the Quicksand
by Brian
at Waystationone
Some Days are Diamonds!
by Jinsky
at Napple Notes
My Great Grandfather, John Gay
by Jane
at Gaston Studio
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
This was a scheduled post. If all goes according to plans, we're probably back up at the cottage for a few days. I'll be around to read comments and catch up with your blog posts shortly after I return.
Oh my goodness ... I totally see #2! :-) Congrats to all the POTW!
Thank you, Hilary. I love being in such fine company.
That elephant is an amazing likeness! I even see a saddle on it, like a circus elephant, or maybe one in Thailand.
Hilary that was a great image! It looks like a bunch of blue lighting bolts in a alien atmosphere captured in your bottle.;)
Upon closer look I see none of what you do, but a man that looks a lot like a vampire lord, hehe. Wonder what that says about me.;)
Congratulations to everyone nominated, I am sure these are wonderful gems and I will make my bets to try to visit.
Have a great day,
I see part of the body of an extraterrestrial wasp! ;-)
Congratulations to all POTD winners!
Hilary, I can see vaguely what you see, but mainly I see what appears to be lightning streams, as Zuzana does. An interesting photo. - Dave
I see the elephant and the dog with the mask!! Congrats to all the POTW bloggers! Now I am off to visit them and check it all out.
Thanks Hilary!
oh gosh...what a shock!! thank you hilary...my photo post got a mention thats awesome...many thanks
saz x
ha. thanks you hilary! there are some great peeps on that list...and quite a few i have not read as well....
hope you have a great week!
nice capture too...my boys would have taken it as proff that superheroes are real...
Thanks, Hilary - discovering your blog is another thing I'm thankful for!
Thanks so much, Hilary.
Goes to show how you see things. You see amazing things in every place. I see a little girl with a pony tail. This week's POTW are great. I have already seen lots of them this time. Thanks for all the time it takes you to read so many blogs and recommend them each week. Enjoy your time at the family cottage.
I see a fat caterpillar being electrocuted. I may need some therapy....congrats to all the worthy folks!
Billy from the Family Circus, looking up innocently at his Mom and saying "Who, me?"
Cuzzie P
OH, hmm...well, I saw ice actually :) hullo to Benny!
Oddly enough the first two that you saw were also something I saw. I wonder what people were thinking while you were taking a photo of a plastic water bottle? Or were you zooming along the road?
Thank you, Hilary, for this lovely honor. I'm pleased as punch!
I can easily see the first two images although I think the second also could be a a rhinoceros. The third one not so much...seems to be something standing on a box. What a fun puzzle you've given us!
Have a great time up at the cabin. Am off to look at Jillsy Girl's post.
I see a cartoon muscle man stooping on a teensy box!
Hilary, I'm so honored! Two mentions in the past couple of weeks. Thank you!
Enjoy the cottage!
WOOT to the wonderful selection .. and I see a totem pole .. with the Canadian Olympic characters
Don't you just love unexpected gifts like that picture! I's seeing some blue tadpoles.
Thanks for the POTW recommendations!
Thanks so much for the mention Hilary, especially since I've been AWOL for so long!
I see a circuit board, maybe something from a Sci-Fi flick... in neon blue!
Hey hilary, Thanks a million for the shout-out on my post. I really appreciate it.
And you are right about Jillsy's post :-) She's terrific.
I'm off to read all the other great blogs you mention. somehow I missed this one by Brian Miller. I'm off to read all your suggestions.
Have a fabulous time at the cottage. Safe travels,
xo jj
Love the hieroglyphics in the water bottle and yes, I see the elephant and the headdressed chief. Not sure about the bandit dog though ;)
Thanks so much for choosing my post and placing me in such fine company.
I think it looks like another world in there...
Looks like you've captured lightening in a bottle, there!
It reminds me of the laser shows they used to do all the time. (do they still do those?)
Thanks for the mention,it's truly an honor coming from you.
Thanks for the POTW mention and for sending some new readers my way.
Thanks everyone. Our trip to the cottage was delayed by one day, so I'm still around until tomorrow to enjoy your kind comments. I'm glad that some of you saw a couple of the images which popped out at me and I'm very amused by those which you saw on your own. Thanks for making this a fun post. Thanks also for supporting those who are named in the POTW. You're a great bunch!
Wow, that's amazing. Congrats to the winners!
That is just weird. I wonder what produced them. It was interesting though, and I hope you're having a wonderful time at your cabin.
Hilary, I would like to submit a wonderful post by Teresa Evangeline for your consideration as a post of the week. It's just now posted and it's really special. I think you'll love it. It's at this link: http://teresaevangeline.blogspot.com/2010/08/squash-blossoms-and-hope.html
Fantastic capture. I could identify all the three.
LOL ...how fun is that! Sometimes those bored shots turn out to be amazing...love finding pictures!
I am off to see all the wonderful posts on the blogs you listed!!
Thank you hon for all of your comments...I so appreciate it..it means the world to me!!
Hugs, Sarah
you captured the nymph of the water!
Aloha from Honolulu :)
Comfort Spiral
Thank you so much for these my friend.
thank you for sharing links you enjoy. wishing you a wonderful time away. So fun to see light reflected in your bottle.
I see an astronaut!
Have a wonderful time up at the cottage.
I saw the elephant right away.
Tonight I dropped a friend off at home. Her van was parked in front of my car. My headlights cast a shadow in front of the van that looked just like a person, but no one was there. I couldn't figure out what caused the image. Weird, huh?
Thank you everyone for the wonderful ocmments. We'll be heading out later today and will probably be back in about a week.. ish.
Steviewren.. it must be magic. ;)
Wonderful selection of posts, I will have to come back later as JP is making hungry noises.
I saw no.1 You are amazing.
I think those designs are draft designs for constellations.
Thanks for POTWing me!
Thanks Hilary, for all your hard work...we who come here salute you.
Great choises as per.
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