Snacks and Smiles
Another scheduled post while we're away at the cottage...
Much of our time was spent in the company of this little sweetie. Bubbles misses her adopted bother, Bayley (who never returned from an overnight excursion) and has regressed mildly because of it. She's older than he was by about a month and though she now stays out all night, she still comes around the cottage twice a day for her feedings and cuddles....
... and heart-melting smiles.Another mini-post is scheduled for Thursday.
What great pix of precious Bubbles!
Is that really a little smile?
...or was she crunching on a kibble?
That's the first time I've seen a tame one!
How long have you had her for?
Wow, this is a great picture; those kibbles are obviously going down a treat!
CJ xx
What wonderful pictures. It is great to see such wild creatures in a tame situation.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Fabulous pics Hilary!! She is so adorable!!
My fiber piece is installed!! Come see!
I think the 'smile' is more a warning 'Stand back! This snack's all mine!'
I think the 'smile' is rather a 'Stand back! This snack's all MINE'
So sad about Bayley, I can only hope he met a hot gal raccoon and is off living somewhere with her ...
What beautiful teeth she has!
Hope Bayley is off on a wonderful adventure.
gosh I love racoons :)
She know where the food is! Smart girl.
We can only hope that Bayley found his place.
I hope this little bubble of life has had her rabies shot. A few months back one of these furry creatures got into my garage. I won't tell you what his fate was but he didn't become my best friend, and that's all I am going to say about that.
I hope you are being careful to wash your hands after handling little Bubbles. I don't have any desire to get too close to them myself, but your pictures are outstanding, as usual.
aw...cute boys loved this one as well...
What a beautiful baby.
I wander what happened to her little brother.
I'm sorry to hear that Bayley did not return.
I hope you are enjoying your time away.
Beautiful, aren't they?
Enjoy your time at the lake. Been thinking of you - how our lakes are different due to geography. Actually, talked about your lake and photos with my husband today. You have more privacy, but we'll take a lake however we can get it.
They are the cutest masked little critters, aren't they?
She's really cute Hillary. - Dave
Poor Bubbles, missing Bayley.
Oh is that adorable????? What a face.
Terrific captures!
They are slightly frightening though.
What an infectious smile on that little guy's face. Makes you want to go out and get your own coon. :))
Almost makes me wish I could have one. Almost.
She is so cute, too bad Bayley hasn't come back.
what eyes!
Aloha from Waikiki :)
Comfort Spiral
Sorry to hear Bayley hasn't returned and Bubbles was so upset... gotta love that smiling shot though!
What a sweet little animal. I hope Bayley is just off on an adventure.
Who knew they could smile? What lovely pictures.
Waah! She's so very cute! I really love that smile~!♥
I know you'll have a good time at the Lake. Love the picture of Bubbles. I've just found my way back to the blogs I loved. Since you'll not be posting, I may actually catch up. ~Nita
I so wish I could feel the warm fuzzies for these creatures! I guess that is why they hang around you instead of me:)
Hope your time at the lake is fabulous. Love the photos of Bubbles.
great shots!
Love that smile :)
Oh my ~ what a sweetie pie! I hope Baylee is OK ~ and just doing what raccoons do :)
Thanks everyone. Bubbles continues to enjoy her life up at the cottage. Bayley never returned.. we miss him tremendously. There's a new young-un .. very young kit named Binky who is a bundle of mischief. I'll be posting more about her later. Thanks for stopping by with your always-kind comments.
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