Here I've lured you in, expecting to read some posts of the week and I'm failing you fine people. The truth is that having returned home from the cottage late this weekend, I just haven't had time to get caught up on enough posts from which to select the POTW. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to put it off for one more week.
You see, I had a major cleanup to do when I returned. I should have never given Frank the key to my blog. Oh he did a great job of informing you that I'd be home later than expected but you should see the mess he left behind. My cyber liquor cabinet is empty, the fridge is bare and all that remains of my snacks are empty wrappers which were strewn all over the Blogger floor. The computer was left on, lights were aglow, doors ajar, dishes dirty and of course, the toilet seat was up. So I have a lot of work to do to get this blog back into shape. He did do a terrific job of posting for me though so I'll just have to suck it up and say "Thank you, Frank!"
I do have a few very important links for you. Earlier this year, Frank bought a lovely engraved slate sculpture (this one, in fact - third item down) from talented artist Elaine Prefontaine. They've since become email buddies and recently, Elaine alerted Frank and me to the story of her grandson's fiancée, 22 year old Mandi Schwartz, a Yale hockey star with leukemia who is in need of cord blood or bone marrow in order to survive. Please watch the videos at Become Mandi's Hero for more information.
"Through the Be Mandi's Hero program, the search is on with testing drives in the United States, Canada and Germany for a pregnant woman of German-Russian-Ukranian descent, like Schwartz, who will be giving birth within the next two months, as well as a potential bone-marrow donor, which would have to be a close match."
Potential donors can go to becomemandishero.org to learn more about Mandi, and cord blood/bone marrow donation. Or become a member of her Facebook group and help spread the word. Mandi has less than 60 days to find a suitable donor.
Thank you for taking the time to read about Elaine's granddaughter-in-law-to-be. If you're unable to help medically, please offer up your best thoughts, vibes and prayers, and consider helping to spread the word. Thank you.
I hope to post a few cottage photos tomorrow and Sunday, and return next Wednesday with the Posts of the Week.