This week's top post is about a little guy who could use our help. It goes to:
What's in a Name?
by Moannie
at The View From This End
Rubble Children
by Friko
at Friko's Musings
The Perfect Moment
by Tabor
at Room Without Walls
Another Good Day
by Rochelle
at Adventures in Nature
Breaking Away: Sonny Boy Style
by Betty
at Bossy Betty
Storms of the Heart
by Pauline
at Writing Down the Words
by Amy
at She Writes
Proudly, Fiercely Holding Their Ground
by Sandy
at Writing in Faith
by Cricket
at Cricket and Porcupine
Readers' Choice
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
Friko's Rubble Children WAS amazing!
Can't wait to check the others :)
Aloha from Waikiki, Hillary
Comfort Spiral
Can't wait to check out all these delicious posts.
Have a wonderful week!
Loved the otter video Hilary! Too cute! - Dave
I'm hyperventilating! Thank you Hilary.
And yes, definately an ahhh moment with the otters.
Thanks for the recognition and I do not know how you do this. It is time consuming to read so many blogs!
Ellen Abbot visited my blog for the first time and congratulated me on "making POTW". It took me a while to find out what that means, but being fairly bright when I put my mind to it, find out I did.
Thank you Hilary, that was very kind of you. As you know, I follow you and read your posts whenever I can and shall now continue to do so, mainly to lure you over to mine, of course.
I love that video - just warms your heart. Yes, I did say, "Awwww"!
Thanks for the links.
Hilary :),
You have loaded up my comments box this morning with visits from your place. THANK You for taking my day and making it even brighter :)!!
Have a good one!
awwwww!! I love your posts of the week, they allow me to be lazy and spend the afternoon clicking on links!!
Thanks :0)
Thanks, as always, for the mention and the links. Some great picks and some new-to-me blogs. Also, as always.
another round of wonderful blogs to peruse ...
Oh my stinking WORD!!!!! Those otters are so adorable I can't stand it! I really did say "AWWWW" out loud. :)
On my way to read the posts!
Thank you so much for including my post about Sonny Boy in you POTW! It means a lot to me to be included here. I appreciate it so much AND it's not a rabbit! (See today's post) Yahoo!!!!
Thank you again!!!
Your recommendations are my next clicks. Thanks for reminding me of the otters holding hands. Hubby and I used to have this video handy and send it to each other!!
thank you for showing us the best of the best...
Happy Wednesday!
Thank you so much for mentioning me! This is a wonderful feature and it made me so happy to find that people had read and commented! You have a lovely blog and I plan to visit often. I'm looking forward to reading the other suggested blogs! Fondly,
and thank you again Hilary for another POTW mention. I always love visiting your choices and have found several new blogs to add to my reading list because they've appeared here. Kudos.
Those otters are Awwwwww-adorable!!
Thank you, Hilary, for your work in weekly bringing new and wonderful blogs to our attention.
That was daaarling! Congrats to winners!
I can't wait to make the rounds.
Thanks for that delightful video. My daughter and I just awwwed it up and down a few times!
And thanks for the mention.
You do manage to have such clever winners! The otters are way too cute! We saw some this past weekend down at our local park. They always look like they are having such fun. :) The Bach
Of course you are right...awwwww!
off to see the posts!
You always make me say awww!
and I will check out these posts, thank you.
Hilary: I came home tonight just beat from work and checked my e-mails when I learned from a friend that you had mentioned my post on Trevor Tredaway as your Post of the Week. I am humbled beyond words and hope to post about the evening soon. Thank you for your love and supportiveness! I SO matters!!! :)
Thanks everyone for stopping by and supporting fellow bloggers. :)
Thank you for a dose of "cuteness" this morning.;)
Great pick for a winner this week, Michael's dedication to that noble cause has touched me on so many occasions.
Congratulations to all the nominees.
Those Otters certainly know how to work the crowd lol
Such a great video.
Hi Hilary,
Love those otters! I had them on my blog a while back. Adorable! I never get tired of seeing them.
Absolutely AWWWWWWWWwwwww.
Thanks for posting it.
Thank you Hilary, for choosing my blog post for this really wonderful supportive thing you decided to do. I'm glad you're stopping by to read and occasionally say hi. I got several comments from your fans and will be sure to visit their blogs too.
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