This week's top Post of the Week goes to:
Other wonderful posts in no particular order are:
Fighting for Love by Lakeviewer at Sixtyfivewhatnow
Alex... by Grayquill at It's Just So Homer
Book Title Contest by Angie at Gumbo Writer
I Thought Those Clouds Seemed Vaguely Familiar by Lime at House of Lime
Gratitude Monday -- Zip A Dee - Yay! by Leah at The Goat's Lunch Pail.
Trust Me On This by Ellen at Stuff From Ellen's Head
Milestones by EthelMaePotter at The Adventures of Fred and Ethel
Rather My Daughters Not Consider the Latest Teenage Accessory by Margo at Life in the Short Lane
A Head of Collards and a Hunk of Cornbread by Sandi at Holding Patterns
ABC Wednesday - Letter P by Sue at Photowannabe
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices for a specific top post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Please note that next week's POTW will probably appear on Tuesday, rather than Wednesday.
Thanks for stopping by!
Another set of interesting blogs to visit. Thanks Hilary!
a great diversity here of posts and writers.....
may l nominate sink here for her series of 6 relevant, important and well written posts..
Congratulations to Sandy and all the runners up.;) I will make sure I pay them a visit.;)
There are so many good blogs it's hard to chose a winner Hilary. - Dave
Some of these I have read and I am going to go over to the others later today and look forward to that.
Well done Sandy........ as the outright winner and to all the runners up!
Nuts in May
Congrats to Rosario and Sandi! Must go introduce myself to your other selections...
Oh thank you! What a surprise...and honor! I'll post that award proudly on my site!
Hilary, thank you so much.
What a surprise! Thank you so much Hilary, I'm honored.
I'm catching up on all my blog reading today so I will pay a visit to the blogs you mentioned. They all seem interesting.
Congratulations to Sandy for the post of the week.
Hilary, I passed an award along to you on my blog today. I hope you will accept it. :)
congrats to Sandy ... and to all the others both the contenders and the winnahs!
Great, great choices Hilary. I didn't get to all, but the ones I did get to were real gems. I loved making a book title too-- that was a completely unexpected post :-)
Thanks once again for presenting such an interesting selection of blogs to explore. Congratulations to Sandy, and all of the nominees!!
Well done!
Thanks for the linky love, Top Photog Lady!
Thank you so much for the honor, Hilary! I look forward to checking out all of these!
Thanks so much for this honor, Hilary! I can't wait to put your icon on the sidebar!!!
Hello Hilary, I was happily returning the visit you paid me, and oh how glad I was. I can't even begin to adequately word how beautiful the pictures you have in your post below are. I'm not kidding when I say that my jaw was hanging, it was literally hanging (and I'm sure that made for an attractive look).
Now I've got a lovely list of new places to visit, which I will do.
But for right now, I'm going to go back to marveling at your pictures. This is the internet, we're surrounded by photos and images all the time. It's almost become a commonplace thing to see a gorgeous image...and still your photos impressed the socks off of me. Gadzukes, you've got some smoking talent going there.
Other blog award schemes are available.
Thanks, Hillary, a great service.
Hilary, I just saw my post too. Thank you. Thank you.
Wow. Such a lot to see! Thanks for doing this, Hilary. I know it takes a lot but is so worth it.
• Thanks, Gaelikaa. I hope you enjoy them. I'm sure you will. :)
• Thanks, FFF. Hopefully folks will find the posts you're referenced. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks, Protege. You're very kind. :)
• Dave, you're right. It's very difficult to select just one. Thanks for checking them out. :)
* Maggie thanks always for your support. That means a lot to me. :)
• Thanks for stopping by, Jane. :)
• My pleasure, EthelMae. Thanks. :)
• Thank YOU, Leah. :)
• You're very welcome, Ellen. My pleasure. :)
• JarieLyn thank you. I'll be by later today or tomorrow. :)
• Thanks for stopping by, Daryl. :)
• IBHH, thanks for being so supportive. Yes, Angie's blog is always a lot of fun. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• DS thanks for stopping by and supporting other bloggers. Much appreciated. :)
• Angie, you're most welcome. Thank YOU! :)
• My pleasure, Margo. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• You're most welcome, Sandi. Glad to hear it. :)
• Welcome, Land of Shrimp and thank you so much for the very kind words. They're very much appreciated. I hope you'll enjoy these other posts.. I'm sure you will. Thanks for the return visit. I hope you'll be back often. :)
• Thanks for stopping by, MLS.
• My pleasure, Lakeviewer. :)
• Thanks kindly, Kate. Much appreciated. :)
Thank you for the honor!
It is appreciated.
I like these sorts of posts that you do. It's fun to explore more spaces.
• My pleasure, Grayquill. Much deserved. :)
• Thanks, Georgie. I'm glad you do. :)
My goodness - I'm playing catch-up. Such a list of interesting blogs.
Thank you!
So many visitors have come my way thanks to you. Oh, Hilary. Their visits honored the memory of my Gram and my teacher and made me so glad to realize how blessed I was as a young girl. How that blessing returns again and again. I have had crazy busy weeks at school (I love it.) that interfere with my timely blogging. I am grateful for you and for your work and your blog. Thank you, friend.
• Wendy, have fun playing catch-up!
• Thanks very kindly, Sandy. I'm so glad you're enjoying your blog activity despite being so busy. Thanks SO much for your very kind words. They sure mean a lot to me. :)
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