This week's top Post of the Week goes to:
Other wonderful posts in no particular order are:
by Land of Shimp
at Land of Shimp
by EthelMaePotter
at The Adventures of Fred and Ethel
by Smiles4U
at My Life Interrupted.
by Steph
at Incurable Insomniac
by Maria
at Gardening with Turtles
by Kcinnova
at Kcinnova's World
by Merisi
at Merisi's Vienna for Beginners
by Tabor
at One Day at a Time
A Hardworking Grandma
by Sandra
at Add Humor and Faith
A Hardworking Grandma
by Sandra
at Add Humor and Faith
Recommended by Kevin at Blunoz Random Ramblings:
Values by Mary Alice at From the Frontlines
Recommended anonymously:
Today I Am 52 by PHST at Pseudonymous High School Teacher
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices for a specific top post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Please note that next week's POTW will return to its regularly scheduled Wednesday. Please return for a Remembrance Day post tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by!
Recommended by Kevin at Blunoz Random Ramblings:
Values by Mary Alice at From the Frontlines
Recommended anonymously:
Today I Am 52 by PHST at Pseudonymous High School Teacher
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices for a specific top post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Please note that next week's POTW will return to its regularly scheduled Wednesday. Please return for a Remembrance Day post tomorrow.
Thanks for stopping by!
The post be Protege was excellent.
Blast from the Past
Once again I am humbled. But I also want to know how you have time to read all of these posts! My blogroll is growing and I find I cannot visit as often as I would like!
Thanks, btw, for your support and advice on blog memory---on this new one, I have been using pics already saved at FB, HA! Your tip was brilliant!
I don't think I have read any of these so I will have to catch up over the next few days.
Well done to everyone listed!
Nuts in May
Ah Hilary, thank you so much, I feel extremely honoured and incredibly flattered.
You are doing an amazing job with this theme and I will make sure to visit the blogs you mention.
Thank you again, I honestly do not what to say, I am so surprised.;)
And thanks for everyone's kind words as well.;)
Congrats on the POTW'ers!
Thank you Hilary!
Well chosen ... but I dont see my recco there .. I recommended Hilary's Autumn on my mind post
All new to me Hilary. Just dropped by for a looksee, will spend more time tomorrow.
And many congratulations. I had forgotten that you have fixed things...straight back to your place...love it.
What a great list you have provided today Hilary...I look forward to Tuesday...
These are all lovely, Hilary, and I esp. appreciated Protege's POTW. WOW! This is the first time I've been able to work my way through the list and visit each one. I am sure I did not deserve to be counted in with such company, but I do thank you for the honor.
I second the nomination of Mary Alice's post!
You are doing a GREAT job here Hilary! the posts are diverse, just like all of us!! ANd great to meet bloggers each week. A fine list!!
Hi Hilary,
I clicked on every single link you posted in the POTW. I enjoyed all of them very much. My fave was In Living Color and Hard working Grandma.
All wonderful choiced
I'm honored, friend.
Hi Hilary, I read three of the posts - good choices!
You are either a fast reader or you spend a lot of time reading - or both. :)
I've read 2 so far today and enjoyed them both. Thanks Hilary for doing all the footwork.
Congrats to all the winners!
Oh Hilary, this November daily posting is really kicking me in the glutes. I haven't read any of these--yet. I'm bookmarking for a quick run through tomorrow. Thank you for doing this. You have been finding some terrific reads for us!
Hilary, Thank you sooooooo very much, AGAIN! I'm not sure what I'm doing to be placed in the honor of such company, but I hope to continue doing it. Will visit everyone else tonight.
Thank you Hilary! I am completely honored. I loved when David did this but didn't have a clue that you carried this on. Many of the blogs I now read are one's I found through him. I look forward to much great reading as I go check out these other blogs. Thank you once again!! Lori
Oh, those posts look great! Will check them out.
As Tabor put it so aptly, I need more time in the day to read all these wonderful offerings.
Thanks for showing us so many different blogs out there, Hilary!
I will make the rounds. Thanks for doing my homework!
• I agree, Nessa. :)
• I read (probably too) many posts daily and simply record the URLs of the ones I like when I'm there, Tabor. I just do more reading than posting. ;)
• Thanks, Gary. I'm glad it worked out for you. :)
• Maggie May, thanks for being so supportive. :)
• My pleasure, Protege. It was a brilliantly-written post and just had to be shared. :)
• Thanks for stopping by, Angie. :)
• My pleasure, Steph. :)
• That's right, Daryl, and you ain't gonna see it there either. But thanks for the thought. :)
• Thanks, Moannie. I'm glad that works for you. :)
• Thanks Sandi. Generally, it's on Wednesday but I took a bit of a detour this week. :)
• KC, of course you deserved it. I loved your post.. it made me laugh. Thanks for being so supportive. :)
• FFF, thanks so much for the kind and supportive words. They're very much appreciated. :)
• Thanks kindly, JariLyn. I'm glad you were able to visit everyone, and that you enjoyed the posts. Thanks for the support. :)
• Sandra, I always enjoy your posts and want others to also. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks for the support, Anita. It's a bit of both. ;)
• Thanks for checking them out, Steviewren. I'm glad you enjoyed them. :)
• Thanks for stopping by, Karen. :)
• IBHH, thanks for dropping by to say so. Don't wear yourself out over trying to read them all. Just know the links are all here if and when you find the time. Thanks for being so supportive. :)
• Ethelmae, my pleasure. You're doing a great job with every post you write. You're such a fine blogger.. that's what you're doing right. :)
• Smiles4U, I'm glad you're enjoying the other posts. You're very kind to make your way around to all of them as you have. That support is much appreciated. Thank you, Lori. :)
• Thanks, Wendy. I'm sure you'll enjoy them. :)
• Kate, thanks for stopping by to have a look. I hope you'll find a bit of time for a few of them. I'm sure you'd enjoy them. :)
• You're welcome, Sandy. It took everything in my power to keep the dog from eating your homework. Thanks for stopping by. :)
Will visit them and increase my blogging awareness.
Merisi's link is not working. For me at least.
Thanks for letting me know, Gaelikaa. I've fixed that now. :)
Back to say I've read them all and all are brilliant. Thanks to you Hilary, it cannot be an easy job. We all appreciate the work you put in on our behalf.
Hello, Hilary! My goodness, that was an entirely delightful surprise, thank you so much for it. My husband has been on vacation this week, so I haven't been online much. I thought the comments section on my post had simply misfired, and was thrilled to find out it had not.
You really gave my day a lovely lift, and I'm very grateful for that. Thank you.
I shall return here and visit elsewhere, although the pace of that is somewhat dictated by my husband's vacation this week.
Seriously, that was more invigorating than a cup of coffee.
• Thanks kindly, Moannie. It's nice to be appreciated. :)
• My pleasure, Land of Shrimp. I'm glad it gave you a boost. I've never been compared to caffeine before. ;)
Well thank-you for the shout out Hilary (and anonymous). I have been out of the loop as I am attempting nanowrimo this month.
But I thank-you very much and will check out the other posts too.
Be sure to check this post out and consider it for a POTW.
Thank you, Hilary,
for the honour of making my post take part in your celebration of blogs from all over the world. Thank you for continuing this wonderful tradition in the footsteps of David of Authorblog. I appreciate that you take the time and effort to brighten our day with your selection.
Thank you also to Gaelikaa for mentioning the POTD to me!
Sooooo glad you took this on Hilary; off to visit as many as I can. Am so far behind!
Thank you so much. It is an honor to be included in such a fine group.
• My pleasure, PHST and good luck with the nanowrimo. :)
• Green Jello, already accounted for.. I'm glad you concur. :)
• My pleasure, Merisi and thank YOU for your always-kind words. :)
• Thanks kindly, Jane. Much appreciated. :)
• Mary Alice, nice to meet you.. thanks to Kevin (Blunoz)'s recommendation. :)
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