Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Leaf Falls...

elm leaf










~ e.e. cummings

leaf on rail


hope and love said...

wow.. !! superb.. !

Anonymous said...

Wow - exquisite! Absolutely breath-taking!

Frank Baron said...

Pretty colours. And thought-provoking.

anupama said...

Dear Hilary,
Good Afternoon!
Amazing shot!
When one leaf falls,ten new ones grow........
Wishing you a wonderful day ahead,

Sueann said...

Wonderful Hilary!!! Very powerful photos and beautifully done!!

CorvusCorax12 said...

oh i love these pictures, something i'd hang on my wall

Bob Bushell said...

Yep, they are totally beautiful.

June said...

So very . . . sole.

Steve Gravano said...

Classic and beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

a perfect pairing hilary. a lone fallen leaf is a good metaphor for loneliness.

Unknown said...

Oh, I'd definitely hang a grouping of photos like these, each of a single leaf heralding the passing of time and our place in the world.

Fantastic Hilary!

Country Girl said...

Nicely done, my friend. Very nice.

Mental P Mama said...

When is your book coming out? ;)

ellen abbott said...

there's something very zen about that second picture Hilary. really lovely.

solarity said...

My, I need to work on focal length! Breathtaking.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Kristina P. said...

It feels very calming.

steviewren said...

Okay, I admit it....I can't read the poem! But your lone leaf is pretty. You found the beauty of oneness.

Anvilcloud said...

Good job again.

Sarah Knight said...

Those shots are just marvelous! Absolutely stunning photography!

MaggieGem said...

Wonderful... the first one looks like a feather!

Zuzana said...

This post is so very you.;))

Christine said...

the shapes in the second shot are spectacular!

Brian Miller said... me some ee cummings...and some great leaf shots...

Tabor said...

Perfectly match the poet. I took some single leaf photos, but they do not have the spirit or austere strength that yours do.

Rosaria Williams said...

the picture, the poem, the poem, the picture, one, the other.

Karen said...

Love it! Have a great evening.

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, one I don't remember reading. When I type fast it gets to look like his style.

lime said...

again, perfect marriage of verse and image for the sparseness of each.

Dawn said...

Finally! I get to make my rounds on those I follow....

This is wonderful Hilary!
The photos and
e.e. cummings...favorites!

Have a wonderful new week!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Okay, I'm afraid I'm with Steviewren on this one. The poem eludes me, although Bonnie's comment offered some enlightenment. Love the color and detail in that first leaf photo, though. (Am I forgiven for not "getting" the poem?)

Hilary said...

Thanks for the very kind words, everyone. You're all very much appreciated.

The e.e. cummings quote is to be read as "a leaf falls on loneliness" - a kind of visual play with words with the words "a leaf falls" landing within the word "loneliness."

I just thought it was kind of suited to the images and so I used it as it was written. Thank you all for stopping by. :)

Dawning Inspiration said...

Fun and creative and the color in that top leaf is AH-mazing!

Joanna Jenkins said...

Ahh perfection.
Thank you. jj

Cricket said...

Ah. Perhaps my favorite poet. People either get him or not. There doesn't seem to be much middle ground with old Edward Estlin.

Myself, I particularly like the solitary lower-case L following "one." I'm sure those of us old enough to remember the typewriter recall that there was no number 1; you used the lower case L. Heh, heh.

The photographs are perfect.

Should you require a soundtrack, why not listen to the wind in the trees?

Anonymous said...

e.e. cummings

You have to be in a certain mood to "get" his work.

Hilary at The Smitten Image

Always a 1-der-full place to visit.

Cheryl Kohan said...

I don't know how you do it but you've taken blogging to a whole new level when it comes to photography and philosophy. A beautiful marriage, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

have you gotten a new lens by chance? these 2 are spot on!! very nice!

Kittie Howard said...

Breathtaking! The shapes of the leaves are exquisite! Well done!!

Also read your previous post. I hadn't a clue what a monitor engineer did...WOW...that's an amazing responsibility, not to mention all the knowledge that goes into knowing what to do when. Your son's extremely talented! Good luck to him!

Indrani said...

Wow! Magical moments.

Suldog said...

I love the odd focus in the first shot - blurry, sharp, blurry.

Anonymous said...


Daryl said...

Possibly my two favorite photos evah

Kerri Farley said...





Dianne said...

so exceptionally elegant Hil

L. D. said...

This is coooooool!

Hilary said...

Thank you all so much and welcome to a few new faces in the crowd. I'll be around to visit blogs and get back to my regular comment replies shortly. Thank you, everyone, for your visits.

Meredith said...

Fantastic work, Hilary. The three works of art complement each other so perfectly.

Unknown said...

I love this so much, Hilary.

What Karen Sees said...

It's unanimous, everyone LOVES these images. Your DOF on the first one is amazing!

Mage said...

I don't think you need any more notes on this, but I have to add that the imagination is superb.

Hilary said...

Thank you kindly, to those who continue to drop by. Your kind words are so heartwarming. :)