At a recent family wedding, my cousin Phyllis and I discussed our respective blogs. We shared our awe at just how many wonderful people come by to leave encouraging comments, and we marveled about having readers who visit from countries, large and small, all over the globe. We each expressed how much we enjoyed putting our posts together, knowing that when we hit "publish," our words and images go out to all of you fine people and in very little time - sometimes just a few minutes later - readers are leaving feedback.
blog is an invaluable resource for food safety information. She posts daily food and product recalls and allergy alerts for products sold throughout the world. She's right on top of food-related illnesses such as Salmonella and E. coli outbreaks, and quickly posts information as it becomes available. If you have concerns about what's happening with your family's or your pet's food, you might want to subscribe to her blog at
While Phyllis and I were chatting, she mentioned a blog theme I had played with a few times in the past which I called
Perspective is Everything. I would photograph a common household item and crop the image so that only a tiny portion of the object was visible, and readers were to guess what these items might be. She nudged me into thinking about trying my hand at that again and I believe I might just do that soon but the conversation triggered a similar idea.
Frank and I have recently returned to one of our favourite
shopping spots and as I took a few more photos of various items throughout the store, I began to notice how many of their creative designs had art within art - sometimes just in how they were displayed. When I uploaded the photos, I cropped some of them closely, hiding much of the rest of the image.
I've decided to post just the close-up images today, and invite you back in a few days to see the full pieces of artwork from which they were taken. I think some of them might surprise you though some will be obvious - you're a clever bunch. Please do feel free to guess or suggest what you think the full image might be but keep in mind that they are pieces of art and couldn't be further from the everyday items I've posted in the past. You can answer any or all of them. There is of course a "right" answer but not necessarily a predictable one. I would like to know where your imagination takes you. What do you see when you look at a part of the picture?

Turquoise and black. Horizontal and vertical lines. Light and dark. What might it be?

What do you think these colourful, patterns belong to?

If your eye were to look above this boot, what would it see?

Orange, yellow and green with a spiral circle. It's kind of the middle... of something.

Light and multiple colours. It sparkles and shines.

A dromedary and a man about to load something on its back. But what's just outside of this picture which will change how you look at it?

Tubes of some sort.. but what?

Bright and bedazzled. Any ideas?

How rude! Who would do such a thing?

What idea does this image weave?

This guy has been fishing for a long time. What do you suppose he's caught?

Colourful, aren't they? Fingers? Petals? Something else?