Just two weeks later, I returned to that spot to photograph the same vine...
This week's top post goes to:
Other wonderful posts in no particular order are:
Cute, Non-Flat Cat
by Terrie
at Kappa No He
Betty Copes With....
by Betty
at Bossy Betty
by Carolynn
at A Glowing Ember
The Delights of a Picnic
by Friko
at Frinko's Musings
As Sun Goes Down
by Moi
at Not By A Long Shot
Unconditional Embrace
by Zuzana
at Life Through Reflections
Lined Up For Fall
by Leah
at The Goat's Lunch Pail
I Must Confess
by Beth
at Be Yourself
by Cindy and Buddy
at Always An Adventure
by 25BAR
at This World
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
You always unearth treasures!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Wow ... the change in color is just amazing. So lovely. Looking forward to visiting these blogs!
I really enjoy your posts of the week - it reminds me of when someone does another's homework.
Good work - now I will be off to enjoy the fruits of your labor. thanks
The change in colour in such a short time is amazing.
Not ready for Winter though.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Thanks for sharing some Internet treasures this week. And I love the quote and photos - autumn is one of my favourite times of year!
Yep - changes they are acomin'!
Oh I love your photographs today - as you know how much I love "progressive photography".;) I have simply not been able to find any mores objects and their changes to document by photography lately, but hopefully the inspiration will return.
Thank you once again for including me in your list, among so many talented writers. You know I feel honored and flattered every time...
I love that....
I think I must look at the same things over and over and yet they aren't the same are they. Brilliant.
and will we be walking around said pond soon?
And we just take miracles like this forgranted! Wonderful comparative shots Hilary.
"What is, is change." That's what I say to myself when I look in the mirror!
Thank you again for more great links. Off to take a peek.
Thanks Hilary, for again selecting moi as POTW, I'm always honored to be listed among the talented bloggers you visit.
And, what an incredible photo. I thought at first that was a trumphet vine but the ones around here definitely do not change to that gorgeous color! I love the softness against the iron railing.
What a difference the time makes.
Thanks for the POTW.
Glad you picked Betty's. She does keep me laughing!
Oh, just adding, it looks like the vine we call Virginia creeper.
Okay...just one more comment...also glad to see Friko's post!
thank you, for once again loving what i write....you are such a doll !!
oops....and for loving my photos,too :)
nice...i tend to like vines...and they can move really quickly overtaking much...
nice on the POTW...great to see a few friends and off to make many new ones..
I've now smiled and cried.
Thank you, Hilary!
I believe that is Virginia Creeper which is very common down here in the South, but I didn't realize it also grew so far north.
I've had such limited time on the web since my Mom is here, but I'll try to sneak in a few of your choices!
your images are quite graceful.
Thank you, thank you for letting me join the ranks of the POTW folks! I am always honored!
The vine is stunning, and what a great idea to show how nature provides us with colorful confetti even as we march towards winter.
Thanks again!
Hilary: One of the beautiful things about your Blog and about visiting here, always, is that life is unhurried. In our world, it does one good to slow down and appreciate the nuances and beauty of life as you continue to share here! lol!:)
(That was my delete a moment ago, to fix my spelling!)
Lovely images, oh how I would enjoy a park across from our home. But I do have a beautiful view of the mountains from my kitchen and the lake from my bedroom.
Hugs, Katherine
Very beautiful
That vine is called a Virginia Creeper, and they are wonderful because they don't make all those sticky roots like ivy does. And, all these are new to me...congrats all!
Another great group of blogs to visit.. thank you for this ..
Beautiful Autumn. Also, Canada has sent us some cool air, for which we are grateful.
What gorgeous fall captures! I detect blueberries on the background vines, or is it juniper berries? Congrats to all the POTW!
Delighted to see Jane's lovely post right up top. Well chosen. As I'm sure are the others.
I do think things pick up speed in the fall.
Thanks for posting POTW.
LOVE your choice for POTW. What a wonderful story. And I'm so glad no one chopped off that vine. Love the two photos and the quick change in them.
Is that vine poison ivy? It looks very much like what I was cleaning out of my elderly neighbor's yard a few years ago. And got my first case of poison ivy. Like to never got rid of it. But the doctor told me it turns red in the fall.
Vine is gorgeous in both incarnations (especially that red!). Off to read the POTWs. Congratulations to all!
So much to admire in these vines shots, HIlary - especially the first image.
And how wonderful to see my good friend Gaston Studio honoured here.
Really love the simple quality of the changing vine. The first one is perfect with the lighting spotlighting the leaves. Beautiful stuff.
Change seems to speed up in fall. Even the light seems to have changed drastically. It's dark way too early these days.
I'm off to check some of the posts. Love that red vine.
Beautiful post, pictures and message!!
Following and will be back!
Big Hug,
Thank you for the always-incredible support folks. It's great to see you all over the blogosphere offering your kind words to the POTW bloggers. You're all so wonderful. :)
I'm always so impressed with your eye-- Beautiful comparison in the two pictures :-)
And thanks for the new blogs to check out.
Cheers, jj
Changing seasons bring different aspects to our lives - especially transition and adjustment.
I enjoyed visiting the various Posts of the Week, Hilary. A nice collection as usual.
Thanks for picking us as a POTW!
That was a great way to show the change in seasons. The vine now is showing a gorgeous color. Are you going to take a photo of the vine in the next two seasons too?
Thanks for the Post of the Week! Your macro shots just get better and better, btw.
Hilary, those were some fantastic finds. Truly :-) Thank you for sharing them.
As per usual, I'm behind but it was certainly a pleasure, getting caught up.
Hilary, You need to be working for a Nature magazine. Your pictures are always stunningly beautiful!
Have a great week and take some pictures of the autumn leaves!
:) The Bach
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