I've decided to continue this colour theme for a little while. Partly because it's easy while I have other things on the go and partly because I have photos which many of you might never have seen before. A few long-time blog pals will likely recognize at least some of these, if not all and I thank you for you patience while I'm in this "double exposure" mode of sorts.
The posts themselves are original, and the photos are from various times and places. The last colour up was blue. Today I combed through my photo archives and came up feeling a little green. Please remember to click on them to enlarge each image.
This is one of those fly-by shootings, taken from the passenger window on our way home from the cottage one day. I just liked the way these fences hugged the gentle
green slopes of this pasture.

These folks had an unusual collection of items amid the
greenery of their yard. A dolphin-riding baby, a lamp post, a park bench and a grass-filled potty. Rather eclectic.

My favourite man in
green - my son Jeffrey in his fatigues. We were visiting him where he attends university at Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario.

One of my favrourite
green spots within three minutes from home. Each year this narcissistic branch grows a little closer to the water's edge, gazing lovingly at its own reflection.

A bit of rain can add a bit a sparkle to an otherwise dull surface. After the downpour, these water droplets glistened on a blade of green grass.

A couple of drops were still clinging to the hairy edges of these green seed pods.

Light filtered through a spring green fern, revealed a sun-warmed rock behind it.

The animal kingdom enjoys the comfort and safety of their green environment. This little grasshopper-like insect may have been trying to blend in and hide, but I saw him anyway.

This unusual green insect followed us fishing one summer afternoon. We looked out into the water beside the boat and saw it flailing about. Frank fished it out of the water with this oar and it stayed long enough to dry out before flying off. It was actually the second such insect that day.

One afternoon, up at the cottage, this little green snake popped his head out to warm himself in the sun. He was super quick to disappear again when I got a bit too close with the camera.

I love the wispy net-like wings on this beautiful, green dragonfly. It was one of many which hatched during our June 2008 visit to the cottage. It was still drying off before taking its first flight. Notice the water droplet at the end of the tail.

In the previous post, there was a photo of a blue caterpillar, and in the fuzzy out-of-focus background you could see a
green dragonfly. This was that insect. I did a
full post about him back in June 2008. It was either injured or malformed and was unable to fly or hunt. In this image, you can see it checking out the mosquito which we brought to it for feeding. There are some neat closeups of this and other dragonflies in the aforementioned and linked post. There are also a couple of videos. One of them appears below.
This is the standoff between the blue caterpillar and the green dragonfly to which I referred in my previous post. The dragonfly was not doing well but when confronted by the caterpillar, it defended itself and its territory quite valiantly.
Back soonish with yet another colour.