Bye-bye winter. Don't let the spring door hit you on your way out!
The photos below, go back to a bit earlier in the year - when we still had the white stuff. Before too long, I should have actual spring pictures to show you - just like the rest of North America but for now, these will have to do.
I semi-regularly do a blog post with quotes which I enjoy putting together. This one is a bit different.
All of the quotes are from books and/or movies but most of them have been somewhat fractured to fit the images. I hope you enjoy my mis-quotes. And hopefully the photos also.

All right, Mr. DoeMille, I'm ready for my close-up. (Sunset Boulevard)

May the Moose be with you. (Star Wars)

Nobody puts Skitty in a corner. (Dirty Dancing)

Here's looking at you, Red. (Casablanca)

It was the best of climbs. It was the worst of climbs. (A Tale of Two Cities)

Or is that.. A Tail of Two Kitties?

As God is my witness, I'll never do laundry again. (Gone With the Wind)

It was dove at first sight. (Catch-22)

Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives eggstraordinary. (Dead Poets Society)

Frankly, my deer, I don't give a damn. (Gone With the Wind)

Call me Fishmail. (Moby Dick)
Thanks for indulging me. More photos coming up soon.