Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time. ~ Steven Wright
A couple of weeks back, I ventured out along the shores of Peterborough's Little Lake.

From the ages of 8-18, me and my family moved around a lot. Mostly we would just stretch, but occasionally one of us would actually get up to go to the fridge. ~ Jarod Kintz
It was typical March weather - warm in the sunshine but a cool wind. The water's edge was still icy in most spots. I'd say that this Mallard was doing yoga poses but that would be a... stretch.
I floated like driftwood in the ocean. I wasn't worried about sharks, because my bathtub is much too shallow. ~ Jarod Kintz
A somewhat weathered branch waiting for further melt to release it.
You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there. ~ Edwin Louis Cole
A different view of the icy shoreline.
Duck love is recognizable in any language. ~ Edmond Manning
Just a few feet away, at the edge of the dock, these ducks will have a much softer landing.
I'm good at exploring roofs. You never know when that kind of thing comes in useful. ~ Enid Blyton
As we approach Del Crary Park, we see the familiar red roof of The Light House Lounge and Grill - not quite ready for the upcoming summer season.
Distance lends enchantment to the view. ~ Mark Twain
Here it is again from a different perspective.
One scoop of ice cream can go a long way. Not to mending friendships, but it can get up to 40 yards in the air if you lob it just right.
~ Jarod Kintz
Same spot, up close. People will be lined up to buy their yummy Kawartha Dairy ice cream here, in just a few months.
I'm part wood nymph. I require mountains and warm, dense patches of moss to thrive. ~ Vera Farmiga
With the bits of greenery here and there, and the absence of ice, you could almost believe that this was taken during spring or summer but it was the same day - just a little further along the lakeshore.There's a small walking bridge over the water where Jackson Creek rushes in to meet Little Lake. The waters were running rapidly at this point, on this day and I was about to take a photo of it when I heard voices coming from deeper within the tunnel-like setting.

When I must leave the great river
O bury me close to its wave
And let my canoe and my paddle
Be the only mark over my grave
~ Frank Oliver
Just as I focused my camera, these two came swooshing out of the shadows into full view. The water was still very cold as you can tell by earlier photos of the icy shores, and I was surprised that neither of the paddlers were wearing PFDs.
I run a tight ship. It's so tight, you could call it a canoe. ~ Jarod Kintz
I quickly turned to look over the other side of the bridge. Her hands looked very cold but her smile was warm.
A true Canadian is one who can make love in a canoe without tipping. ~ Pierre Berton
There was no doubt that they were having a great time. It was most likely their first canoe trip of the season. They headed under the railway bridge and disembarked around the next bend.
Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him. ~ Dwight D Eisenhower
And here's what that bridge looks like from up close.That's it for this walk along Little Lake. I hope you'll join me again whenever my feet make their way back.