Autumn's Palette
Breathe deeply and smell the intoxicating fragrance of autumn - the heady scent of fallen leaves, a smokey wood fire, the spicy perfume of mulled apple cider. Fill a thermos and come with me. Let's enjoy this season's palette of vivid hues.
“There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir: We must rise and follow her, When from every hill of flame She calls, and calls each vagabond by name." ~ William Bliss CarmanBy the side of a road, beautiful shades of autumn as seen from the bridge above.
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf's a flower." ~ Albert Camus Have a look down into the water. Brilliant leaves dot the meandering creek.
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." ~John Muir Watch your step along the water's edge. Fallen leaves blanket the shore in shades of yellow, orange and red.
"Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt." ~William Allingham
A pile of firewood is aglow with the saturated sunlight of late afternoon.
"There is a harmony
In autumn, and a luster in its sky,
Which through the summer is not heard or seen.
As if it could not be, as if it had not been!"
~ Percy Bysshe Shelley A never ending road lined with brilliant colour.
“Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees.” ~ Faith Baldwin I think the above quote says it all. This tree reminds me of a torch against a sky of most intense blue.
"Often, while sitting on a log or a rock, mentally adrift in that limbo between bites, I begin to fancy that I'm starting to belong there, that roots are about to spring from my boots and moss may start to form on my arms and legs. I feel I am becoming a part of where I am. " ~Frank P. BaronThis angler reminds me of my favourite fisherman and author - hence the above quote is his from his own book What Fish Don't Want You to Know. I think we should leave him to fish in peace. Besides, I'm ready for a refill of apple cider. Let's add some spiced rum to it this time, shall we?
Please tell Autumn that I am impressed with her work. She photographs nicely.
Um... if you could also ask her to hurry herself up.. and Winter too? I'd really like to skip from Autumn to Spring without any of that nasty intervening Winter stuff in between.
I agree, Autumn is very photogenic.
Wonderful shots. I love the riotous mosaic that is autumn.
What beautiful pics..and the wonderful quotes to in with them!!
Loved the last pic most, the tree indeed looks like a torch.
Have a lovely day:)
Such lovely photographs Hilary!
I am all for the spiced rum...I will join you for sure!
love the glow on the firewood...that is autumn to me...and that bright fiery tree...yes.
Your Autumn images are Awesome! The tree lined road stole my heart! And I LOVE Frank's quote! I often feel that way too :)
My favorite season is so well captured here. Thanks for bringing me along on your walk. I would have got my feet wet if you hadn't warned me about to be careful. :-)
Another lovely, lovely walk! Thanks for sharing. XO
That is a wonderful quote from Frank's book. I have enjoyed your pictures of your times at the cabin so much.
Lovely Autumn tints. I wish we could just have Autumn and not have Winter!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
add rum!? I started with rum ;)
I love the 'torch against the sky' - trees are so generous with their beauty
Oh, Hilary, I adored that walk. The colored leaves in the running creek is one of my favs! But I love all of them. The fisherman is a great study, too. Yes, I will join you anytime.
What a wonderful tour. Your quotes really enhance the presentation. We didn't have good color on our leaves this year. Too wet and not too dry, it is strange.
Beautiful photos! Autumn certainly is an awesome time for scenery!
Absolutely beautiful. I love fall time so these pictures really captured me. Thank you for taking me on this walk with you...I think I am ready for some of that apple cider with some spiced rum now. :)
Happy Sunday Hilary. XX
Your photography is staggering, Hilary, helped of course by the beauty of your subject.
Am wandering around blogland last a lost soul...hope to have my awful mistake rectified soon.
That first picture looks like a postcard. And the third, oh, that one is just beautiful.
Oh my goodness, look at those beuatiful copper and golden and reds... Stunning, particularly in contrast to that deep blue of the sky..
Beautiful and fitting quotes s well.
Here the display is a far cry from last years flamboyance, but i am still hopeful, as the trees are just only approaching the colour peak.;)
Such a pleasant autumn day you have taken me on!!!
lol! I agree with The Merry - hurry fall and stay long. Except I will keep the winter, but can we shorten the blazing hot summer!
Great photos! I took some last week floating on the river. Gotta work them into a post. :)
Beautiful photos and I love the quotes!
Lovely....but no rum for me, please. :) I'll just sit on the damp bank in the drizzle and enjoy the afternoon.
Beautiful photography and fitting quotes, Hilary. Good job, as usual.
A lovely pictorial homage to my favourite month -- capped by a wonderful surprise plug! Thanks, Hil. I love you too. :)
So wonderful from first photo to last quote. It's such a treat to come here to read. Thanks, Hilary!
You really did capture the beauty of fall. Your photos are all very pretty.
I like the quotes too.
I. Love. This. Post!!
don't let him sit there much longer or he might get stuck! ;-)
one of your quotes is quite ironic. i won't tell you which.
Gorgeous! Pass the cider. And a Jack Russell;)
The swamps around here are beautiful to me, but we do miss something living in a land where the only two seasons are wet and hurricane.
• Merry, I relayed your message to Autumn and she's fine with that. But Summer overheard me, and she's pouting. Her concern is that you won't appreciate all that she has to offer without first spending significant time with that bitch, Winter. Please rethink your request. ;) And thanks for the visit. :)
• Mami, I'm glad she agreed to a photo shoot. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• LadyFi, thanks kindly. It sure is a beautiful season. :)
•Thank you, Arti. Your kind words are much appreciated. :)
• SueAnn, I'm pouring right now! Thanks kindly. :)
• Brian, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed. :)
• Thanks so much, Kerri. I'm sure Frank is pleased that you do. As am I. :)
• DJan, thanks for the kind words but you can't fool me. An experienced hiker such as yourself would have been wearing waterproof boots. ;) Thanks for joining me. :)
• Pat, thanks kindly. I'm so glad you came along. :)
• TechnoBabe, thanks very much. Your always-kind words are so much appreciated. :)
• Maggie May, I don't entirely disagree with you. Winter isn't my favourite season but without it, I know I wouldn't appreciate the other three quite as much. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Dianne, What was I thinking? I must have meant add MORE rum. ;)
• Karen, thanks so much. It's always a pleasure to have you along. :)
• Larry, thank you. I'm sorry your hues aren't as impressive this year. We've had autumns like that too. But they always do get better. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Sarah, thank you. It's in my top four seasons for sure. ;)
• Lori, bring your goblet this way. I'm pouring doubles at the moment. Thanks for your always-kind words, Lori. They're so much appreciated. :)
• Moannie, I'm so sorry that you're having blog woes and I sure hope they will resolve shortly. You were the first person I thought of when I heard that David was returning to his blog. I knew that would make you very happy. Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean so much to me. :)
• Ellen, thank you kindly. I'm glad you enjoyed them. :)
• Zuzana, if they're only approaching their peak, they will likely explode with colour for you soon. Thanks so much for you sweet comments, dear friend. You never fail to make me smile. :)
• Tabor, I'm glad you could join me. :)
• Lailani, you and Merry are a tough crowd! I vote for a long hot summer.. so there! ;) Thanks for the kind words. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos soon. :)
• Barbara, thanks very much. :)
• Thank you, Maggie. One virgin apple cider coming up! And at least sit on a raincoat and stay dry. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Linda, thank you kindly. I'm glad you liked them. :)
• Frank, I'm glad you were pleased. Your comment makes me smile. :) <--- see?
• Pauline, thank you so much. Your kind words mean a lot to me. :)
• JarieLyn, thanks very much. :)
• Georgie. Thank. You. So. Much!. :)
• Jillsy, if he does, I can always bring him some cider with rum. I see now what you're talking about. Great minds and all that. ;)
• MPM, you know not what you're asking when you request a JRT.. you'll be passing him back or passing out before you know it. Better just have a double of cider and rum. Thanks. ;)
• MessyMimi, that would be rather limited, I suppose. ;) Thanks for stopping by. :)
Utterly gorgeous. No words for it. Thank you.
Lovely time of year for a walk in nature--thanks for allowing me to take one through your photos.
The photo of the leaves floating in the water is brilliant. Your photography skill just keeps getting better and better.
It doesn't look like that down here yet, so I enjoyed seeing Autumn through your eyes.
Great virtual treats, love them all.
I like how you arrange and present them. :)
Beautiful photos again Hilary with very appropriate captions and quotes. Thanks for your artistry. Specially liked your 'flaming tree.' - Dave
Gorgeous autumn. I am so glad you are enjoying it!
A beautiful, peaceful walk, Hilary. Thanks for taking me along. :)
OMG, those are wonderful. Thank you for the walk.
I love Autumn, I really do. i love all the seasons, but I think I am at my best in the fall. I don't know how city/rural your particular area is, but it amazes me how much some of your pics look like my own area.
Some of these could have been taken right along my own Pawtuxet river, though our leaves aren't quite as far along.
Spiced rum goes with anything. It's fine by itself, too, I think, if you're out of cider ;-)
I think I'll offer you a speculatory soundtrack, one that, to my knowledge, doesn't exist, but should: Miles Davis, with his first quintet, playing Autumn Leaves, (what else?) You'll have to imagine it for yourself.
My version has a nice, rubato intro, then Philly Joe and Red Garland kick in, medium/up. Chambers lays it down nicely.
'Trane takes a few as only he could.
Then Miles calls the wandering sheep home.
The falling leaves, drift by my window, the autumn leaves of red and gold... I see your lips, the summer kisses, the sun-burned hands, I used to hold....
A few tinkling notes from Red linger in the air. Why not?
Now there's a girl after my own heart! Right down to the apple cider and spiced rum! Thanks for visiting my blog. The area was Scotsdale farm, taking the back trail around!
Beautifully photographed Hilary; I especially love the autumn leaves caught on the underwater plants.
I'll drink to that! Ahh, what a crisp, colourful array of Autumn entering her finest - you have captured her beautifully.
Enjoyed the quotes with your wonderful photography. As I type, I am enjoying the flaming ember maple outside my window.
Apologies for not leaving individual comments but I am back at the office and well ... I love seeing things through YOUR eyes!
Excellent shots!!! Thanks for sharing.
Your stuff is so damn beautiful. I took a few shots while we were in Chicago, and I'm proud of a couple of them, but yours are just magnificent, always, no matter the subject.
We have a theme going don't we? LOL Our thoughts are similar about fall, great minds think alike! I LOVE the firewood photo, that says it all. Gorgeous!!!
Once again a lovely walk along the lakes and roads of cottage country, thanks for the lunch-time vacation! Wonderful photos, as usual!
I love this one:
"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf's a flower." ~ Albert Camus
I mentally kicked myself on my walk today, for not remembering my camera. The changing colors of the leaves, the warm filtered sunshine... I had to photograph it all into my memory. Autumn sure does know how to dress up nicely!
I love your pictures--fall is a beautiful time of the year
magnificent. the colours against the blue have been so vivid this year ... or is it just me noticing.
the last quote of Frank's is perfect. I went hiking back to the quarry again, and just sat there on the moss covered rocks in the silence and the light shafts.
Oh sweetie, your very brilliant vivid pictures are just breathtaking!!! We have had such a dry spell her in the Ozark Mountains that I fear the leaves are just turnin' brown and droppin' off. 'till then I'll just enjoy your beautiful Autumn. :o)
Ya'll have a most beautifully blessed 'fall' day!!!
I so very much love what you do with autumn here, Hilary. Every sense is awakened, and I am hungry for a night fire. So inviting!
• Thanks so much, Sandy. Very much appreciated. :)
• Slamdunk, thanks for joining me - a pleasure to have you along. :)
• Steviewren, thank you so kindly. Such a nice thing to say. We're lucky to be having a brilliant autumn. I'll share more with you in a few days. :)
• Indrani, thanks kindly. I'm glad you think so. :)
• Dave, thank you. There are more and more trees looking like that this past week. We're having a great season. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Friko, thanks so much. It's impossible not to. :)
• Sandra, it's always a pleasure to have you along, my friend. Thanks for joining me. :)
• Thank you, Leah. I'm so glad you came along for the walk. :)
• Cricket, I live in a large-ish city. Some consider it to be part of Toronto, but it isn't. We have a lot of green space though and much of that is within walking distance of my home. That's where I tend to take most of my photos - those which aren't around Frank's place or the cottage, that is. It's cool that the scenery is so much like your own. You're right about spiced rum.. it's very agreeable and doesn't mind its own company one bit. ;) Autumn Leaves is one of my favourite songs (by Eva Cassidy) and I'm sure your "speculatory soundtrack" would be marvelous. Thanks for always providing great music for my posts. :)
• Lorac, thanks for stopping by and letting me know about your post location. I knew it was around there somewhere. :)
• Jane, thanks very kindly. I'm glad you liked it. :)
• Shrinky, clink! Thanks so much for the kind words. Always very much appreciated. :)
• Paul, thanks very much. It sure is a beauty of a season this year, isn't it? Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Daryl, no need to apologize. I'm just happy to know you visited. Welcome back, my friend and thank for the always warm comments. :)
• Welcome, Jarlin Paul and thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Jim, you're such a sweetie. Thank you so much for such kind words. You never fail to evoke a smile. Looking forward to seeing your Chicago photos. Thanks always for stopping by. :)
• Rainy, we do! The season is impossible to ignore. I suspect we're not the only ones. ;) Thanks kindly, my friend. :)
• MaggieGem, I'm so glad you could join me. Always happy to have you along. Thanks. :)
• KC, not to worry. Some of the best images are mental photographs, and besides, you can always walk again another day - with the camera. The season still has some good time left. Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
• Welcome, Sage and thanks very much for the kind words. Much appreciated. :)
• Deb, you're so right about the particularly vivid shades this year. Or we're both noticing. ;) I'm glad you enjoyed your hike today. This season sure is a beauty. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Nezzy, thank you so much for your kind words. We've been very lucky to have such a lovely autumn this year. I hope yours improves some. Wishing you a lovely season. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Sandy, thank you. You never fail to find the right words to evoke a smile. Thank you so much for your return visit. You're a gem. :)
Beautiful pictures and tribute to Autumn! Very nice post!
These photos are beautiful. I love fall with all the yellows, reds and oranges. It's just such a colorful season.
A never ending road just warms my atoms.
Thank you.
How wonderful - I love that one with the leaves in the water - it's a unique shot and that yellow leaf just seems to say "hello!"
Beautiful evocative shots Hilary :)
I love the wet road. Very, very beautiful. Autumn is as pretty as they come. That is for certain!
Wonderful pictures. Very enjoyable.
What amazing pictures of Fall. Hilary, these are so beautiful. I think I can actually smell the fallen leaves.
I love the firewood glowing in the Golden Hour and your angler and his quote. Priceless.
Hilary: You certainly captured the beauty of the season. You knew I would love the fisherman.
Love the images.
Love the quote.
Love the fact you we must surely share some of the mulled apple cider one day ......
I could hear the brook,
and the shimmering sounds of leaves and smell the burning leaves!
Thank YOU!
Aloha from Hawaii
Comfort Spiral
• Coreen, thanks very much for the kind words. They're much appreciated. :)
• VM, thank you. It truly is an incredible season. Its beauty is short-lived though and that makes it even more so. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• ST, thanks for stopping by to warm your atoms. :)
• Stacey Dawn, thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed the image. I like the way you see that leaf.. or hear it. ;)
• Thank you, Loz. :)
• LWK, it sure is a beauty of a season this year. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• PressAgency, thanks very kindly. :)
• Thanks very much, Sue. Your always-kind words are very much appreciated. Always a pleasure when you visit. :)
• Thanks, Tom. Yes, I kind of thought that you would like it. I'm glad you did. :)
• David, thank you kindly. Now that sounds like a plan. :)
• Thanks, Cloudia. I'm glad you could join me and that you enjoyed our nature walk. :)
Love these beautiful autumn shots hill. Such vibrant colors and great composition.
Dear Hilary!! These photos as always are SPECTACULAR!!! I especially love the blue in the water!!! Gorgeous!! Always such a delight to view your photos...a true privilege, in fact!!! I'm in awe of your talent!! Hope you have a fantastic week! Sending you love, Janine XO
I love all of your photos. You are so talented. But these are BY FAR my favorites of yours. The first two pictures, I literally sucked my breath in. Just absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous. WOW.
• Thanks very much, Scott. I'm glad you like them. :)
• Janine, you're too kind. Thanks for such always-kind words. Very much appreciated. :)
• Kat, thanks so much. I'm pleased that you enjoyed the photos. Your kind words make me smile. Thanks for that. :)
oh right here is why autumn is my very favorite season! just so beautiful!
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