I don't know what you could say about a day in which you have seen four beautiful sunsets.
~ John Glenn
Four sunsets in one day would indeed be amazing. John Glenn and other astronauts certainly had unique perspectives of our world. At best, I can only photograph one sunset per day, though sometimes I can capture it in various ways. Most of the images below were from different day. There might be a bit of overlap here and there. I hope you enjoy them.

Softly the evening came with the sunset. The sun from the western horizon Like a magician extended his golden want o'er the landscape; Trinkling vapors arose; and sky and water and forest Seemed all on fire at the touch, and melted and mingled together. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It's the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray-painted by a graffiti artist. ~ Mia Kirshner

If I could lick the sunset, I’ll bet it would taste like Neapolitan ice cream. ~ Jarod Kintz

Beautiful sunsets need Cloudy Skies. ~ Paulo Coelho

The sunset faded and blended from pink to peach to mango in a smoothie in the sky. ~ Jarod Kintz

Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under! ~ C. JoyBell C.

It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream. ~ Bern Williams

After a day of cloud and wind and rain Sometimes the setting sun breaks out again, And touching all the darksome woods with light, Smiles on the fields until they laugh and sing, Then like a ruby from the horizon's ring, Drops down into the night. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

A large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone, and the sky was brilliant over the spot where it had gone, and a torn cloud, like a bloody rag, hung over the spot of its going. And dusk crept over the sky from the eastern horizon, and darkness crept over the land from the east.” ~ John Steinbeck

Today I saw a red and yellow sunset and thought, how insignificant I am! Of course, I thought that yesterday too, and it rained. ~ Woody Allen

Sunrise, sunset
Sunrise, sunset
Swiftly fly the years
One season following another
Laden with happiness and tears.
~ Sheldon Harnick

All architecture is great architecture after sunset; perhaps architecture is really a nocturnal art, like the art of fireworks. ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton
Wow. Gorgeous as always. Nothing like a beautiful sunset.
I was just posting one on my blog too. :)
I'm with Woody. Beautiful photos. Enjoy your time off. Summer is much too short.
I never tire of looking at back lit seed heads.
Thank you.
I love your silhouettes painted with sunsets. Beautiful post! Cheers, Ruby
It was a really lousy sunset outside my window this evening but I had your lovely pictures to make up for it.
Oh MAN! Love those two taken from the same location, and the same evening too, unless you have your clouds trained. Which maybe you do.
All are special but the last one soothes me.
Gorgeous photography…soothing shots.
I think I can breath now.....fabulous photos! Each one...gorgeous!
wow...i am just in awe of your skies...the first one and the fourth are my favs...the ones with the flowers....so very cool hilary...
These are amazing pictures.
Thinking of a sunset tasting like neapolitan ice cream... I like that one. I love all the pictures, Hilary!
So beautiful! Enjoy your August!
Another wonderful selection of photos and quotations. I absolutely love the first photo, with the Queen Anne's Lace against that golden background. And the last photo...what a magnificent sunset you captured in that one.
all beautiful in differing ways. :)
Although I don't miss living in Arizona, I do miss the sunsets those skies offered us. Your sunsets are wonderful!
I love sunsets and these are just wonderful. Wonderful.
I recall the evening I came indoors exclaiming, "I just got some beautiful sunset pictures!" and Husband said, "More?"
Thank you for the POTW last time! I didn't know about it until long after the event.
More photos from you is just fine by me!
Wonderful photography... a perfect way to start my day!
I have chased many, always hoping to have the best ever. I like how you played with the Queen Annes Lace.
Wow, such beautiful sunsets and silhoettes and so well matched to the quotes.
Lovely stuff. You always inspire me. Yesterday I forgot my camera too.
Beautiful collection of sunsets and verse. The silhouette of Queens Ann's Lace and the Kintz verse are great. I think I 'd like a sunset smoothie!
Beautiful. I love the fragile quality. Blushing clouds are my favorite.
One day I'd like to catch the legendary green flash just as the sun is sinking.
wonderful..the photos and the quotes!
I just posted my first guest post...hope you'll come over and check it out!
gorgeous skies all
Wowee, they are fantastic, especially the last, it is superb.
Beauty overload. Oh, my stars!!
Some great sunset shots. I love sunsets so much that given half a chance I could post a sunset a day, but I've restricted myself to mostly one a week on Sunset Sundays. I'm sure glad you didn't restrict yourself to just one in this post.
Wonderful, as ever. My favorite is the flower backlit by the sunset. Perfect. :)
Spectacular shots!
There may only be one sunset a day but that's enough for you to get some awesome pictures! Nicely done.
And this is why I love sunsets, as evidenced by your photos. The colors are so spectacular! I never see this kind of color in a sunrise. Love these!
Wow. how do you manage a shot straight into the sun and still get anything, much less a nice picture? Guess I really should at least rtfm on my camera before I ask.
The last one is the one for me, with elements of nature and city both. Yep. High-tension wires spoil nothing for me.
And a quotation from G.K. Chesterton, one of my favorites. My personal favorite line of his: Critics are specialists in the art of missing the point.
Who am I to criticize?
And for your soundtrack, I'm going to go out on a limb and recommend Before Sleeping, by aliensporebomb.
Wonderful photos and quotes--especially the one from Fiddler on the Roof, a wonderful song!
Ah. Beautiful. I caught a gorgeous sunset here last night. It's been on my mind most of the day. So wonderful.
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to look into the sun?! Well, if she did, I'm glad you ignored her advice and came up with these lovely warm sky shots.
Gorgeous and delightful sunsets Hilary.
The quotes are wonderful too.
Peach smoothie skies and neopolitan skies...good stuff.
Utterly gorgeous - so lovely. That first shot is magic.
I am always so thankful to be able to enjoy your talent Hilary! Thanks for sharing.
Love them! The pink sky is so beautiful and I do believe you were at my house when you shot the scraggly pine top? Looks like it!
My soul sings at the multitude of colors the sky presents to us. Fantastic, Hilary.
very good post
Oh, this is just the post for me, as you know i love sunsets and evening skies. Your photos are always stunning, just when I think I have seen the best, the next one outdoes the rest.;)
I have posted a tribute to the summer sun myself today and just like you, have no time to blog as of lately, way to busy living.;) But i guess soon the autumn winds arrive, confiding us indoors and we can return to writing.
Have a nice weekend Hilary,
That first photo stopped me in my tracks and took my breath away. (Okay, since I am sitting here blogging, imagine the equivalent happening at my dining room table.)
There is just *something* about the brightness of the light and the dark silhouette of the dying flower that speaks poetry to my soul.
In the shot of the pink/purple one, I like the four birds silhouetted.
A wonderful collection of sunsets. Even experiencing only one or two of them would please my soul
Fantastic compositions. Love the way you framed the setting sun.
wow, fantastic pictures, the sun and the colors look gorgeous look really nice ..
Greetings from Germany
Each frame is showcasing the coming of night in a unique way. The silhouettes are wonderful!
These are amazing. That first shot is my favorite. You amaze me.
Like them all and love the macros.
Such clouds! Such light!
just stunning. the colors are so wonderfully captured.
have you ever read "the little prince?" his planet is so small he can see as many sunsets as he wants if he keeps moving his chair around his tiny planet. :)
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