"Fairest of the months! Ripe summer's queen
The hey-day of the year
With robes that gleam with sunny sheen
Sweet August doth appear."
~ R. Combe Miller
Being a lover of summer, I'm sad to see August end. I've chosen the photos below with which to bid it farewell.

A cute, young and a little too fearless bunny figured that if he didn't move, I wouldn't see him. He was wrong.

A painted turtle, in mid-stretch, sunning himself by the dam. Someone should write a story about the above two critters...

Proud Mama Duck. You can see the fluffy down of some of her babies nestled in front of her.

A favourite around the pond is the Kingfisher. He's a rather shy bird and kind of thumbs his nose at me by flying off most times when I try to snap his picture. This time he obliged me.

He was being a real trouper, that day.

Back at Frank's place, a young sparrow nibbles on a corn kernel. Frank feeds his visiting birds copious amounts of quality seed. Only the best for his feathered beauties.

This lovely red-winged blackbird did his own hunting for food. He's flying to a safe spot to eat his catch.

From critters to flowers. I don't know what this one is but it grows on a cone-like stalk - each tiny purple flower emerges all around it. this one was just beginning to bloom.

I've posted this thistle-turned-to-seed before but not quite as up close and personal as this.

Queen Anne's Lace. I can never quite get enough of this simple, lovely flower. Especially with the sun setting behind her. I will probably have another post dedicated to her sometime soon.

The tops of these brilliant petals appear to be waving bye-bye to August, as well. So this seems as good a time as any to end this post.
More in a few days.
Lovely photos. I find that my bunnies often hide their heads under something & think that I can't see them. They must be at the toddler stage, mentally!
Lovely photos.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
What a wonderful way to honour the beloved month of August!
Frank's love for the birds is a shining example of great humanity. The pictures are all wonderful, I so enjoyed them. Thank you,
What a wonderful way to honour the beloved month of August!
Frank's love for the birds is a shining example of great humanity. The pictures are all wonderful, I so enjoyed them. Thank you,
Awww, goodbye August, goodbye summer. I hate to see summer come to an end; for me, it's closing the cutrains on another year, and back to school/college.
Lovely tribute Hilary, and I love your ending, with sunflower waving goodbye. The thistle photo could as easily be a fireworks display!
Ah, I guess it is that time of the year. How did it get to be the end of September?
oh wow...was loving on the critters, but the flowers stole the show for me today....beautiful...
Is the unknown plant perhaps mullein? I like it just because of the name. :-)
Turtle looks as if it's stretching prior to exercise . . . but that's where my head is lately, so perhaps not.
The thistle fluff is magical. Magical!
Oh, not mullein. Lamb's ear.
Lovely sunflower! I hope the fall will bring sunny days and warm weather, without wind and cold.
Your pics are so filled with life. I love that turtle.
The turtle got me for some reason. It's filled with something like yearning. Fabulous pictures, as usual, Hilary. I always feel uplifted when I gaze at your art.
I know, I love this time of year but hate that it is also summer's end!
making me itch to take the macro out for a walk
Oh no - summer is ending... Love those last two pics.
bring on queen anne!!! can't get enough of your shots of her! :)
I don't know why rabbits do that freeze thing as they are pretty quick.
Yes August and all things start to look a little worn . Out of that you can still find beauty.
The photos of the rabbit and the red-winged blackbird especially brought me back to my childhood in Minnesota. All beautiful. Love the little kingfisher! :)
Beautiful shots!
That pic with the red-winged blackbird is quite a catch! :)
Wonderful selection of nature's beauties.
Summer hangs around here longer, we probably won't see autumn for another 6-8 weeks. These beautiful pictures i will take as a reminder to me that the heat will end here, too, sooner or later.
Beautiful pictures. With all the heat we have had,I look forward to fall.
Gorgeous shots, Hilary! I saw a similar bunny in my yard the other day, but didn't have my camera close at hand.
Perhaps it's just some sort of latent 70's flashback, but when I look at the photo of the Queen Anne's Lace, it looks to me as though The Sun is smiling while holding a masquerade mask to its face.
Your photography is so exquisite. The focus on the red-winged blackbird is awesome. I have never gotten one in flight and in focus. This is a beautiful farewell to August. Which I will not miss, btw. :) Summers in the south are brutal and I am always glad to see them go.
Wonderful photos of all of the little critters. They seem to be out and about doing the things that they like to do. Great shots.
You must be stealthy in your stepping because I always hear that telltale splash of having just missed a turtle!
A rabbit, birds, turtle etc are tremendous, really cool.
the rabbit, the blackbird, the thistle an the last picture...just amazing!
I get nostalgic this time of year that I haven't played enough, or hard enough.I always hate to give it up. One year i traveled to stay with the warm season.
These are beautiful, Hilary.
That little bunny is absolutely precious, and the image of the turtle is fantastic. Great reflection!
The last one looks like the flames of a fire...which suitably represents the heat of August. :) Love the stretching turtle and the kingfisher. Great captures.
This summer has flown by..but I love fall and I will welcome it and hopefully snap a few pics of my own..but none as cool as yours!
Oh, Hilary! That mid-stretching turtle shot stole my heart! Amazing and wonderful and sweet. All of these shots are a stunning tribute to late summer. Thank you!
What a wonderful and picturesque way to bid August farewell. Beautiful pictures.
You have shared such delights with us, again. Thanks.
It has been a while since I've seen a Kingfisher. I used to see one from time to time when we lived by the river in our house.
Beautiful images! I think you work some kind of magic on those critters! Hard to believe September is here...
Beautiful photographs, admiring such views it is very joy. I am greeting
Nice pictures a always Hilary. There is a story about the turtle and the hare - do you remember it - about how they raced and the turtle won? :-) - Dave
I come here from Out on the prairie and find delightful photos, love the brightness of the last one.
If you haven't already, you should make postcards of these shots. The flowers are superb!
All fantastic shots. The end of August is a bit sad isn't it? But I love the autumn too.
I look forward to more Queen Anne's lace.
Thanks kindly, everyone!
If this were the Olympics, you won Gold for this series.
I love the last photo most. :)
What a lovely salute to August. I'm with you, I hate to see it go. And Kingfishers are one of my most favorite birds. They are so entertaining!
The bird in flight is superb! Great series.
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