It was a very hot day, and a couple of kids were cooling off in the creek by splashing each other while their mom watched nearby. I had a zoomy lens with me so I was able to snap a few candid photos of the children from a distance.

They splashed and laughed, and I snapped and smiled at their joy.

I had forgotten how much fun it was to play in water with wild abandon.

I had forgotten how sweet the faces of children are while engaged in this fun summer activity.
Nah, I'm messing with you. I hadn't forgotten either of those things. But I had forgotten how Benny gets when he sees water in motion. And that he was off leash. I'll let you see for yourself how that turned out.

Always the clown, Benny doesn't hesitate to get into the midst of some water fun.

At first, the little girl was a bit reluctant to include Benny in their game. Notice the 'do-something!" glance she threw over toward her mother.

Did Benny care? No, not one bit. The little boy quickly fell victim to Benny's charisma.

Before long, a third kid came along to join the party.

By then, the little girl decided that including Benny in their play could be fun, after all.

The first two kidlets soon tired of the water but the third got quite a kick out of our dear little four-legged friend.

A little kid and a dog - what a perfect combination. All you need to add is water.

Am I wrong?

Often - but not this time.

The end!
Your camera tells great stories
Often wrong - correct.
Not this time - also correct. ;)
Great pics, dear. :)
The Story of Summer Fun told here :)
Love it!
These pictures make me happy and Benny always make me laugh! I mean look at his face on pictures 5 and 6! So much joy!
Who gets more fun? Benny! He's very kind with children, very cute.
Great photos, Hilary!
OMG, Benny is just good medicine.
haha benny looks like he is having a they as well...
Great shots!
Oh, Benny pictures! He's such a great dog, how could anybody, kid or adult, resist him? Love these shots!
Oh to be a kid again and play like that. Looks like everyone had fun and cooled off as well.
Lots of smiles in this post, including those on the faces of your readers. "The end"...too cute.
awesome shots! made me smile all throughout!
Oh dear! No I want a dog, a kid and some water!!
What a fun post this is! Love Bennie's antics. There's nothing better to brighten a day than watching children at play.
My heart danced, just reading this and resonating with its pure joy.
Oh my gosh this was funny! I just love the look on that dog's face! I'm glad the kiddos didn't stop playing and everyone enjoyed the day!
Yep that's the perfect combo. Thanks for this delightful, completely summer funtastic post. Oma Linda
Oh Hilary, what a fun set of pictures! that Benny is something else.
Oh, what fun! I do love kids, a dog and water...
Big, big smile here!
I love happy dogs and happy kids. Perhaps the former more than the latter...
Joy all around!
Makes me want to go play!
Oh, how fun. Love that little dog.
What fun!
Never have I seen such joy. Flat out, unencumbered joy.
Oh my gosh - the innocence and unselfconsciousness of both the children and Benny! Your action shots bring me smiles Hilary! Love the dance Benny can do in water!
I count five that had a wonderful time that day, and with the kids' mom it may have been six. Cool post Hillary.
Your pictures are the very essence of joy, youth and summer. Wonderful.
OH Hillary, indeed, just as you said, gosh, BENNY! Wow, living life fully, chasing the bits of water, having the best possible time. If you could win a Pulitzer for blog photography it should be yours!
BTW, I don't want to seem rude or pushy but I wrote this post the other day and thought "I have made POTW with Smitten Image before, but this is by FAR the most funny post I have ever done, I hope she sees it" Thanks H!
Awesome post! I was happy just watching the children play in the water, but Benny added to the mix was an extra special treat. He really is such a ham! Great post. :)
And the Jack Russel performs again. Good series of shots to illustrate your story.
Benny has made me laugh
until I am crying.
Catharsis. Thank You Dr. Benny
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Benny is a party unto himself. That dog has angel's wings.
Sheer joy and abandon all wrapped up in one crazy little dog, inspiring others to indulge in the same. Refreshing.
Oh my gosh, I love that dog like a star I've never met :). Benny looks like he's doing water ballet in the first one. I think I've watched him over here as long as you have followed me and my Jane between my 2 blogs :)! This post made me smile.
What a pleasure for Benny, splashing with his new friends.
You've really captured the joy.
what a star he is
I love the reluctant little girl, what a look she gave
and I adore the last kid
such a grand dog choreographer
Kids + water+Benny= hilarious fun. Thanks for spreading the joy!
The girl in the pink got her pretty dress all wet! Everyone looks like they are having fun, Benny most of all. I bet he slept well that night, probably tired out after all that jumping and splashing.
Kids and water play are a match made in heaven.
These pictures just made me so happy. What a fun day captured! Thanks for sharing!
Great photos! The dog is just another kid.
Joyous photos. Truly magical moments.
What fun photos!!
just add water indeed! so much fun and so joyfully captured. this whole post just makes me smile.
What an enjoyable splash!! I had forgotten the fun of splashing in water for a long time. I wish I could join them.
the joy of life
such a beautiful gift
thank you for capturing it all
Wow! So beautiful. You truly captured the moment and gave it life.
Wonderful.. a real joy!
Go Air Benny! We take our kids to a swimming creek so these great pictures are right at home with me. It is fun to see lots of people activity and usually a tennis ball flying with a furry friend in close pursuit.
I could look at pictures of Benny all day long! What a cutie!
You really captured the frolic! He is a dancing, prancing water eater.
fabulous .. he is really loving those kids and the water .. go Benny!
Fantastic fun sequence framed.
Oh, to be able to play like that, again!
A dog, water and kids. A perfect combination. Great action shots, and made me smile!
You better watch out. I'm going to drive clear over there and dog-nap Benny. I could use another dog around here.
Love it! Benny makes me smile - you can see the joy on his face and it's contagious!!
My SnakeMaster would enjoy playing with Benny. SM just completed a week of walking and playing with his aunt's golden retriever. Daisy was happy and tired after every single visit.
Here I sit with a big grin on my face.
You have captured pure joy and Benny is total abandonment.
Love this series Hilary.
A different median for Hilary...she did a great job.
Fun Post. Youth is a delightful state.
Great kids, a neat dog and summer fun!
What a great summer afternoon respite from all thing serious! Water, kids and a dog... nothing like that for a great day.
Fabulous fotos Hilary!
Very summery - funny... Benny seems quite a bit smaller than I had imagined, just as energetic, though.
And, I don't know... should I be all obvious and stuff and pick Take Me To The River? Yeah, I should... summer is all about simple, right?
None of my usual heavy non-fiction on the beach, thank you. I'll take a good mystery, please.
looks like great fun was had by all!
Great series, I think you are right kids + dog(s) + water = hilarious fun.
This was a really fun romp, thanks Hilary! The perfect day.
Benny is a crazy dog, I think I love him.
A great pastime for a hot afternoon, and Benny is looking as adorable as always. I'd like to have a creek like that for the hot summer days.
oh my goodness these are all so much fun to view. Love them all.
I love to photograph children at play. I just found that out. :) They really grab my heart.
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