Two clematis buds at different stages of opening. The outside of the petals are fuzzy and pale purple.

When in full bloom, the clematis blossom is a deep, rich purple.

And after they're done, even the dead heads look attractive to me.

By now, the milkweed have all turned to pods but when this image was taken in mid-June, the buds were just about to bloom.

Same day, different plant. The tiny pinkish-purple buds are beginning to open.

A couple of days later, the early evening sunlight gives the open flowers a vibrant hue.

Raspberries are long gone now but back in early June, the fruit was just emerging.

Two weeks later, their colour was beginning to deepen.

Almost ready to pick.

Thistle plants were in full bloom late in June. They attract butterflies and goldfinches.

The beautiful purple flower is so appealing to the eye despite the jagged spikes beneath.

By mid July, it has turned to seed - an explosion of feathery fairies take flight with the wind.

Once the wild roses have faded, the rose hip remains. Some stay green and others become a pretty coral colour. Last year I noticed a few that were quite different from the rest so I kept an eye out for those, this year and was not disappointed.

A few hips turn punk, and grow wild, spiky orange hair. Some time later, I observed what appeared to be bright orange powder on the walking path and nearby grass where many of the rose hips were. It would seem they popped open to share their flamboyance.
I hope you enjoyed these before and after photos. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever catch up to current photos. Probably not, but I'll have more for you in a few days.
Love the colors. They seem rather Victorian to me, rich and velvety.
Macro finesse at its best... Bravo!
Delightful photos! Thanks.
you make me want a real camera!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
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Hilary, you take the most beautiful photographs.
I love the raspberries! ours are not finished yet, I'm able to gather about 10 each morning from our garden.
The thistle pictures are really beautiful too; weeds are also things of great beauty.
Wow - what superb before and after shots. You've really outdone yourself this time!
Great to see Before and After shots!! I wish Milkweed grew all year long....such a great plant!!
Hilary, I love the first photo, this nice clematis bud looks like it's with frozen water drops!
Dead heads of flowers are attractive to me too. Just cut a lot of them out of our front walkway area over the week-end since they were done blooming weeks ago and falling over onto the ground. Even their dead head beauty was past prime. On to the next blooms of late summer.... :-)) Gorgeous photos!
oo i really like the purple ones....and the raspberries....mmm...i want some...smiles...
Excellent set of images.It is nice to see how the flowers and plants change as they mature,but always there is beauty to be found.
Real nice macro images.The hips growth was interesting.They make a nice tea.
lovely and again reminding me i really need to get that macro out
So beautiful and colourful. The clematis deadhead is most Seussian.
Beautiful and elegant as always. I especially love the thistle series.
Oh, the raspberry photos made my mouth water. And the second photo of the thistle flower is just stunning.
your photos are just dreamy. i love the deadhead shot best. just fabulous!
these are all so beautiful Hilary. that last one too. I've never seen a rose hip like that.
Love these photos…you are amazing.
I so enjoyed the before and after tour. The raspberry shots are absolutely delightful! Amazing how different the clematis buds appear from the actual flower. Excellent work!
Lovely series of photos Hilary. The second shot of the rose hips looks very sci-fi, maybe a relative of Audrey II ;)
I loved watching the process of mother nature. You have such a gift for seeing the beauty in the natural world.
all your flowers look like works of art!
If I could take photos like you do I'd be thrilled to have lots of extras. They'll be wonderful to see in mid-winter.
These were excellent. I love the plants that send off floating seeds to drift upon the air currents of life. Of course, spraying the earth with your very own fairy dust is pretty cool, too. ;)
Oh, this is a great idea! I love the July thistle! It looks like a fairy tale! :)
It's okay not to catch up too close, you make it fun to look back.
It is amazing how change is always happening in the garden.
A wonderful series - perfectly picked out.
Mother Nature is so magical if we just take time to look..and thankfully you did that for us! I love the raspberry pic...looks like you polished them "before" you too the "after" shot!
Loved it. Your photography is a joy to view, Hilary!
You make me want to sit right next to that berry bush and grab them the second they're ready! Love your pics!
Gorgeous. Am I the only one who likes the smell of milkweed flowers?
I really did enjoy your post. We're all aware of this process but it's great to see pictures side by side.
These are great Hilary. Every time I see a picture of milkweed I get a stab of homesickness for the upper midwest, where I grew up, and where there was milkweed & monarch butterfly chrysalises hanging from the stems.
Love these before and afters. Beautiful colors.
Punk rose hips make me smile, even if my husband (who was sitting next to me) thinks they were merely infected with a fungus.
oh, beautiful!! Especially love the feathery fairies!!
Absolutely stunning macros! Such details... I get lost observing them.
Gorgeous photos!! Love the atmosphere you created with them too
Beautiful before and afters, I really like the fuzzy clematis afters too. Thanks,
Hilary: Such a beautiful collection, and how cool that you assembled odds and ends! The shades of Purple are nice!!! Very Cheery!!!!
Each of these is wonderful Hilary, and although it is hard to choose, I think the raspberries are my favorite.
Beautifully done!
Thank you so very much for your kind words about Bert. They truly mean so much.
oh GOSH those colors are so rich!
The depths of field of these shots has me thinking each one is its own universe.
i love the progression of each plant. i'm especially fond of the milkweed and thistle shots.
Oh wow! What a great idea. Love these shots. :)
The photos and your writing are so lyrical...you seem to have a bit of a Victorian botanist poet inside you.
Love the raspberries, it's been ages since I've seen them growing. And the feathery wisps of thistle--love.
Superb set of close ups Hilary.
Pictures galore, a genius has been there. Beautiful Hilary.
Love the macros Hilary. The Punk rose hips are fantastic.
I'm so glad you stop and take time to look deeply at the flowers.
We are the better for it.
You are so observant and also able to tie themes together so well. Not everyone has either gift, but you have both. The first photo is a winner.
Dear Hilary, your own progressive photography;)) Beautiful captures.;) I have the same clematis. Had one at the white house and planted a new one here in my new home, it is a baby now, but hopefully will grow strong in a few years. The buds you show here are identical;))
Have a great weekend,
i adore this whole collection, the colors and light have me smiling as one shot dances into the next ... the dof on the thistle is fantastic :)
That purple thistle plant is certainly gorgeous.
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