The good weather means I'm enjoying the outdoors more, clicking the camera more and will have more photos to share. The downside is that I have less time to visit and comment on your own fine posts. Posts of the week will continue as long as I have at least a few to share. That too may suffer through this season of fine weather, outings and time spent away from home. I hope you understand my sporadic visits.
Below are a few scenes which caught my eye when I took a stroll down a country road, leaving the fishing to Frank and his son.
Throw your heart over the fence and the rest will follow. ~ Norman Vincent Peale
I like fences of all shapes and sizes. This simple wire fence beside a knotted tree just caught my attention. It just seemed right on a lazy, hazy country day.A good neighbor is a fellow who smiles at you over the back fence, but doesn't climb over it. ~ Arthur Baer
Another roadside fence, with a canoe ready for portage to the waters just across the road. You can see that a young artist lives at this home - a bright red chalkboard at the ready for some colourful creations.
Give me a fruitful error anytime, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. ~ Vilfredo Pareto
If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me. ~ William Shakespeare
A pair of milkweed pods, complete with feathery seeds willing to perpetuate this plant's life.Always write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them. ~ James Fallows
A bright red mailbox, reflected in a puddled country road. I wonder if there was happy news within, or did they just get bills like the rest of us?There were at least two dozen cut trees close to the edge of the road along the half-mile or so stretch where I walked. I'm not sure why. This stump stood out because it appeared to be winking and smiling at me - kind of like a typed smiley, like this... ;)
Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
This was a drive-by shooting, on our way home. There was a car behind us and Frank couldn't stop. You can see part of the back, side window at the bottom of the image. The door leads to a tiny, over-packed shop, filled with yard sale-like items. I know that because we've stopped by for a visit in the past.Happy Mother's Day to all Moms who celebrate this day, here in North America. I'll have more photos for you in a few days.
A very nice collection of photos. It is always nice to hear from you.
well, I do miss your visits but I look forward to all the new photos!
It is not the quantity of the visits but the quality. Nice photos, great visit.
Enjoy your life! Live!!! Blogging will be here when you have a rainy day to be inside!
LOVE that mailbox photo and reflection in it!
Happy Mother's Day!
A superb shot of the Milkweed seeds. I love the shop.......cos you can stop that's what brakes are for....!
I love your creative shots.Happy Mother's Day.
You nourish us all with your talent! I love to think of you out there taking pictures!
I think you're not the only one suffering from real life getting in the way of blogging. Enjoy the outdoors!
I, too, saw that smiley face the second it popped up on my screen!
I would spend less time blogging, too!
Happy Mother's Day to you too! Love the red mailbox photo... and it's reflection.
Happy Mother's Day--great photos, I really like that red mailbox and the reflections!
Enjoy the beautiful weather and keep giving us those wonderful photographs, Happy Mother's Day to you too Hilary :-)
I think we all have ebbs in the tide of our posting and visiting
I know I do
I think it all evens out in the wash and firmly believe in blogging without obligation
enjoys the outdoors!!
I love fences too
I like the blue boat resting on the fence
oo we love playing witht he milk weed....and what a cool face in that tree...hope you have a great mothers day!!!
The little seed pod is actually, a pod created in the stem of the golden rod by a golden rod gall fly.
Happy Mother's Day.
I love those milkweed seeds. Like the wings of a tiny angel.
Delightful. Just the interlude I needed.
It is beautiful out and your pictures shows it. And most people want to spend more time out than in front of the computers.
No surprise, I LOVE fences.......
I also love OLD that last shot.
Well done as usual. Great DOF on the fence photo.
A nice one, the fences and seed pod are really far out, man or woman.
be Springtime easy with yourself - we love whatever you produce (cause it's all amazing :-)
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Really superb images!
So artistic...can't stop looking at them!
You're so gifted, Hilary!
Hope your Sunday is going well.
great mix of colours of the last one.
i'm really impressed!
He he he!
That's the same with me! more time outside enjoying the sun = less time to visit all the blogofriends!!!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful shots;o)
Have a nice and happy week****
Catching up here a bit tonight myself.
soccer.. kids home from school, spring.. it's a balance.
I love the old mill shots.
Happy Mother's Day, and thanks for these, they are tranquil.
I love the red mailbox with the reflection the most. Stopping by your blog is always a treat for me, Hilary!
As I've said to other bloggers, don't worry about responding or reading our blogs . Just POST. It's your posts that give us something to enjoy and think about.
Keep up the good work.
I have seen what you have seen in these images, which are great. I love that smiling trunk.
I love all of these, of course, but especially the red mailbox and the drive-by shot of the shop. The colors in that one are just so rich. We do miss your frequent visits and thoughtful comments, but it's always a pleasure to take a walk or a day trip with you via your blog.
Wonderful shots all, but I especially like the red mailbox (what is it about a red mailbox on a puddly road?) and the "driveby"--I think it's the door...
Please don't worry about becoming sporadic--I look forward to all the fun new photos!
Happy Mother's Day.
Wonderfully rural and pretty set of shots. Happy Mum's Day - if you celebrate...
Dear Hilary, I am with you on the "being behind" with blogging.
I too am enjoying the good weather and the good fortune that life has suddenly brought my way, thus blogging is left a bit behind.;)
Your photography is always enticing as it is very versatile. I love to see the subjects you choose to capture.
Love the last image, can not believe it is taken from a moving car.
Have a lovely Monday,
Always enjoyable. These photos never fail to take me away from whatever I may be doing to visit!
Happy Spring, Hilary!
Nice pics Hilary. I specially liked the lonely letterbox with its reflection in the puddle. A great shot I think! Regarding you 'feeling
amiss' there are times when you need a break Hilary. Enjoy those breaks - Dave
Life does indeed get hectic at this time of year. My garden calls and the computer gets merely a cursory look-in for several days a week.
It's raining at the moment and I'm strictly a fair-weather gardener.
I would so love to go for a walk with you, but I guess I just did!
I like the last shot, with the old wheels :)
A wonderful collection of photos. The ones that grabbed me most....was the strange seed pod growing in a vine. The post box reflection in water and the smiley tree trunk!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
What great photo's, Hilary. I especially like the red mailbox and your musing on what kind of news is within.
Hope you had a great mother's day, dear friend.
that mailbox shot is perfection!
*LOVE* the mailbox and its reflection!
I'm glad you are out taking photos and taking in the moment. We all benefit from your time spent away because you are so generous to share with us when you return. ♥
As the weather gets warmer it is always hard to keep up with blogging. I just want to spend all my time outside enjoying the lovely weather while we have it. :)
LOVE that shot of the mailbox. Love it. :)
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!
i like the funny round seed pod and the milkweed. i think milkweed is such an intriguing thing.
Lovely shots Hilary. I like the winking log and want to know what the mystery seed pod is.
What caught my fancy when looking at the first photo was wondering just how many hundreds of times I've slid my boots into those wired-off rectangles and hoisted myself over a fence just like that. They often border sections of streams and (of course) pastures and I've been clambering over them since I was a kid.
Thanks for the blur of memories. :)
Love the red mailbox too. Did you wonder why they didn't bother sprucing up the pole while they were at it?
Stunning photos. Love the mail box also.
Have a wonderful week.
We all need to be remiss bloggers, putting the joy out there in a post and getting back sometime with comments. I think to share the joy and the beauty is enough. To be the place people return to when then can and when they feel like it is a privilege. This seems to me to be the shape of blogging friendship. We speak to the muse in each other. That is more than enough.
Your photography is so wonderful, Hilary. I always enjoy my visits here ~
I know how you feel! I have had such a hard time returning visits!
PS Love the quotes today with the spring weather shots.
Thank you ALL for being so understanding. You folks are the best. Thanks also for your always-kind comments and for the Mother's Day wishes.
Welcome to new visitors and thank you to Jephy's Mom for enlightening me about what that seed pod was. That's very much appreciated.
I love the mail box and I hope they get tons of cards and written letters.
As ever, your observing eye captures some delightful images. Lovely walk on a country road!
You captured some very intriguing images. What creative vision you have for taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary!
Hilary, I find myself frequently falling behind with visits and returning comments. I'm sure there are less hours in a day now.
I love that last shot. :)
Great photos, as always. The "antique" shop reminds me of places I used to frequent down the Cape. But I would say the mailbox is the pick of the bunch... full of implications... you bring yourself to that one.
It looks paved, but I think I'll still say John Lennon Old Dirt Road. A song I love as much now as when I first heard it. Maybe more.
p.s. happy belated Mother's Day. Hope you had a nice one - C
Super post Hilary! I am a big FAN of fences!
PS - I've been very behind on commenting too ..... hope to catch up soon.
Your talent for composition never fails to astound me. The simplest thing becomes beautiful, the oddest thing becomes captivating...good job Hilary!
Hi Hilary! Please don't ever feel like you have to do it don't have to. I'm so far behind that I'm not entirely sure I'll ever catch up.
I love your fences and that red mailbox is awesome. So is the drive by shooting.
The nice thing about having online friends is that we all understand the way the "muse" can come and go. It's part of who we are...part of the creativity. Sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not. The worst thing to do is stress about it. That takes all the fun away.
So just enjoy the spring and summer. Enjoy being out in nature with Frank or just by yourself. We'll see you when we see you!
Oh, I love the milkweed pod, too.
Your photos made me smile.
Pure artistry Hilary. Your posts are like a breath of fresh air.
I too have been very remiss lately. Life seems to be so busy. I can understand how you feel completely.
I feel like I'm never catching up. Have fun and visit when you can.
I miss your visits and posts, but I'm actually in the same boat, behind on posts and visits to favorite blogs. Other bits of my life felt neglected. You deserve these breaks after your long winter! Love these photos, especially the red mailbox.
we have those round seed pods too and i have no idea what they are, except for cool :)
What an eye you have, Hilary. I could smell the pine and the fresh air.
Hilary, your eye for composition is incomparable. I always leave your blog smiling. Enjoy your time outdoors.
Thank you all VERY much. You're SO kind. :)
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