And there was also that other thing. Any cat person knows the "whooka, chucka, hucka, hucka huckahuckahucka.. SPLAT" sound of a feline emptying its stomach of food, fur ball or bile. You probably also know what it's like to try and locate it in the middle of the night, only to do so with your bare foot.
Anyway, he began to show signs of recovery shortly before bringing him to the veterinarian, and did continue to improve after emptying my wallet of a small fortune which led to his eventual diagnosis of pancreatitis. He's on meds now, and doing well.
Frank was sweet enough to stick around an extra day past his usual weekend visit so that we could bring Zephyr to the vet. After all was done, Frank left for home. It was a rainy day, and after he pulled out of my driveway, I happened to notice that the dry spot left behind, from underneath his car, appeared to be in the shape of a seated cat.
Can you see it? It's upside down from this viewpoint.
Here's a closer look, rotated to give you a better view. I think it was Zephyr's way of saying "Thanks!"
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the week.
As I've mentioned, I've been spending less time visiting and commenting on blogs lately, so it stands to reason that my POTW list might be shorter.. and it is. That's probably fine for those of you who also need to spend less time visiting blogs.
The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a Post of the Week - either as top post or as a runner up.

Other wonderful posts are categorized below (they may well fit into more than one category but I'm only selecting one for each):
Oh, the Life of a Supermodel...
by TexWisGirl
at The Run*A*Round Ranch Report
Kids Say the Darndest Things
by Linda
at To Behold the Beauty

by Betty
at Bossy Betty
L is for...
by Ellen
at Stuff From Ellen's Head

by Adrian
at Adrian's Images
The Fog Come In On Little Cat Feet
by Kate
at Chronicles of a Country Girl
Bryce Canyon, Utah
by Moi
at Not By A Long Shot

Spunky Redux
by Daryl's Ray
at Out and About in New York City
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
Girl, I had to stand on my head to see that cat, but I finally did. :) Glad to hear that Zephyr is doing better. Thanks so much for the POTW mention.
Good eye....and creative too. I never would have picked that out on my own;)
Thanks for the Good Reads to read. Have a good evening/day:)
Oh my goodness! Thank you!!! You're so sweet to mention me! :)
(and i love the kitty cat on the parkway!) i hope he does okay!
I see the cat! How cool of your kitty to thank Frank like that!! ;o) Glad he's feeling better!
Great find... glad Zephyr is doing better!
My fiancé has a cat like that. He is old and fat and his name is Sheldon. This cat actually begs like a dog. If he even thinks he is going to be offered food he goes nuts. He is on an automatic feeder and he sits and waits for it to go off. If for some reason he is not near it you can hear him going like a bat out of hell to get to it. The thing is my cat (Norbert) is the opposite. He eats but only a few kibble at a time. What his issue is if he can see the bottom of his bowl. He tries to trip us when we walk past his bowl until we cover up the hole!
I am very glad Zephyr is feeling better. Life is more fun with a cat.
Your vivid description of poor Zephyr's woes, with sound effects, had me chuckahucka too ;) Very pleased to hear he is on the mend. What an observant person you are, and yes, the dry cat shape is uncannily visible. Looking forward to reading POTW.
The cat shadow is uncanny...and thanks for the mention.
Oh, poor Zephyr! Imagine that my Batcat is also sick.:( He seems to be suffering from UTI and perhaps kidney stones.:(( And he grosses me out by peeing ALL OVER the house, particularly my bed. I have changed the covers now zillion times. Poor little thing though.
So I hope Zephyr gets better soon.
Congratulations to everyone mentioned here, I have no idea how you manage to read all this wonderful blogs - now that I have a fruitful and fulfilled life, I simply cannot find as much time to blog as I used to.;)
Have a lovely week dear friend,
Hope Zephyr is doing fine now. Great observation.
oh kitty......
Ooooooh, that image is so spooky (in a nice, warm kind of way)! Ughhh, you STEPPED barefoot in cat up-chuck??? Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh - shudder.. Sure hope the poor love is soon on the mend.
Oh Hilary, you've wrapped a great big happy smile round my heart today, my toes are positively curling in delight - thank you SO much for your kind honour, it means a great deal to me ((x)). I look forward to visiting your other recommends..!
I saw the cat right away. Very cool!!
Glad your kitty is improving!
Had some of those barefoot moments myself! Yuck and Ewwwww! Just about covers it!!
so glad zephyr is feeling better...ha cool on the wet spot as does look like a cat...congrats all...
Our Four legged children do keep us poor! Glad he is on the mend, and yay to the POTWers! Yay Kate!
First of all thanks for the comment concerning *Comments* I will get my son to do it for me when he can.
Glad Zephyr is having treatment although it is all very expensive.
Your description of a cat throwing up was a very familiar one (from my own experience !) At least rabbits can't be sick! Not good if they swallow poison though.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
thanks Hilary. I'm always honored whenever you select one of my posts.
Clever Zephyr (ooooh it rhymes!) could you please persuade Zephyr to use his magic powers to make it stop raining please?
It took me awhile to see your cat. Once I did, I fancied I could see all of the facial features too.
Every time I go to start my car, there is a cat near by. I get so scared but the minute I open my car door and shut it, the cat runs and climbs the tree on the side.
Of course I see the kitty! Hope your baby is back with his number one love very soon!
Thanks so much for this honor!!!! I am off to check out the other POTW.
Always good to come here.
Hope Zephyr is doing better. Oh, I am sooo familiar with the hacking sound. Poor kitty. I had to chuckle reading your post today ... my post today was about my kitty ... is it true love?
Love your folks you featured here today. Some I visit daily. Others, well, I better get over there and check 'em out!
Ray aka ToonMan is tickled to be included .. he said to tell you thanks, he/they can use all the exposure they can get for their videos ...
As usual, thanks for visiting so many of us. Glad that Zephyr is doing better. Yes, those wet piles are the only thing I don't miss about my cats. Always, right in the middle of the room.
I must say, Shrinky's piece is one of my favorites, EVER. Perfectly lovely.
He sounds like a magical Cat, Hilary! As you know, I love the name you gave him. So cool!!
Artists have an eye to see what the rest of us would miss.
Sorry to hear about Zephyr, driveway cat is pretty cool though.
my Sheba had pancreatitis
if you need any help or advice from a fully experienced nurse/slave to cats just e-mail me
Hilary, I could see it. I hope your cat is all better.
Why, thank you so much Hilary for mentioning my blog. I wondered where all the traffic was coming from! xo
Yes, I do know that sound and that feel (ugh!) I'm so glad he's better and I can see the cat spot! Great POTW choices - I've read a few and they're very well-deserving.
Hope your sweet kitty feels better and your wallet heals too.
I hope life gets back on an even keel for both of us. I miss the blogs and blogging but too much seems to get in the way.
Off now to look at the suggested posts.
I am glad your cat is better. I know that splat sound well.. I have had several, and looking forward to owning another when I live in Spain.
Funny, I saw the cat in the first photo, and not in the second!!
That is a seated cat for sure! Wonderful capture, Hilary.
The POTWs look great so off I go to read a few before I crash. Getting up at the crack of dawn is taking its toll - hah!
I am glad the kitty is better! I saw the shape in the dry tarmac, too.
Thanks for these posts.
Where did the week go?
I hope Zephyr continues to recover. We have some lousy neighbors who will be moving soon, and are rumored to be abandoning their two cats.
Our young daughter has befriended one of the cats and I have a feeling we will have a new addition soon enough.
Off to visit some of your POTW.
Thanks for the kind, supportive comments, everyone.. both to me and to the POTW bloggers. You never fail to make my day!
I forgot to mention that I had to run for the camera and take that shot really fast because the rain was quickly saturating that dry area and the cat silhouette was fading fast.
Poor Zephyr - hope all is now well. Does look as though he left you a "sign."
So glad to hear that Zephyr is doing well. And what a great name for a cat!
glad zephyr is doing much better. as for your approximation of the sound of a cat horking up a hairball i think i just discovered what may have inspired a particular 70's era song the name of which currently escapes me.
WOW! You totally captured that foreboding cat sound. I must say Ginsberg's utterance is quite similar. I know this because we tend to hear it quite a bit as he has yet to outgrow his wild and insane taste for oddities.
I'm sorry to hear that Zephr was ill. Ouch. Just walking in the door of a vet's office makes me feel poorer.
Be well, Hilary!
Sorry Zephyr was sick Hilary. Our fellow Alfie does that frequently in the mornings after he has been out all night and after eating breakfast quickly. Jill read a vet's comment about this and its quite normal, because they eat too fast and their body can't handle it - Dave
Glad your cat is doing better now.Pets understand the language of love and Zephyr has proved it!
Ideal Pet
What do you have to say about your pet?
Much too familiar with cat garp. Glad yours is doing better. And I do see the sitting cat in the driveway.
I enjoyed "I Got the Moon" also. Lovely post.
I'm glad to hear that Zephyr is feeling well enough to leave a message in Frank's departure. Poor kitty!
And I am well-acquainted with finding cat vomit in bare feet. I grew up with that experience at least once a week! (Healthy cat, just had a puking habit.)
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