Sunday, March 7, 2010

It Ends With A Bang!

Benny doesn't always cooperate when we'd like him to. If he's got his mind on a squirrel or digging up snow, or sniffing the hind quarters of that little French poodle, he won't likely come when called.

Sometimes he simply turns to head off in the opposite direction.

Other times, he might acknowledge your calls by defiantly watching you while gnawing on a bite-sized piece of ice.

However, there are times when Benny will stop in his tracks, turn on a dime, run like the wind, charge in our direction, joining us in just no time at all. Only one thing can turn him into this obedient little soul.

And only one thing can make him dance for joy. You're about to find out what it is. It begins with a leap for glee and it ends with a bang. Sit back and enjoy!


Hilary said...

omg,he is a hoot.

Cheryl Kohan said...

That is hilarious! Smart guy, that Benny!

Pseudo said...

My border collies BFF is a Jack Russell. They have so much fun together.

Cloudia said...

Thanks to you and to Benny. You fed my soul today!

Aloha from Hawaii my Friends

Comfort Spiral

Brian Miller said...

fantabulous pics hilary...seems a fun little guy there...

the Bag Lady said...

That is hilarious! The Princess doesn't like balloons. She had one pop in her face when she was a pup....

Marlene said...

oh you made me laugh.. My Jack looks so much like Benny...He also stares at us when we call him.. there is a arrogance to him...I'll come when I am ready... he never comes right away...and his passion is the garden hose..he goes absolutely crazy for the hose..He igives me so many laughs.. Jujube is my little ray of sunshine!

~JarieLyn~ said...

You fed my soul today too. I needed that. Benny is so entertaining.

Kaye Waller said...

That is one entertaining pooch. Thanks for sharing!

ellen abbott said...

Too funny.

ethelmaepotter! said...

Never seen anything like this before! Unique and funny! That Benny is quite the comedian!

Fragrant Liar said...

Brings new meaning to "It's a dog's life." :)

ohdawno said...

I love it!

Dawning Inspiration said...

Hilary - thanks for your kind words. Awesome shots and what a fun puppy!

Frank Baron said...

Your dog is nuts.

Country Girl said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I was just sitting here grinning like a fool and watching this movie. Fantastic photo of him jumping, too. Loved this!

LadyFi said...

That is crazy! And so funny. My dog won't go near balloons.

Dave said...

Show that pets can have as much fun as kids with balloons Hilary. Ben is a cute fellow and I'll bet a good companion. - Dave

järnebrand said...

The pictures of Ben are so sweet! I am remembering our dog we had when I grew up, Oskar. He could run like the wind, and used to pretend he was a wolf... Ben is really good, the way he plays with that balloon! :) A whole bunch of great saves there... What a cute post! :)

Jinksy said...

Now I've seen it all! Bang, indeed. LOL

Zuzana said...

The clip was absolutely hilarious! He has so much energy and intensity.;)
What a cute little dog.
The picture collage is lovely too, as I can imagine is not that easy to catch him in action, as he moves around so much.;)

Sueann said...

Oh shucks!! It wouldn't play for me! Darn!

Pauline said...


Shrinky said...

He would win a gold at the canine high jump olymics! Such a darling boy, he is - I love the shots of him charging towards you.. smile.

Gary's third pottery blog said...


Reasons said...

Wonderful! He needs to be in the soccor team.x

Hilary said...

• Hilary, he keeps us laughing. :)

• Cheryl, too smart sometimes.. not nearly smart enough at other times. :)

• PHST, dogs are masters of fun. Nice to see you. :)

• Cloudia, I'm glad to hear that. :)

• Thanks, Brian. He's a fun little nutjob. :)

• Baggie, that's too bad. That video probably recorded the record time that a balloon has lasted with Benny. The longest, that is. They all pop in his face. :)

• Marlene, you described it so well. The arrogant "when it's my own idea" look. And yes, the water. Benny goes nuts when we water plants. And with lake waves. And with shovelfuls of snow. JRTs are crazy! Thanks for stopping by. :)

• Glad to know it, JarieLyn. :)

• Anytime, Steph. He's too much fun not to share. :)

• Thanks for stopping by, Ellen. :)

• EthelMae, he's a perpetual goofball. There's this, and there's sleeping. And not much else in between. :)

• Fragrant Liar, and to "mad dog." Thanks for the visit. :)

• Thanks for dropping by, Dawno. :)

• Thanks, SD. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

• Frank, he's only half as nuts as his father. ;)

• Thanks, Kate. I bet that George and Benny would have a good time together, don't you think? :)

• Lady Fi, as long as it moves, Benny will chase it. It's what he lives for. Thanks for the visit. :)

• Thanks, Dave. Yes, he's a great deal of fun most of the time. But just like with kids, we often look forward to his bed time. ;)

• Joanna, you've got to love a dog who has dreams and aspirations like Oskar. :) Thanks always for the kind words. :)

• Jinsky, I'm sure you'll see many more manic moments with Benny, over time. :)

• Zuzana, I find it very difficult to snap a clear photos of Benny in action. He usually shows up in a blur which tends to accurately illustrate his non-stop activity. I'm glad you got a good laugh from the video. :)

• SueAnn, that's too bad. Perhaps you can try it from the YouTube source at I hope that works for you. :)

• Thanks, Pauline. :)

• Shrinky, he just might. He's a determined little fart. Thanks for stopping by. :)

• Gary, you're a man of many words. ;)

• Thanks, Reasons. He could probably manage basketball and ping pong too. ;)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Hilary: Fun post and a great video. I love the big black spot on the side.

Mental P Mama said...

Adorable overload! He is amazing with that balloon! Well, until it dies....

Daryl said...

I am so in love with Benny. I would pay to see him romping with Kate's George ...

Display Name said...

Oh that was so funny! He's way too much energy for me though, lol! Great video Hilary! :) My friend Herrad has two jack russells, I'm going to give her this link, she'll enjoy it!

Indrani said...

Benny is SMART.
Great looks!

Clowncar said...

love those bennie action shots where he is running toward the camera. arf!

May said...

While I was out here reading blogs I came by here. Great post and I enjoyed my visit here. Benny is having much fun.

Shammickite said...

Funny funny double funny, that's all I can say! What a bundle of bouncy energy. I think he must have springs in his legs instead of bones.

JC said...

Just tooooo funny!!!! Thanks I needed a laugh.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Benny looks like my kind of dog! I wish I had his energy.

Have a great week,

Unspoken said...

Jane LOVED this!

Tammie Lee said...

Benny is so adorable. I love the running photos of him. And the film was good fun too.

Maggie May said...

That Benny is a wonderful little dog.
Great pics .

Nuts in May

Timoteo said...

What a cool guy! Have you ever tried agility training with him?

Kelly H-Y said...

Oh my goodness, what a riot! Benny is FILLED with energy!

Mage said...

Oh knoiw I am so enjoying his portraits while laughing at his humor. How delightful :)

Herrad said...

Hi Hilary,
Rain sent me the link to your blog so we could watch Benny.
He is gorgeous, we have two jackies Spike and Marleen and love them to bits.
Have a good day tomorrow.

E said...

I like Benny, how talented. What a character.

Made me smile. Thank you

SandyCarlson said...

Benny is a hoot and a half. What fun. The photos are full of love, and the video is a riot.

Suzanne said...

Benny is Brilliant! I love that dog. :-) Thanks so much for sharing!

Scott Law said...

That was a lot of fun watching him enjoy that so much. He really did a great job of keeping that up in the air with very little help.

Cricket said...

Wow. I'm getting tired just watching that dog. Love the "collage", it really captures the motion.

Musically speaking, I'd want to hear something pretty spastic to go with that vid. Maybe something by the Ramones? Teenage Lobotomy comes to mind, but i'd hate to insult your dog. ;-) Trance Generators Do You Wanna Balloon could work, but I don't love that one as a song so much.

I think I'll suggest the Everly Bros. Bird Dog. That might strike the note I'm looking for. Too bad the Ramones didn't cover that one. Now that might have been perfect.

Anonymous said...

Totally adorable. Maybe I should try the same technique with Max... do you reckon it works with parrots?!! ;0)

Leah J. Utas said...

Benny must be the happiest dog ever.

Sita said...

adorable! love the photo collage!

Jim said...

Love that dog!

Anonymous said...

The vid wouldn't work for me but the pictures of Benny are great. Reminds of the Jack Russel who owned us ages ago named Butch. Absolutely fearless and always in love.

abb said...

That Benny is just adorable! Does this always end with a popped balloon?

Hilary said...

• Thanks, Fishing Guy. That spot is hard to miss. :)

• MPM, that was probably a record for him, so far. They all die pretty soon. :)

• Daryl, yes. They'd make a fun pair for sure. :)

• Rain, thanks for providing the link to Herrad. She has some pretty cool dogs her own self. :)

• Indrani, he is smart.. and crazy. ;)

• Clowncar, that dog defines perpetual motion. Thanks for stopping by. :)

• Welcome, May and thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. :)

• Shammie, I think you're right. He pronks, and you should see him when he runs after a squirrel. You wouldn't believe the power in his little legs. He's probably part antelope. :)

• JC, I'm glad Benny could provide a needed laugh. :)

• Joanna, I'd be downright zippy with a third of his energy. Thanks for stopping by. :)

• Amy, I'm so glad you showed it to Jane. I picture her giggling and that makes me smile. :)

• Tammie Lee, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the Benny post. :)

• Maggie May, thank you. He's a fun little goof. :)

• Timoteo, Benny is only mine part time. He belongs to Frank (despite what he said in his comment which appears upstream). But no, he's never been agility trained. :)

• Kelly, I'm glad you enjoyed him. He's often like that through the day (except for short naps here and there) - always ready for action.

• Maggie, I'm glad you got a kick out of Benny. He's a fun critter. :)

• Welcome, Herrad. If anyone knows what JRTs are like, it's you.. times two. Thanks for dropping by. :)

• E, I'm glad that Benny made you smile. He's pretty good at that. :)

• Sandy, I'm glad you enjoyed him. He's a non-stop little clown, and he's fun to share. :)

• Thanks, Suzanne. I'm pleased that you got a kick out of this crazy pooch. :)

• Scott, I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed Benny's antics. He's quite adept at amusing himself. Thanks for stopping by. :)

• Cricket, he is exhausting, eh? Thanks always for your musical choices. I actually listened to Teenage Lobotomy online while watching the video and you're quite on the money with that one. Benny even seems to hit the balloon in keeping with the beat. I was tempted to include it after the fact. Maybe next time I post a video, I'll check with you beforehand. ;)

• ED, I have seen parrots play ping-pong so it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Max could rival Benny. It sure would be fun to see. :)

• Leah, I think you might just be right about that. :)

• Thanks, Sita. Much appreciated. :)

• Jim, he's hard to resist. And what have you done with Suldog? :)

• Moannie, that sounds about right for a JRT. I wonder why the video wouldn't load for you and SueAnn. It's a pity because you'd have had a pretty good laugh, I'm sure. :)

• TSannie, so far, each and every time. The same with air-filled balls - they never last more than a few minutes. I have a few dead ones in my back yard as I type. ;)

Anonymous said...

His energy and joy of life is admirable! Benny always makes me smile. :)

Ronald Rabenold said...

Great shots...Nice Blog; thanks

blunoz said...

That is AWESOME. Thanks for putting a smile on my face!

Wendy said...

Funny! I thought he was going to play the piano!! Cute video.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

Have you considered signing him up for a professional team? Too fun. And how nice that he can entertain himself.

Hilary said...

• KC, I'm glad to hear it. :)

• Ronald, thanks kindly. :)

• Kevin, I'm happy to know that you're smiling. :)

• Wendy, that'll be the next video. ;)

• MJ, I'll be happy when he learns to blow the balloons up by himself. ;)

Patty said...

What a sweetheart Benny is! And that picture collage is great, very artistic.

photowannabe said...

Too funny Hilary, I wish I could bottle some of that energy.
Thanks for giving me a smile today.

Anita said...

got a nice tickle from that :)

Hilary said...

• Thanks very much, Patty. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

• Thanks, Sue. Always happy to know you're smiling. :)

• Glad to hear it, Anita. :)

Dianne said...

I missed this whe you first posted because I was caught up in Isadora

this is beyond wonderful!

I really do adore that dog
and his humans are pretty cool too :)

One of The Guys said...

Benny is cute and talented! My kids cracked up. :)

Hilary said...

• Thanks very much, Dianne. I'm glad you enjoyed it and i hope Isadora is doing better by now. Please give her a little scratch on the belly for me. :)

• OOTG, it pleases me to know that your kids got a kick out of the crazy dog. Thanks so much for telling me. :)