Oh yeah. Never mind.
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week.
The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a Post of the Week - either as top post or as a runner up.
Other wonderful posts are categorized below (they may well fit into more than one category but I'm only selecting one for each):
A Turkey in Limbo
by Daryl's Ray
at Out and About in New York City
by Sandy at Writing in Faith
by Mage
at Postcards
Hey Man
by Brian
at WayStationOne
Mantis Molt
by Kerri
at A Little Piece of Me
A Little Bit of Hope
by Mami
at Unknown Mami
Hawaiian Wedding Day
by Cloudia
at Comfort Spiral
Play Date
by Ellen
at Stuff From Ellen's Head
Scared Straight
by Betty at Bossy Betty
Recommended by: Linda
All You Need is Love
by Janie
at That Janie Girl
Recommended by: Di
Sunday Prayer
by Cupcake Murphy
at Odd, Good, True
Recommended by: Hilary
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
I never understood why dandelions couldn't live in our yard. I like the fluff, too.
Beautiful pics again. Love the macros... Will get to the POTW later - thanks for the recommendations.
Always lovely flowers pictures...
Thanks a lot,
Greetings from France,
I am in total agreement over the dandelion. And I don't even mind the fluffy ones...as long as they don't blow in my yard;)
Those are actually very beautiful pictures of both!!
Thanks for some more great reads...
Imagine the joy two little rabbits would feel..... biting into that juicy dandelion!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
The, first is a really stunning image.
Dear Hilary, I am back online after an unscheduled absence.;) I simply enjoyed my life for the past two weeks the way I have not for a very long time.;)
I agree with you on the allure of the dandelion.;) The man I love had his lawn covered with these golden beauties when I met him and it felt like I walked around in a sea of golden coins.
Congratulations to everyone mentioned here, I will do my very best to catch up.;)
Hope all is well,
I do love the cheerful yellow faces of dandelions!
The Dandelions are superb photos.
those are beyond beautiful!
I think Dandelions are beautiful! But they sure do take over if you let them!! Ha!
Beautiful photo
And wonderful Posts of the Week!
Thanks so much
I am a dandelion fan, such cheerful blooms!
I love that first picture.Wha's not to love about a flower like that,especially when it grows in someone else's garden.:)
I love that first picture.Wha's not to love about a flower like that,especially when it grows in someone else's garden.:)
I love that first picture.Wha's not to love about a flower like that,especially when it grows in someone else's garden.:)
its not a weed, its my favorite flower...smiles.
thank you hilary,, i am in good company...congrats everyone!
I LOVE Dandies!
And Thanks so much for your kindness!
ah but think of all those wishes made that float on the wind...
I miss reading everyone's posts but end-of-school has me by the throat and then those long summer weekend days beg to be spent out of doors. I'll catch up the next time it rains. Thanks for putting so many good posts on one place!
W00t! Some of my favorite people! And I like dandelions, too.....
I heard on the CBC the other day how dandelions are or have been prized by many, to the point where, in the early 1800s, some would pull up their grass to make room for the them.
They're not weeds, they're wildflowers. I let them stay. by the time the grass starts growing they are done anyway.
and thanks for the POTW!
great posts! :)
Funny that you mention weeds/flowers in the same sentence. This week I was looking at some weeds and thinking they are actually pretty.
You did a great job picking some posts to honor this week.
Thank you from Slim & Cody and of course from their alter egos and me.
If you thought Annie's start to the day was funny in post form, you should have been with me when she (via Jules) texted me that photo .. I almost .. well I didnt .. but I did LOL literally.
I wanted to lie down in the grass in the park on Sunday and get a macro shot of the little 'heather' weeds, they arent really heather but I cant think of what they are .. I need to just do it .. and I will. I love dandilions and those fabulous but naughty spores things
Just a thank you so much. And here I was going to complain that my visitor stats had declined to about 20 when you perked both me and my blog up.
Yes, all those wonderful clothes that don't fit. Perhaps I am most annoyed about the "Perfect" white shirt that now hangs and bags on me. Then again....there are the levis that I saved for the thin me that turned out were for a different body shape. Sometimes all you can do is laugh at yourself.
Thank you again.
Thank you to you and Linda for including me here! I am going to give myself an extra squirt of hairspray today to celebrate!
Off to check out all the POTW's.
Thanks again!
Hilary- I think dandelions are pretty, too, especially the metamorphosis.
Wonderful selection of posts. Thank you! :)
Hilary: So nicely captures, they can be really pretty at times.
your photos are lovely~
thank you for sharing those whom you enjoy.
Thank you SO much for sharing my joy and for inviting others in via POTW.
I'm really honored to be part of this amazing site, Friend :)
Aloha from Waikiki :)
Comfort Spiral
As a kid, I was always so disappointed when my dad would mow the lawn and cut down all the dandelions. Your photo took me back to the memories of fresh cut grass and my dad with his old green lawn mower :-) Thanks.
And thanks for the great blogs to read. There are some in the mix I'm not familiar with. I'll check them out.
xoxo jj
Always like you introducing and discovering other blogs! Now I gotta get out there and get those dandelions!
Things that dandelions are good for:1)putting under your chin to see if you like butter..or maybe it's to see if you like boys?..I forget
2)to eat..just ask my Greek Grandpa..well he's in heaven so forget it.
3)Something children can pick for their Moms that they don't get yelled at for picking.
4)Something big kids can tell little kids that if they pick them it will make them wet the bed..I remember that from childhood..we had weird kids in our neighborhood.
5)Something you can make a wish on (after they're fluffy)that doesn't involve fire..or a cake...or getting older.
You've set up some good reading!
I love those dandy fellows--I'm not a lawn kinda girl, so I think they are fun for breaking up the monotony of green. And they humble so many men by showing up.
That Dandy looks good enough to put in a bud vase, Hilary. Actually, at altitude, we're so glad to have ANY flower that the lowly dandelion is welcomed as a harbinger of spring (finally).
Am I a reading teacher? Because I don't read well. I missed "Endure" on here before. Thank you. You sent me back to my own work and had me thinking about Uncle Laurence....and family. Thank you.
Thank you everyone. Your continued support and warmth truly touches my heart. And I'm happy to see so many dandelion fans among us. :)
Hilary - what an honor to be POTW! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! (This is the first time I've been blog-looking since I posted that photo, so didn't know until Ms. LaLa (mental pause mama) told me last night.)
I should have added that about 5 minutes after I took her photo, a gal came up to her and handed her a sleevless dress that zipped up the front. That, too, was interesting, and the photo I took was crummy, darnit!
Again, I'm honored, Hilary. Magnificent company I'm in.
I love those dandelions anyway - especially when the rain is on the little whispy parts of them....
Congratulations to POTW winners!!
I wish the dandelion would get it's rep changed too and then we could love them unconditionally instead of wishing they'd blow the other way, lol. I say my Cornish Rex fur feels like dandelion fluff.
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