I found several of these during a walk in the park the next day. I'm sure Benny was glad to be home, hiding in the basement. But don't tell him I blogged about that. He'd be so embarrassed.
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week.
The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a Post of the Week - either as top post or as a runner up.
The Bride Wore Orange
by David
at Authorblog
(David is the original creator/keeper of the Posts of the Day which promptly became Post of the Week when it reached my hands)
by Cricket
at Cricket and Porcupine
Other wonderful posts are categorized below (they may well fit into more than one category but I'm only selecting one for each):by David
at Authorblog
(David is the original creator/keeper of the Posts of the Day which promptly became Post of the Week when it reached my hands)
by Cricket
at Cricket and Porcupine
Media Whores Meet
by Dianne
at Forks Off the Moment
For JP Lovers Everywhere
by Moannie
at The View From This End
Eyes Opened Wide
by Julie
at Midlife Jobhunter
The Expert
by Elizabeth
at One Magical Moment Per Day
Searching for Earl
by Betty
at Bossy Betty
Viva Sweet Love
by Kathleen
at Easy for Me to Say
A Piece of Art
by Di
at The Blue Ridge Gal
Priceless Lilacs
by Stacey Dawn
at Dawning Inspirations
Applying for Non-Missionary Positions
by Brian
at WayStationOne
by E G Wow
at East Gwillimbury WOW!
Recommended by: Dianne
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
Ahhh...nothing like a good round of fireworks display....earplugs included. (Yes....I don't like the noise much either;))
Thanks again for the new/great reads to read. Have a wonderful week....
My puppies do the same thing when they hear fireworks or thunder, and they don't care who knows how chicken they are! congrats to the POTW and thanks, Hilary, for pointing me to some good reading!
We all know that Benny has the heart of a lion.
Now to check out the POTWs!
Aloha from Waikiki :)
Comfort Spiral
Benny's secret is safe with us ;-)
My Buddy, a Fox Red English Gun Dog, is still a pup even though he's already 100 lbs and growing. Fireworks and thunderstorms terrify him but he's not afraid of gun fire for some reason. He sticks to me like glue and wouldn't stay in the truck the first time I took him with me for my weekly range session. Instead he curled up under my table and watched me murder cardboard for an hour.
I always enjoy the posts of the week... Growing up we lived close to a stadium where there were regular fireworks displays... Our dogs never got used to them.
Merveilleux spectacle ! Mais j'aime bien aussi les grosses détonations des fusées qui explosent en mille étoiles....
Belle journée,
I have been enjoying your wonderful photos and posts, but haven't been able to comment recently...because I've been busy enjoying myself outside in this glorious weather :) Looking forward to checking out your picks :)
Poor Benny, I know what he's like. Beautiful image though.
I won't let on about Benny hiding in the basement! Ha!
Off to read the Posts of the Week
Ah - thank you very much!!
Lovely image... hugs to Benny!!
Oh, my! Thank you Hilary! I so glad you liked the photos -- I learn so much from observing your fabulous eye for light, surprise, and color.
As for Benny: two different kinds of firecrackers, eh? He's a fierce, delightful soul but I feel his pain :)) Looking forward to my weekly pilgrimage to your terrific finds. As always, your pal~
Thank you! You're da bomb. And so is your photo! KABOOM!!
smiles at seeing David's name up there...
and thank you hilary! humbly bows...and congrats to everyone!
Rudee's secret is safe with me, and thanks for recommending such great reading!
Wow! The titles alone of all those posts make me want to pop in for a visit! Congrats to all. And a hug for Benny!
i've got a couple of pups that don't like guns, fireworks or thunder - well, go ahead and toss me into that mix too if they're too loud or too close. :)
Fireworks are always so much fun! One of the best things about summer in my opinion. I so appreciate the mention. Thank you! And congrats to all! :)
no, not a fan of fireworks here either Benny....
Oh so nice to see David back even if its only briefly.
And tell Benny Rose understands his issues ...
I hate the fireworks because of the animals getting upset and whenever we have a firework occasion, then we usually get them going off for a week or two. There are many occasions to let them off these days with different cultures celebrating different things.
I feel sorry for all the wild life as well as pets. Oh stop grumbling Maggie (I can hear you all say!)
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Poor Benny!
Thanks for the great reading tips.
I'm with Benny and will gladly hide under the bed with him.
Thank you so much for the honor of POTW. Earl thanks you too.
my cats agree with Benny
thanks for the mention Hil :)
I used to babysit a dog each year at firework time since I live a long way from them.Poor Omar, he will be on doggie downers this year.
Thank you Hilary, so much...Glad you liked it, think it one of JP's best, still chuckle a week later.
And have been around your list and as always I am amazed at your capacity to find the time to do all you do and still present us with such an eclectic mix.
You know, if you ever did give this up, that you would be nominated every week?
I'm not a huge fan of all the bangs and fire either. I'm afraid I'm going to get blown up.
I'm with these guys, any excuse for some fireworks.
Some of my favorite bloggers in this week's selection. Good picks.
Well, thank you Hilary, for the mention and the resulting nice surprises in my inbox, on a day that has gotten away from me completely. Nothing horrible, just one of those, if you know what I mean.
Checking out your other selections will give me something to look forward to later.
I haven't had a dog yet that liked fireworks! Congrats to the winners-will check them out.
Wonderful POTW choices... great reads!
Hope Benny is out of the basement and upto his usually antics :-)
Boy, those crackers do some damage, eh? Great POTWs Hilary! A lot of talent out there. :)
With you, Benny! It isn't easy. Come over here and we'll blog awhile in peace...
I thank you.
I'm not crazy about fireworks. I like the pretty ones, but I don't like the sound of them.
Thank you kind folks for stopping by and for supporting the POTW blogs. Your thoughtful comments are all so appreciated. And it's lovely to see some new faces here too. Welcome to Rocket Man and welcome back to Pierre. Thank you and merci!
Thank you so much for doing this. Hurrah!
I am so, so thrilled to see David awarded Post of the Week, not only was it a beautifully written, up-lifting and touching post, very deserving of the honour, it is so fitting he should finally know the joy of having his some of own work publicly aplauded!
Hilary, Hilary, Hilary!
I've only just found out that I was honoured with a POTW ... literally five minutes ago.
Hand on heart, may I humbly say thank you. From me, from the bride and from the whole Authorblog clan, may I simply say .... thank you, ma'am.
It might be a while before I am back on Canadian soil, but until then and until we meet (as I know we shall one day) may I please send you a virtual hug as big as the real bear hug I gave Daryl in Times Square - and the bear hug she gave me from you!
My very humble, very sincere and very heartfelt thanks.
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