Another scheduled post while still on summer hours. I'll be back to visit and reply to comments when cottage season winds down. In the meantime, I so appreciate all of your visits and kind comments.
Up at the cottage, late in the day, laundry hangs drying on the line. The setting sun paints the sheets with country golden warmth. They'll smell so wonderful at bedtime.
Back soon with another scheduled post.
love laundry on the line...brings back so may memories of childhood....and nice capture of the loon...
Oh, what a lovely photo of washing on the line. It smells divine when it's dried in the sun.
Great take on wash day. Count me among those who loves the smell of laundry that's been on the line.
Love laundry on the the smell and just the simplicity of it. Great loon picture...last week I was blessed to hear loons every morning as I had my morning coffee. Such a treat! Enjoy these last days of summer. XX
What a fun shot of the sheets hanging out to dry~ I kinda miss my clothes line, hmm reminds me I need to move the sheets I just washed to the dryer .... enjoy your day!
Laundry hanging on the line always reminds me of the summers spent as a kid up in the Catskills ...
Great photos! I have to confess I dont hang laundry out to dry anymore. The clothesline got torn down by accident and I've been too lazy to put it back up.
I could just smell the laundry and sense a calm smile settling on my face. Have a good time.
Please enjoy tranquil time at the cottage.;)
Lovely photography as always,
We dry everything on the line -- there is nothing like it.
Beautiful pictures, and I almost envy the bird his fun in the "tub"!
I love being with you at the cabin...
The sun shining through the sheets is beautiful. I really like the loon photo though.
I have a fondness for laundry on the line. I enjoy hanging it, too. It's comforting to me.
I use my laundry line quite a bit in warm weather, but I imagine those sheets smell even better for having been hung on a lakeside line.
happiness is sheets drying on the line - instead of being mussed up in a dryer.
And if you get as pretty as picture as this out of it, so much the better.
Does anything smell quite as chillicious as line dried laundry? I love the Loon and apparently the Loon loves you!!
As always, fantastic photos!
oh yes, again, such wonderful photos!
I love the soft folds of those sheets and the light. Beautiful. Ordinary things can be so graceful.
And I love the loon.
I see you're fond of laundry too!
Wonderful mood shot. And thanks for the post of the week shout out. I am honored.
splendid photos - that evening light is so beautiful!
I love the smell of sheets hung outside. I agree in regard to the graceful fall of the sheets. I also remember the loon's call.
OH! Cottage life! I could use some right now! Lovely images, Hillary! Thanks.
LOVE the laundry!
Sheets fresh from the laundry line, nothing gives better dreams!
Hi Hilary. Glad you are still enjoying your break. - Dave
Great capture of the late laundry reflecting late afternoon sun rays.
Wow girl, I'm just blown away by your beautiful photography!
I just wanted to thank you for your sweet comment and prayers for Angel. She's such a sweetheart.
I'm still experiencing new shingle breakouts although in singles and not as painful. Golly gee, this has been goin' on since Memorial Day.
God bless you and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend sweetie!!!
I really love that first photo. Fresh as the mountain air.
I just love Cottage Time. It relaxes me just looking at the photos and hearing the tales.
You make me so envious of your time at the cabin. How I would love to be there. Fresh from the line laundry. there is no smell like it.
Terrific picture Hilary.
Enjoy your last of summer days.
Oh, the colors of the fabrics are wonderful. :)
When you get back, can you tell us how you preschedule an entry. Thank you.
Laundry on a line makes a good photo, I always think.
There's nothing quite like the smell of outdoor, freshly laundered sheets either.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
That first photo is absolutely exquisite, Hilary!!! I just want to soak its beauty into my soul!! So wonderful to see you again...It's so good to be back!!! I've missed you...You are a wonderful friend...and I'm so grateful to have "met" you! Hope the rest of your break is fantastic! Sending you love! Janine XO
My blog is "Along These Lines," but has nothing to do with clothes lines :)
Like with Brian, the laundry on the line brings back childhood memories. I was born in Detroit and moved to blistering Louisiana.
Your photographs are beautiful and makes this Lakota yearn for the North and its woods.
Yours is a lovely blog. Roland
Thank you everyone for such kind comments. I'm glad that the laundry image brought back fond memories of clothes drying on the line.. or in one case, to move wash over to the dryer. ;)
It's always so nice to read your comments. Thanks for sticking with me. And welcome to the new and newish kids on the block Lailani, Jenny, Nezzy, Nick and Roland. I'm so glad you've happened upon my blog and hope you'll be back again soon.
beautiful photos. I advocate for air drying on either a line or wooden clothes drying rack for the money savings and for the environmental savings. There is a group on line called project laundry list that is making a map with photos of clothes drying around the country you should enter you picture it is great.
Welcome, MaryQ. Thanks for the info and for the kind words. Both are much appreciated. :)
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