Summer Winds Down
Another scheduled mini-post until my blogging returns to normal.. whatever that might be.
It seems that signs of summer ending are everywhere - and rather early too. I snapped this shot of oak leaves and acorns early in August. It's been a most beautiful season.
Also by my local pond, the late-day sun illuminated this fluffy cloud with shades of golden pink. It's seen reflected in the water below.
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
And the change is all good. Of course this is coming from someone who truly loves winter.
Ha ha that first photograph reminds me of Scrat from Ice Age
I specially liked the acorn photo Hilary. Might make a good painting...? - Dave
The reflection of sky captured so well in the second shot.
There is something magical about acorns, I think and your photos are superb. Pity Winter is so close, though.
Maggie X
Nuts in May
oh nice reflection...with out that little ripple i would never have known...hope you are having fun!
Gorgeous photos!! Love the reflection!!! I would like the change except for one problem. It heralds winter is fast approaching. Sigh! No likey winter and the winter snows! Nope...they can pass me by for sure.
Beautiful photos as usual. Summer is a nice but fall and spring are my favorite seasons.
Your photography is always stunning dear friend. As I sit here soaking up the golden rays of the departing sun I can only nod in agreement, summer is indeed ending.
Have a lovely time enjoying its last days,
oak trees and acorns... such simple wonder.
school starts in a few days , it's bittersweet. I will enjoy the routine, but don't really like the though of the long winter looming ahead already.
It's been such a hot summer. In fact we had the hottest August on record. An early fall would be a little welcome.
I am just glad for you that you have been enjoying this summer to the max. Hugs.
Ah, yes, our mornings are now much cooler...for a while. Back in the 90's in a few days I hear, though.
Ah, yes, our mornings are now much cooler...for a while. Back in the 90's in a few days I hear, though.
Normal blogging? Who does that? Gorgeous images.
I'd buy both of those in 5x7 if I could!
Wow! That second picture is simply the best. With that slight ripple it could well have been just as marvellous a picture of the sky. Too good, Hilary.
Lovely as always Hilary.
I love these pictures, unusual and intriguing.
beautiful shots, like the composition of the first photo... nice work
LOL at me .. I read WINDS as in breeze ..
My yard is full of those oak-leaf clumps.
That water shot is a great one. Well done. Love the "look again" kind of perspective in it.
Looking forward to your eventual return, but glad you're having a nice, long, real summer vacation.
Sweet little acorns - a sure sign of fall!
Lovely shots as a gentle reminder. Nice work.
Hilary, I thought the water picture was looking at the sky. It was so clear. Your acorn with leaves is a winner!
Beautiful shots. I'm not ready for summer to be over. We never really got one here. Don't think Mother Nature will leave that up to me, though.
The second picture had me dizzy with perspective as I stared at it. Amazing.
Lovely, lovely. I could sink right down into that fact, I think I have.
such beauty!
The colors from the last photo are so soft and muted. Enjoy your weeks at the cottage. Life beside the water, long sunsets, the sound of water lapping against the dock, sitting outside drinking up the sights and sounds of summer...enjoy them while you can.
Acorns that big would drive any squirrel ... nuts.
lucky you, still on holiday.
luckily for us, the pictures are as beautiful as ever.
sorry Hilary, I clicked twice.
I really like the shot of the acorns. So sad that summer is coming to an end.
You have a remarkable ability to find the poetry in the small moments most folks miss. I view my own environment differently because of your influence. Thanks for that!
May the coming year bring us all more shared goodness.
Great perspective on the acorns, what camera do you use?
This past weekend has been a taste of the coming change of season. Summer will return tomorrow (along with the first day of school) but I can now believe that Fall is coming.
Without the ripples in the water, I would have believed this was a picture taken of the sky.
These are marvelous. Love the acorns. They are dropping like bombs around here and leaving the dog very confused!
Love the reflection, too!
Excellent photos.
I had to laugh at the acorns though--my pockets were full of those things last week after my daughter wanted to collect them during a hike.
Oh, that pond photo is really special. I love the colors.
Have a great week, jj
just now catching up. love the acorns and how the sky is reflected in the water. on the post is it you make even laundry seem visually romantic? bravo!
I'm always sad about the end of the summer, but I have to admit I am happy that the weather has cooled off a bit, it has been SO HOT this year. And the end of summer is the start of a new adventure in house hunting for me!
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. It's lovley to see some new faces with each post, and especially great to see those faces become regulars as most of your kind folks have over the years.
In a few hours we'll be on our way to the cottage for a few more days. Hopefully, I'll get to say that a few more times before the frost kicks in for good.
See you in a few days.. and sooner in my scheduled posts. :)
the reflection and the ripples are so beautiful!
Wonderful shots!
Ah - so very beautiful and peaceful! Summer winding down and mellowing into autumn is a lovely season.
down here in the south we still have a bit more summertime left. more like your summers up north and not quite as hot!
I agree that summer's ending much too soon...although I'm not really sure it ever got here!
Soothing :)
Thanks very much everyone. Your kind words are so lovely to come home to. :)
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