Wanna see a crazy little dog? I thought so. In each of the photos below, Benny is springing to action (hence the blur in some) by 1) trying to kill the water sprayed at him from a water bottle, 2) attempting to climb a tree to chase a squirrel or 3) biting bubbles which were floating around Frank's back yard. The images speak for themselves but I hope you'll enjoy the quotes which accompany them.
Back in a few days with some more photos.
I love this one: "Dogs act exactly the way we would act if we had no shame."
My goodness, Benny can jump! I can tell just from the photos what a bundle of energy he is.
My Bode is in obedience class with a Jack Russell. All they did the first day was bark in each other's face. TWO bundles of energy!
Delightful. I loved the quotes, especially the one about peeing in his water bowl and that dogs laugh with their tails.
Terrific pictures of Crazy Little Benny.
He has an unlimited amount of energy.;) I wish I knew what was his secret.;)
Great photographs and quotes.;)
Hi Hilary,
Your Benny is a wonderful Jack Russell, looks like there is never a dull moment with him around.
Good pics Hillary. This quote: "A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of. ~Ogden Nash" is probaly right for dogs. Judging by my cat it also applies to him! You let him out and he wants to come in. He's in and....you know the story! - Dave
Hilary, this may be my all-time favorite post of yours! In case you haven't noticed, I'm a big fan of Benny's, so the pictures alone made me smile, But when I went through the second time, I laughed out loud at some of the quotes, especially the one about neutering your best friend!
A wonderful post I thoroughly enjoyed.
I just love Benny and those photos are excellent. What a happy little soul he is.... BUT those fangs make me shudder as I think what he could do to my little rabbit!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Benny is so energetic. I love the quotes and photos, especially the Seinfeld. Isabel always goes crazy when my wife pulls up the driveway.
benny is a ninja obviously...smiles.
oh WOW!
I love the pictures with the bubbles, he's having a blast, but I suspect he could have fun with anything. Love the quotes, too.
I loved these. that dog is such a character and I love the way you captured him in mid-air and that last quote is my favorite.
He is the most gymnastically inclined dog I ever 'met'
I am just crazy about that dog!
Benny! Wish I could move like that!
Wow Hilary, you got some great action shots there! Benny is adorable!
Oh, these pictures are pure hilarity! Love all of the ones with the bubbles - especially where he actually gets one in his mouth!
Great photos. That is definitely an "Air Benny."
We were hoping our new dog would jump and play with bubbles but he does not seem to care about them. He is more attracted to chewing up things like my shoes.
Those are great quotes and lovely shots.
How great! All the of them. But the bubbles? my favorite!!!
Great quotes too!
Benny looks like he's getting a really good workout! The tree climbing ones are a crack up.
Thanks for sharing, jj
I love Benny's love of life and excitement of the unexplored. He's a character, even for a dog.
Hilary, your last picture is great!! You could sell that one to a card company for sure! You made me and my hubbie laugh! Thanks!
OMG, I looooooooove to LOL and your blog is total perfection for laughing today. What pure fun, Hilary. Thank you for such a lovely gift!
San Diego
Benny is a hoot! Look's like he's having a lot of fun chasing down those bubbles.
I laughed all the way through this! It's hilarious! Terriers do have a LOT of energy, don't they? I know my two critters do. The look on his face: priceless.
I'd like to say I don't have any shame. But that's not absolute. I have a smidge of shame.
These are GREAT pictures and I absolutely love the quotes.
Wonderful photos! I have a dog named Benny too but he isn't as talented as yours. Thanks for the laughs!
My heart lept like Benny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank you!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Oh, that's lovely! Thank you so much.
And please thank Benny for me.
It's been over a month now that I had to let my dog go, and I really appreciate the vicarious pleasure of seeing Benny show off how fun he is :)
Mamma Hilary must have decided to wash dirty mouthed Benny's mouth out with soap. Poor Beeny, I don't think he learned his lesson.
I can't help but fall in love with Benny..He is sooo much like my little man.Jujube....Crazy and wonderful all in one perfect little package! they are such a gift!
What perfectly wonderful photos - and quotes. Love, love, love that last shot!
Terrific shots of Benny in action. The blur enhanced the thrill. :)
Photos and quotes are precious! I have a friend who owns 2 JRTs and they are non-stop missiles!
well you know how I feel about anything Benny related - I literally squealed out loud!! ;)
the quotes are wonderful
I think Benny has been training with Alvin Ailey
I love that dog
I get tired just looking at still photos of that dog. Cripes. I guess I've been awol myself and have missed a bunch of posts.
Please tell me you didn't have to finish off that tree with only a hand saw? Ouch. Bit of good luck, that, the way it fell.
And now I'm craving a fish dinner.
This is one of my FAVES, Hilary!!! I adore Benny!!! And your quotes just make me smile and chuckle!!! So perfect!!! Hope you are having a wonderful time at the cottage!! ~Janine XO
LOL!! I just love Benny! The quote about the dog being so excited and shocked when you walk through the door, yet again, is so true! Lucy has to grab a toy from her box right next to the door and throw it around in glee that we're home! We're home!
The captions are right on, Hilary! I killed myself laughing because if we put Beatle and Benny in the same yard, we probably wouldn't have one left. They even look alike, never mind speaking of the never-ending energy that I don't even pretend to try to keep up with!
Benny Fan Club, line starts here!
I love your Benny posts, Hilary, especially the little video clips that you sometimes include. He is obviously a character...an intense little guy that is probably a challenge and a joy to live with.
Rudolph Nureyev has nothin' on Benny.
I always say that there's nothing as tenacious as a terrier! He's a nice little guy.
We had a terrier years ago, I mean my dad did. I know them well....he was a Jack Russell terrier actually. Memories flooding back now!
And I thought Ginsberg had energy. Uff-dah! LOVE that Benny. May I have him please? Thank you for considering my request :)
this series of shots really captures benny's energy and glee. the quotes with the pictures were such fun too. i think he E.B. white one made me giggle the most.
The word "relentless" comes to mind when I think of terriers. This little guy exhausted me just scrolling through the photos. Although, the ones of him floating on air along with the bubbles really are charming.
I've heard of the "Bubble Boy" before, but never a bubble dog. Definitely a Jumping Jack Russell.
What an absoulute wild man Benny is! He's keep me laughing all day long! Great photo captures!
Thanks, everyone for stopping by while I was away. I'm so glad that crazy little Benny made you laugh. Your kind comments made me smile.. each and every one of them. :)
Smiling very broadly*!*
Joy, Exuberance, Agility, Perseverance...and just darned silly. Thanks for sharing!
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