"Fairest of the months! Ripe summer's queen
The hey-day of the year
With robes that gleam with sunny sheen
Sweet August doth appear."
~ R. Combe Miller
Being a lover of summer, I'm sad to see August end. I've chosen the photos below with which to bid it farewell.

A cute, young and a little too fearless bunny figured that if he didn't move, I wouldn't see him. He was wrong.

A painted turtle, in mid-stretch, sunning himself by the dam. Someone should write a story about the above two critters...

Proud Mama Duck. You can see the fluffy down of some of her babies nestled in front of her.

A favourite around the pond is the Kingfisher. He's a rather shy bird and kind of thumbs his nose at me by flying off most times when I try to snap his picture. This time he obliged me.

He was being a real trouper, that day.

Back at Frank's place, a young sparrow nibbles on a corn kernel. Frank feeds his visiting birds copious amounts of quality seed. Only the best for his feathered beauties.

This lovely red-winged blackbird did his own hunting for food. He's flying to a safe spot to eat his catch.

From critters to flowers. I don't know what this one is but it grows on a cone-like stalk - each tiny purple flower emerges all around it. this one was just beginning to bloom.

I've posted this thistle-turned-to-seed before but not quite as up close and personal as this.

Queen Anne's Lace. I can never quite get enough of this simple, lovely flower. Especially with the sun setting behind her. I will probably have another post dedicated to her sometime soon.

The tops of these brilliant petals appear to be waving bye-bye to August, as well. So this seems as good a time as any to end this post.
More in a few days.