Sunshine came softly through my a-window today. ~ Donovan Leitch

Sunshine did indeed pour itself softly and gently through my window on this early spring morning. Misty air rose up to greet the golden orb, casting a hazy veil to settle over the awakening city.

A wood frame which holds dried flowers under glass was in position to be illuminated by this amber light.

A few minutes later, the light fog had burned away, leaving in its place a fleeting but vibrant sky.

Carol Anne and I made plans to wander the nearby town of Lakefield which is home to Lock 26 of the Trent-Severn Waterway.

The water below was forceful and loud.
Here, see and hear for yourself - fifteen seconds of water power.

Wandering around town, we found a shop that sold these fairy doors as recently seen across the pond in Maggie May's blog.

I think "quirky" would best describe some of the artistic expressions around town.

Despite being a definite eye-catcher, this sure isn't much of a happy existence for a fish.

Fuzzy pussy willows - a sure sign of spring.

And while we're in feline mode, my neighbour's cat, Oliver is a fuzzy, purring lump of love.
More photos coming up before too much longer.
Thank you for pouring this healing amber over me, Hilary. I needed it!
You were waxing very poetic, especially at the beginning. That's quite q torrent in the clip. I I,aging that it has diminished somewhat already.
Beautiful images. Such a beautiful area.
That Beta (fish) is also known as a Siamese Fighting fish and it will kill just about any other fish added to its environment. But it doesn't look well and probably won't be around much longer.
Beautiful places, even the quirky ones. We need some fairy doors around here.
I couldn't wait to get here when your blog post came up on my blog roll.
Your photographs are beautiful for the eye to behold.
I continue to say it....and I am sticking to it: you are an artist with your camera.
Not enough of us get up early enough to watch the sunrise. Nice shots.
Love those fuzzy pussy willows and the orange kitty.
Love the golden light in your opening photos. And Oliver is adorable.
"And the sun poured in like butterscotch,
And stuck to all my senses..."
Lovely photos!
Lovely! And thankfully no canoeing in those waters. I always feel sorry for those Betta Fighting Fish in their tiny glass bowls and I am betting that handsome kitty wouldn't mind a fish dinner now and again.
That waterway looks like the river i went out to fish yesterday. Flooding here, and it will be a week at least to be able to fish. Been catching lots of walleye, so it hurts not to be able to.
Just lovely golden pictures, and roaring water as well. It's always a treat to visit your blog and see what gorgeous pictures you've posted. Kitty Oliver is sweet. :-)
You are so lucky to live in such an interesting area with artistic people.
poor fish. and water is indeed very powerful stuff. and I rather like the old man spewing .
The water certainly is ferocious this time of year. Oliver's a cutie!
Oh yes, Oliver :)
You photograph such great things. The fish seems to blend in at first and then wow look at all those fins.
Once again you have captured beauty all around you.Thanks for sharing these.
I used to see pussy willows down by the lake every spring when I was a kid! Powerful water. Great shot of Oliver. Now I am going to have that song in my head all day--LOL! That's okay. I like it. :)
oliver is a spot of sunshine all to himself. :)
I love the fairy doors! Now I want some.
The sunrise, the wishing tree, the lovely fish, and sweet Oliver are my favorites today. Oliver is sort of an odd name for a cat, but that was what my brother-in-law named his cat, too.
Goodness! A cat who makes sure he matches your blog background?! Now that's high power dressing. LOL ♥
What an interesting array of photos! You have a keen eye! I agree about the fishie!
Everything is so golden and lovely; it makes the water stand out even more powerfully...gosh I wouldn't last long in that torrent. I love the quirkiness of your town; what a treat for your creative eye.
Thank you for the beauty and whimsy. I haven't been by in such a long time Hilary, I'm so sorry about your sweet Skitty.
Great shots. I love the light and sun in the first ones.
Lumps of love the color of sunshine make me think I need an orange cat of my own.
Visiting your blog is a perfect pre-bedtime event; it puts me in a calm, peaceful mood where I contemplate my blessings. Thank you for that, Hilary!
Fantastic art form, you are good at this Hilary.
You've posted a fun and eclectic group of photos today. I love the first shot- just awesome! That water is raging...I've seen similar here lately with all the flooding rains. Have a wonderful weekend!
Another charming walk in a quaint town. I just love pussy willows, too. Spring is definitely there!
How nice to see you today. I keep thinking about emailing you, but I have become a failure at email these days. Of course I am filled with questions none of which I will ask publicly.
The water is amazing to one from the desert, and the cat is purrfictly loverly for this now catless person.
Those sunset and rise pics could have been taken across the road from my house! I've enjoyed capturing a beautiful sunset now and then with my camera. Love the "art" in your area...very creative! Have a good weekend!
Nothing better than a gorgeous sunrise/sunset.
Gee, all of a sudden I feel the urge to watch Fiddler on the Roof. ;)
Gorgeous photos!
Oliver! :)
several years ago someone gifted me with a plant in a large glass 'bottle like vase' and it included a fish ... needless to say the fish (and the plant) didnt live very long and i learned that this is not a good thing for the fish at all .. no nutrition is derived from the roots of the plant!
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