Wednesday, May 11, 2016


I had already been out for a stroll on Friday. I'd seen and photographed a number of eye-catchers which will appear in future blog posts. As the day wore on, I felt restless and very much in the mood for another walk so I headed back toward the park with camera in tow.

goose family5
As I approached the water, I saw a pair of Canada geese with a jumbled bunch of fluff in between them, navigating the modest waves of Little Lake.

goose family3
Introducing Father and Mother Goose and their six little Goosebumps. They began to swim the short distance to shore, a little beyond where I was standing.

goose family10
I moved a bit further along than that and sat quietly while they made their way up onto the grass.

goose family11
The little ones pecked around while the parents stood sentry.

goose family9
Satisfied with their snack, four of the six wee ones settled down into a downy cushion of contentment.

abandoned goose egg
Last summer, I was still living up north on the lake. A lone goose egg sat abandoned on the shore. No geese stayed back to attend to it in any way, and after a day or so, it became obvious that the egg was not viable. I had assumed that some animal (raccoon or squirrels, if nothing else) would devour it in no time but that never happened.

abandoned goose egg underwater
A short while later, I spotted it in the water where it stayed for several weeks.

gosling twins
This maturing family wandered by on the same day - a small number indeed. I suppose surviving the surrounding wildlife is not easy for these guys.

gosling cuties
Their adult markings are just beginning to show as they grow into that awkward yet still lovely adolescent stage.

hiding by mama
This one has learned the skill of staying safe by camouflaging itself beside mama.

goose family at dusk2
It's a gift and honour to see new life and to be allowed the privilege of watching them grow.

More photos coming up soon.


Cloudia said...

It is an honor. You wonderful photos convey that, Hilary

joeh said...

They grow so fast, if you blink they look just like their parents.

stephen Hayes said...

Thanks for these uplifting pictures of new life. It's hard to feel down while looking at these fuzzy little guys.

William Kendall said...

They certainly are pretty birds.

Rita said...

I imagine it is quite a dangerous life for the little ones...even the eggs, it seems. Great photos! :)

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

You are right. It is absolutely a gift and an honor.

Jenn Jilks said...

They are so wonderful, aren't they??!! Amazing photos.

Marie Smith said...

Goosebumps are the correct response in the face of nature! She a beautiful post, Hilary.

Kerry said...

Lovely! Such adorable little guys, so soft right now. That lone egg is a puzzle though. I guess if it was floating it would have been rotten?

Karen said...

Great photos Hillary. Have they turned the fountain on yet?

Out on the prairie said...

I like to watch the families as they grow.

messymimi said...

That's one thing Sweetie misses about working on campus, seeing the ducks and geese and babies.

Red said...

I can watch geese all day as they put on a performance. Thanks for showing me some geese.

TexWisGirl said...

tiny and vulnerable.

yaya said...

We have some geese that live in a tiny pond near an Aldi grocery store and frequently cross the driveway with their babies to the field across the road. Now there's a Dunkin Donuts in that field and that hasn't stopped them from crossing over. Traffic stops to let them pass and it's cute to see the Mom and Dad and babies. Maybe more than just humans run on "Dunkin" as the commercial goes! Your pics are fabulous as always and tells a sweet story too!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love seeing the families of Canada Geese.The parents seem to be very attentive to their family.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

"Goosebumps!" I love it!

Anvilcloud said...

Watching the wee ones is always pleasurable.

Linda said...

Aww, such pretty little babies!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

Oh, the sunset, the lake, the birds :)

Theresa said...

We'll be seeing our own goosebumps around these parts soon enough, and maybe some turkey bumps!

DJan said...

I saw the six goosebumps on Facebook but didn't realize it was taken awhile ago. The surviving two are growing up fast! :-)

Mandy said...

What a lovely, inspiring post. I really like the close ups of the goslings on the shore. Too cute.

Linda said...

"Introducing Father and Mother Goose and their six little Goosebumps." Baby geese as goosebumps. I love it!

We have a ton of those geese around here, so much that they are in the parking lots, etc. We had to wait for a half dozen or so little ones cross in front of us the other day. We always ooh and aah over the babies.

ellen abbott said...

my bird watching is of smaller varieties but yah. currently have a cardinal sitting on eggs in a nest in one of the shrubs next to the house.

photowannabe said...

Those little Goosebumps are precious.
I just love their fluffy and feathery bodies.
You have a piece of paradise to walk around.
Thanks for sharing the sights with us.

Tabor said...

These photos are terrific. You have that eye for lighting and composition and have really made the whole time special. I was there with you in the grass!

Daryl said...

there are a pair of swans in Central Park lake and one spring several years ago i was lucky enough to get a family portrait ... its so nice to know that nasty as swans maybe to people they mate for life ...

Shammickite said...

Great pictures, as usual.... but beware of slimy goose poop! We have a reservoir pond near here which is home to quite a few Canada Geese, and also a pair of Trumpeter swans who return each year and raise a family.

Maggie May said...

Lovely photos as per usual.
I think zoos are fine for all the creatures you've shown but not for big cats and bears and things that need huge amounts of space.
You've captured some lovely shots.
Maggie x

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

It is always an honor (honour) to be able to view your photographs. Those soft, downy "goosebumps" make me feel a little snuggly!

Sensing a melancholy mood but perhaps it's just me?