What is happening to our Benny here?

Could our super-swimmer Benny be floundering in just a foot of water while my cold, callous son looks on at his suffering?

Certainly something is making this poor, little creature struggle and convulse in the lake like that. Jeffrey seems unconcerned.

Let's see the fuller picture. Jeffrey is kindly bailing out our pedal boat while Benny chases every single splash of water with great enthusiasm - as Benny is known to do.

That dog creates an impressive wake. And check the water coming off of that tail wag.

Crazy dog.

Awaiting the next splash.

You missed!

Sheer joy and bliss - Benny-style.
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And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if your blog post is named as a POTW.
Don't Blink - A Cautionary Ramble
by DS
at Third-Storey Window
The Empty Chair
by Phyllis
at Prompt Prose
Silence of the Chairs
by Christopher
at Christopher's Views
Hope, and the Dispersal Thereof
by Pearl
at Pearl, Why You Little...
Big Spirit
by Chicken
at The Chicken's Consigliere
MTM: Historic Ice Cream Parlor
by Karen
at Spokalulu
by Adrien
at Adrien's Images
Crocodiles: The King of Rivers
by Indrani
at i Share
by Gail
at Louisiana Belle
Here a Frog, There a Frog, Everywhere a Frog
by Ruth
at Ruth's Photo Blog
Not Being Christie
by Kerry
at Ed and Reub
The Wood Witch Loses Her Cool
by Tabor
at Room Without Walls
Baby Bunting in Hand
by TexWisGirl
at The Run*A*Round Ranch Report
Magic Food Machine
by MessyMimi
at MessyMimi's Meanderings
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you
Oh Benny! This made us laugh and laugh delightedly. So great. And congrats to POTW creators
ALOHA from Honolulu
=^..^= . <3 . >< } } (°>
He is a real character. Great shots and many thanks for the Post of the Week.
Dogs make the best companions.
Hahaha, oh my, Benny in SUMMER!
Benny sure knows how to have fun!!
Oh Bravo Benny! You are the very picture(s) of a JRT! I can't think of anything more fun than to be snapping at droplets and splashing in water in summer myself. You lucky dog!
Benny sure was enjoying himself in the water.
Benny sure was enjoying himself in the water.
You know how much I love Benny! What a treat to see him acting like a crazed animal. I'll check out those POTW, too. Thanks, Hilary. :-)
Love it.
I know he is having fun, but some of those shots could be used in a horror movie like he was being attacked from under water.
da da da da dadadada!
oh, thank you, dear hilary! first for the cuteness and spirit of benny, then for the POTW! :) thank you for YOUR cuteness and spirit in blogland!
the crazier the dog the better...I say
You can see the pure joy in Benny's face!! :)
it made me happy to see benny's joy.....smiles.
hope you are doing well hilary.
Just seeing Benny jump after every splash makes me want to get up and dance along!
Thank's for the recommendation, i love when the cats or kittens stare at the fridge, source of all that is tasty.
Some of our best friends can really put on a show. It's incomprehensible as to what makes them behave in such odd ways. But Benny is having fun and so is his audience.
Benny is such a cool dog. Our kids in AZ recently got the same breed of pup and he's a hoot and a half too!
I wish I had Benny's exuberance. He's obviously enjoying living in paradise.
Benny is such a joyful fabulous companion! And what a great way to give him a little exercise! Also, thank you for the potw; I am honored.
Sheer doggie delight!! :)
Benny and his stunts! Adorable!
Thank you so much for the mention Hilary! :)
Benny is quite the entertainer.Thanks for the POTW.
I just love your Benny, Hilary!
And he looks like he's having such a wonderful time here.
Happy day to you, my friend!
Good boy Benny, show them. Great photos.
You could do a daily blog just about Benny. It could even lead to a book. I am not kidding, he is so entertaining!
I've been fishing all day. No, I didn't bring any fish home; they were all too small, dangit! But I come home to see Benny splashing it up on my screen. What a treat. I love when you devote posts to Benny. He is the most exuberant, cute dog EVER. Thank you for the POTW also! I am in GREAT company!!!!
See Benny jump! Jump Benny jump!
Benny can play! Play Benny play!
Don't you wish you could be so easily entertained and have as much fun as Benny. I do.
Thanks for the BPOTW shoutout!
Love the pics of the doggie. :-) Somehow, that one's more than a dog -- he's a doggie. :-)
congrats to all .. excellent choices
and its always fun to see silly Benny at play (and nice to see Jeffrey too!)
crazy dog indeed.
Awww - nice to see Benny enjoying the water.
Never a dull moment when a dog is around.
A great character.
That Benny is a corker! I have to show this post to my friend who has 3 Jack Russell's..Or, as I told Jack the other day, 3 Russell Taylor's! (A Russell Taylor is a surgical procedure! I need a vacation!)
Looks like Benny is doing his best to imitate a breaching humpback whale! What a clown he is. Thanks for sharing, and thank you, Cuzzie for the POTW.
Cuzzie P
We had friends whose dog did this, too! Such a happy time playing in the water!
♪♫ ♬ Shall we gather at the river? http://bit.ly/1Bl2Ijv
My neighbor's Jack Russell would have been just as excited about the water if she had been raised next to it. Bennie loves life so much and the water really makes him feel so good. Fun shots to see.
A dog so filled with life and joy! Fun!!
Loving Benny style! Such a happy post. I remember our malamutes and how much they loved water. So good to see. :D
Oh, Benny! He really does know how to grab life by the tail, doesn't he?
Thank you so much for the POTW. I am honored.
Aw....Benny is a piece of magic indeed. There are some great blogs here too. Thanks.
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