Little Things Mean A Lot
~ Edith Lindeman

Nothing in life is worth turning your back on, if you love it.
~ Albert Camus
A ruby-throated hummingbird - turning its back on the camera.
You're only here for a short visit. Don't hurry, don't worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.
~ Walter Hagen
The daisy is a bit withered and worn but still every bit as attractive to this insect.
I had a missed call. It's probably the all you can eat buffet calling to say, "Come back! We know you can eat just a little bit more."
~ Jarod Kintz
The critters around here have their own all you can eat buffet. And trust me, they eat a lot.
I'm a fountain of knowledge, like a water fountain, only thirstier. And quenchier.
~ Jarod Kintz
And of course we also provide their water - just in case there's not enough in the lake itself.
Food is our common ground, a universal experience.
~ James Beard
Rufus isn't the only one who eats at the buffet. This sweet little chipper is one of many who knows where to find a good meal. Note the seed dust on his little nose.~ James Beard

Patience and tenacity are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness.
~ Thomas Huxley
And this is Indy. He's REALLY spoiled as you can probably tell. He hops his way up onto our laps without any hesitation, noses his way into my closed palm and dives into Frank's pocket in hopes of finding a peanut or twenty.~ Thomas Huxley
Here's a quick video of some of his antics. Unfortunately, Indy has not come around for well over a week now and we fear he may have "moved on."

The cautious seldom err.
~ Confucius
A sweet little sparrow cautiously keeping an eye on a rather extended camera lens.
If a man can make a better mousetrap, the world will make a beaten path to his door.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whomever designed this live mousetrap, built a far better device than the classic snap trap. Of course a quick death from the snap trap is still preferable to those horrendous sticky traps which I believe are one of the most vile, barbaric and cruel ways to do away with pest mice. No animal should suffer like that. Of course, if you have cats around (and we do), more mice are likely to meet their demise that way (and some did). Anyway, this little cutie was set free in the wooded area across the road. Who knew that Cheesies would make a such effective bait?
There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither.
~ Alan Cohen
I only expected to take a photo of this lovely Black-eyed Susan but there it was, a tiny wasp-like insect resting delicately on a petal, just posing so perfectly. How could I not include it? Who knew when it would fly off...
Fight or flight? If I had wings, there would be no choice. But since I don't have wings, I have to rely on my cape, and a long running start.
~ Jarod Kintz
Oh.. thanks for this, little one.
Sometimes goldfinches one by one will drop
From low hung branches; little space they stop;
But sip, and twitter, and their feathers sleek;
Then off at once, as in a wanton freak:
Or perhaps, to show their black, and golden wings
Pausing upon their yellow flutterings.
~ John Keats
This sweet little fresh-faced goldfinch practically smiled for the camera.
If there was any petting to be done...he chose to do it. Often he would sit looking at me, and then, moved by a delicate affection, come and pull at my coat and sleeve until he could touch my face with his nose, and then go away contented.
~ Charles Dudley Warner
In case you hadn't noticed, this post was all about little things. And this is one of my favourites. That cute little nose on the face of my precious Skitty. A nose that has been kissed many times. Of course, just like a little kid, he wipes them off right away - but always lets me do it again. Gotta love cats.More photos coming up before you know it. Or a little while after that.
I do believe that your little critter in the "provision of water" photo . . . is smiling.
love all your littles. the chippies and little reds are adorable! lets hope indy is okay...
i used those live traps in our former place. i'd walk them out to our burn pile out in the field. i'm certain they laughed all the way, following my trail back into the house and bringing their friends with them... :)
These are just adorable. I do hope the little chippy returns again to dive into a pocket or two. What a sweet post, filled with fascinating "littles" -- thanks! :-)
A stunning set as always. I have one of those mouse traps and find peanut butter the best bait.
Love the new look on the blog. Your photos are amazing.
very lovely macros and beautiful quotes!!
This treasure chest seems the Best Blog post I've ever enjoyed! I want to see these photos daily, and MAY for a while. Brava! Brava!
Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful.
And the Chipmunk is superb.
I think this is my most favorite post of yours ever. I actually got a little teary....gorgeous photos...I love those two quotes at the beginning. So sweet. That little Indy is adorable..I hope he returns! One of my cats Grey hasn't been seen in a week. I'm a little worried....
that goldfinch...the pose is perfect!
Lovely pictures and video.
It is so hard to know even where to start when appreciating and commenting on your wonderful talents. I ooooed and awwwwed over every photo and quote. How in the world do you find such perfect quotes? I am always in awe. Too hard to choose a fave here so I won't. Just the BEST!!!!!!
I love all your "little things". Excellent reminder for the rest of us. Perfect capture of that bug taking off. And where would we be without kitty noses to kiss?
Thank you.
Your cat is not wiping off your kisses, he is rubbing them in!
I hope your cute little friend comes back and hasn't moved on.
As usual, enjoyed your little things at the lake. I do think maybe the squirrels and chipmunks need weight watchers.
The iridescent green in that first photograph is spectacular.
I love these little ones. The insect on the tattered daisy is maybe my favorite, so cool. :)
Life is the greatest show on earth. I like the quotes that went along with your excellent photos.
The hummingbird took my breath away.
Skitty has a very elegant nose.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
Some great pictures Hilary!
Love your little things and I do believe it is the little things that count the most.
Wonderful clip of "indie" and the peanut. I hope his moving on is just that and nothing more. Perhaps he was just too friendly...
According to one science experiment, a mouse's favorite food is gumdrops.
Wonderful photos!
Absolutely gorgeous photos, and I love the quotes, too!
Great photos, love chipmunks, suprised he would eat out of your pocket, they are usually so skittish.
Oh those little chippies are SO cute! What gorgeous pictures!
And seriously, those sticky traps are the WORST. Who is the sicko that thought those hideous things up? Nasty.
I made my hubby use live traps too but I've never seen one like the one in your picture. That's pretty neat!
love the sheen on the bird's back in the first photo and what a cute one in the last photo.
Enjoyed the video. I'm thinking Indy will be back - or I certainly hope he will. Made short work of that peanut. Most fun.
I do hope Indy turns up again - he is so cute and clever!
Smiled my way through this whole post. You have a talent for pairing your fabulous photos with appropriate quotes. How I'd love to have a calendar of such treasures!
Just filled all my hummingbird feeders, they are all around me.
LOVE these! So much adorableness! The sneaky squirrel popping into Franks pocket and shoving the peanut sideways cracked me up, and what's not to love about the cat nose close up?
Love the daisy shot! And such an entertaining post.
Beautiful photos, and I love Indy! I hope s/he returns.
How was the storm yesterday? I heard Muskoka had a bad time. We just had rain. Lovely, lovely photos.
another great set of pictures. and how cool is that? a tame wild chipmunk.
Such precious shots.
I just love coming to your house for a visit! I've been to parks in northern Minnesota where the chipmunks (or 13-striped ground squirrels) climb right up a person's pants leg to shoulder while they are innocently walking past. Can be quite a shock to some people--ROFL! When they get tamed down they are such a hoot! I hope Indy is okay and shows up soon!! :)
Of course I loved each and everyone....but the kitty nose was just precious. Thanks for the happy thoughts. Oma Linda
Love the cute is that?! Our Squeak keeps chipmunks away as well as mice...your post sure proves that good things do indeed come in small packages!
Hi Hilary...popped over from Bob Bushells blog...and happy I visited. Love your photography. Look forward to following your photography. Cheers - Mac
Nice shots - I feel sorry for that poor old mouse!
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
oh i am hoping your little friend returns .. all these photos are sensational .. you should print/sell them .. really … x
Little things that mean so much.
Both this post and these photographs are wonderful, Hilary.
My favorite is the last one here. I so love that sweet little nose!
Happy day to you, my friend!
hi hilary, your little ones are just adorable!
i thoroughly enjoyed seeing your stunning photos my friend. thank you for putting a smile on my face.
a great blog post!!
happy week!
So happy I stumbled upon your blog today. What a treasure!! Gorgeous photos! I will be back for more visits! :o)
Squirrels are such unpredictable creatures. You obviously have a love of animals, Hilkary and that is great!
Too long between my visits here. My God, your photographs still astound me. I can't imagine that there is a better feline photographer anywhere on the planet (and I know at least one more wonderful one in NYC personally.) I may have said this before, but it's worth repeating: I can fairly much feel heat emanating from a cat whose photo you shot.
What delightful pictures. As usual. Seems hat you have an amazing collection of visitors; some wary, others very cheeky!
Blessings and Bear hugs!
Beautiful series again Hilary.
I love your Indy! Funny my friends call me by that name- a short for my real name. :)
Indy is so cute!
I like those cube traps too, but I've heard that the mouse will find his way back if you don't take him a mile or more away. Another problem with the live trap is that the mouse tends to enter it at 1:00 in the morning on an icy night. Then I'm faced with how to release him with ice covering the ground. Will he freeze before a hawk catches him? Suddenly it doesn't seem as humane as I thought. (This happened here a couple of times.)
Lovely post!! I loved all the little critters, especially your little cat's nose. My boy cat allows my cuddles as he knows food follows but my girl cats positively demands attention at all times and isn't happy unless she's being picked up, stroked or tickled. Jarod Kintz sounds like a wise man.
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