I have a few critter photos to share with you, all taken either on walks or in Frank's back yard.
Of course no creature compilation would be complete without Benny so I might as well include him right from the start.
This robin keeps a wary eye on Benny and me. She might have wee ones nearby.
This one hopped up onto the fence ready for a quick getaway.
This is an odd place for a seagull to land. It's the top of a sawed off tree, standing about ten feet tall. He just perched there for the longest time.
What do you think the chances are of seeing the same gull a few weeks apart, along the same creek but in a totally different spot than before? I'd say they're fairly good because that's exactly what happened. How do I know? Look closely and you'll see that this gull is missing part of its left leg. He's the same bird featured in this post.
This little cutie is a female cowbird. They're different from most birds as they don't build nests in which to lay their eggs. Instead, they invade the nests of other species and allow them to hatch and raise their young for them. This one is getting sustenance, Chez Frank's - probably building up her strength to lay more eggs.
One of the finest singers in the park - the male red-winged blackbird.
The catbird often eludes my camera but this little guy sat and posed nicely for me. They really do sound like cats mewing.
Crows are beautiful and intelligent birds. I don't often see one in the field when I walk there, and this one watched me closely as I passed him by. He took off a few seconds later but without a sound or call. I guess I was just a bit too close for comfort but not to the point of his needing to alert others.
This goose wasn't taking off from me so much as he was heading to the opposite side of the pond where someone was tossing out bread crumbs. It's not a great shot of the bird but I liked his reflection in the water.
That's enough birds but here's one more winged creature. A bee busying himself with a pretty, purple flower.
So is it just me, or does anyone else see the left-facing profile of a baby bunny in this photo. I thought that the patched tar on the sidewalk strongly resembled one. The dark clump of mud would be its eye. You might need to lean back from the monitor a wee bit.

And while I'm showing you weird marks on the sidewalk, do you see a butterfly in this one?
And while I'm showing you weird marks on the sidewalk, do you see a butterfly in this one?
And this brings us to...
The end.
Thanks for joining me. You're always such fine company.
Thanks for joining me. You're always such fine company.
I love the birds but my favorite is the rear end of the turtle. You are taking so many more photos these days...do you have a new favorite camera??
too funny...the rear of the turtle is my fav too...next to benny of course...and i can see the butterfly...still looking for the bunny...
Always a treat to come and walk with you, Hilary.
Saw the bunny and the butterfly :-)
Bunny is clear as day, but I love the turtle.
Truly beautiful species for you to photograph.
its Hilary's Wild Kingdom .. charming!
Absolutely that could be nothing but a bunny!
The goose photo stopped me for a minute and I had to look twice. I thought one goose was flying over a goose who was diving!
Thanks for the Benny hit! And all the others were a lot of fun, too. I remember that gull with the missing foot; he seems to be doing all right. I wonder if he swims in circles. :-)
Benny is adorable!!! I too find animal shapes in things such as dirt, clouds, etc. Nice to know I'm not the only one ;-)
I would like it if the birds around here would sit still like yours so I could take some nice photos of them. We have a pair of crows living somewhere near our home and they are here every single day. I enjoy them so much and especially when they sit on the fence making their little cackling noise. The Magpies try to rule the area, but really it's the crows.
Regarding the crow...I saw a TV program awhile back about their ability to recognize faces and how they would sound an alarm when they see a face they have reason to fear. Here's the link to an article about it: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/26/science/26crow.html. And there are some YouTube videos out there, too.
What a unique capture of the goose taking off and his reflection in the water. And the colors in the turtle's butt. Who knew?
always love your posts, no matter if it is flora or fauna you share. :)
Hilary, I love the photo of blackbird! he sings very pretty.
Love me some bird watching!
The bunny looks like it is smoking a joint.
Very nice critter collection. That was quite a gift from the crow, to let you get close enough to point "that thing."
And yes, I saw a bunny and a butterfly. :)
Yes, that does look like a stylized rabbit.
Are you sure cowbirds aren't related to ne'er-do-well brothers-in-law?;)
With the red shirt in the background, Benny looks like he is in an elegant photo shoot before you see the jeans ;).
The bee's wings look exquisite!
Benny is such a handsome dog.
I do see the bunny, much like the one illustrated in "The Runaway Bunny," which we read to our son when he was a little boy.
Great pictures. Indeed the sidewalk marks looks like a butterfly! - Ed Butowsky
Lovely shots ending with a chuckle
Yes...... I see the butterfly.
All the birdie photos are appealing but Benny takes the biscuit! (Literally?)
Maggie X
Nuts in May
You caught the turtle just in time, didn't you? ;-)
Always a treat! Love that goose shot!
Love your sense of photography imagination - and humor!
Great series of critters, I really like the one of the bird taking off, great shadow,and the last one of the turtle with a colourful "end".
Yes! I saw the one-legged gull right away! Has to be the same one. :)
Benny is so very cute! Or I should say handsome. ;)
You get the best shots. I loved the red-winged blackbird. We had them by the lake when I was growing up. Haven't heard one for years, but I loved their songs.
Love crows!! Great shot with reflection of the goose taking off--and the turtle, too.
wonderful post, lady! :):)
I see the bunny and the butterfly..but mostly I'm in awe of the cool pic of the goose over the water! Very slick! Love your shots and I've learned some new species of birds. I like the idea of dropping off the eggs and letting someone else raise them. Why didn't I think of that?
All my favorite birds! Love all your captures HIlary! I don't see any red-winged blackbirds in my neck of the woods so sweet to see yours.
Benny is always a good choice to start a post. Those cowbirds have their own little welfare scam going on don't they? You captured some great bird poses here.
Love, love, love your photos and especially the last one.
I actually like the goose reflections a lot too.
One more day of Breakaway and I can get back to my romance with the computer and posts.
Dear Hilary, your beautiful photography always reinforces the fact that nature is stunning.;)
Love seeing Benny, even the picture shows he can not really sit still for very long.;)
Have a great weekend,
What a brave seagull. A survivor. I wish him well. And I never get tired of pictures of Benny!
I enjoyed your critter photos Hilary, especially the birds, and geese reflection pic, but my favourite has to be Benny - Dave
Someday, I'd love to share a walk with you as you snap your photos. I'm sure it would be fascinating. You see so much that I'd probably miss.
Very nice - love the goose reflection especially ...
i totally see the bunny :)
always fun to look at your photos.
I sure love that turtle . Great post with all the birds also. As always your post is gorgeous.
LOL! How on earth did you get that shot of the turtle's bum? LOL! What a fitting ending to your post.
I like that shot of the goose. It's different, it's weird, but in a good way.
Poor seagull - missing part of a leg. I thought at first he was just standing on one leg - like herons do.
And yes, I did see a baby bunny. Cute little critter. LOL! Brings me way back to my childhood - looking at patterns on the sidewalk or in the street. I think your inner child is alive and well, Hilary.
Have a good weekend!
This is a beautiful series, Hilary.
I love the gulls, but I especially love the photograph of Benny. He is just precious.
the baby bunny seems to be smoking a tiny cigarette. I guess he's keeping it small in case his mummy sees him. Sensible bunny.
Perfect ending! lol Yes I do see the bunny and the butterfly and I love that shot of the goose!
Gorgeous shots. The one of the flying goose is phenomenal!
Gorgeous shots. The one of the flying goose is phenomenal!
i love critter pics most of all, these are wonderful. your dog is such a cutie!
those bird shots are marvellous, hilary, as is benny's photo.
great showing, i just need to say that the photos you chose for that post are phenomanal!
My two faves are the bass-ackward ones (an old expression of my grandmother's). I think because it's such an unusual viewpoint and has a bit of the comic about it, in both photos. I do love seeing the close-ups of birds. As for the bunny, if you could only manage to see a "holy" figure (no, the Easter bunny doesn't count), you might be able to garner some real media attention.
All are remarkable. Can't believe you got the same seagull. Every shot is perfect. Great captures.
Thanks kindly, everyone. One of these days I might find the time to get back into responding to each and every comment like I used to, but that isn't today. Please know though that your comments are always very much appreciated. You folks are the best. Thank you. :)
That's a hilarious finale! I love the reflection of the goose on the water!
Not counting Benny, I think my favorites this time were the red-wing blackbird. I don't see those too often around here. And the goose and shawdow. That was great. The turtle on the log was the perfect last picture.
Beautiful pics of Benny, birds, bunny, bee, butterfly, and [turtle] butt! ;)
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