A stripped down twig shows off some brilliant colours in the late day sunshine.

An unusual bit of greenery during a warm stretch in January.

Red stands out like no other colour in the drab or snowy season. These Hawthorn berries were difficult to snap on this windy day.

One of my stops along the path is this cedar tree where I leave a peanut or two for my furry pals. If you squint, you might see one coming to collect it.

OK, forget the squint. He's come into a bit better focus. Several of these cuties are ready for my approach every day. They see Benny and me coming, and they start hopping branches to get over to this tree. Over the weeks, I've been leaving a handful of peanuts on my way into the park and on my way back again. Spoiled much?

The bridge in the foreground crosses the creek and leads to those stairs which take you into town - just in case you were curious about where they go.

A simple fence on the other side of the creek.

A cute little girlie foot was missing this pink shoe. Someone had placed it on the tree branch in hopes of it being reunited with the tootsie in question.
I hope you enjoyed the stroll and the findings. More photos coming up soon.
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.
It's Official
by ToonMan
at Out and About in New York City
My Zaide's Tears
by Phyllis
at Prompt Prose
Ah, Spring
by Tabor
at One Day at a Time
The Year of the Sledgehammer
by Kathleen
at Easy for Me to Say
And You Wonder Why..
by Mimi
at MessyMimi's Meanderings
A Woman's Story
by Stephanie
at Nienie
by Gillian
at PS Whimsy - Behind the Brush
Lessons Learned... and Snake
by Barbara
at Confessions of a Photography Addict
Blue Tit
by Bob
at Birds of Nature in the Forest of Dean
by Sandy
at Writing in Faith
No Climate for Easter Bonnets
by Ursula
at Friko's World
Inside and Outside
by Lisa
at Lisa Gordon Photography
by Gail
at Louisiana Belle
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you
Very beautiful images photographed with care. Glad to visit her. hug
Like the metal steps and that little shoe on a branch.
Maggie x
Nuts in May
Wonderful pictures. I love these virtual walks.
Black squirrels, huzzah! Hey, are those stairs there because of the Niagara escarpment? I bet they are....
Hilary, with your sharp eyes you always turn a simple walk into an interesting one.
Oh no! I wonder who lost her little pink bootie?
ha. i still like the squirrels....smiles...cool. congrats to all the potw!
You have a wonderful eye for seeing what might not otherwise be seen, Hilary! I love the little pink shoe.
Thank you so very much for mentioning one of my posts here. I am truly honored.
Wishing you a wonderful day!
Love the squirrel and the shoe. And now I've got some more posts to read! Thanks, Hilary. :-)
Toonman is unable to be here today due to editing a new video ... i know he would want to thank the Academy .. oh wait thats the wrong award .. my punster husband will be so proud ... seriously, thanks!
love the stick and the shoe.
Always a beautiful find, a corner one might have dismissed. Beautiful!
great picks for the POTW! many i already follow because they're so goo. especially loved tabor's post. omg!!!
btw, the sledgehammer link is messed up - it's to a remax site you must have been visiting for your new home. :) made me chuckle...
and i LOVED your black squirrel and the thought of you and benny leaving peanuts every day for them!!!
I always love taking walks with you. And thank you for paying homage to Snake, bless his little reptile heart. Off to read the others that I missed!
Carrying around peanuts and/or bird seed is something I've been considering lately. Seems you are having success with that, so I am going to start! Hope the little girly finds her shoe. Love the stairs surrounded by snow. So many cool shots!
Hilary, thank you so much for bestowing POTW on my Barbara post. I'm very honored and humbled being among such a wonderful group.
Cuzzie, I am always blown away by the beauty of your photos and the quickness of your eye. I especially love the grass sticking out of the tree trunk and the hanging bootie.
Thank you so much for the POTW!!
Cuzzie P
Loved the pictures of your walk, thanks for taking us along. The squirrels learn very fast where the peanuts come from, LOL.
Thanks fir POW, made my day.
Love the black squirrel, he is a devilish spirit, lol. The rest of them are fantastic, and thanks Hilary for POTW.
You see much that the rest of us just pass by. Then you improve the look of things for us. I like the first colorful twig as it probably tells us that something has come along and had lunch.
Love the shoe in the branch. Often out on the lake we see strange objects that lodge in unexpected places, sometime due to high then receding lake levels, but nevertheless oddities.
You know, I think I may have found the other shoe here in Oregon:)
Those squirrels are on the look-out for you, alright. You're just like a delivery service!
Only one snow picture here, Hilary. Lucky you.
Thank you for including my snow pictures in POTW.
Those stairs looked like Everest to me post-heart attack.
In fact...they still do....
Love the way the squirrel peeks out like that.
Thank you for the mention, it was most unexpected and appreciated!
as always I love seeing the world through your lens Hilary. Chag Sameach:-)
Great photos of your outdoors. I see you have the same amount of snow as us. Hopefully it will all be gond soon. Cute shoe on the branch.
Like the red berries and those stairs to town look very daunting!
Lots of really nice images. Always interested to see your black squirrels as we do not have them here in Iowa.
Take care.
I always love your walks, even more so now because of my knee and not being able to do the walks at the moment.
I love the perspective on the squirrel! My knees became a little quivery at the thought of climbing those steps. The pink shoe is precious. I hope the owner found it.
Nice shots. That squirrel is just too cute. The stairs and fence remind me of the walk around Evergreen Lake when I'm visiting my in-laws.
Certainly did enjoy the stroll and looking at all the little details I might otherwise have missed without you as our intrepid guide. Glad you didn't take us up those stairs, though. Got any peanuts for the nuts in the gallery here?
Lovely stuff today. Thanks. Tugster has some good moments too.
RYN: Yes, I'm not wild about feedly, but I like the ease of using a reader. I'm having trouble getting the sites in the order I like, and I'm not doing well at adding more sites. Other than that, it works. :)
What lyrically lovely shots.
And congrats to everyone who got POTW.
congrats to the potw winners!
thank you for sharing another brilliant post with such stunning photos and scenery.
it's really hard to pick a favourite.
have a great day~
big jugs~
I love seeing that furry black squirrel after the nut. :) So cute!
I enjoy that tuft of greenery on the tree too!
Beautiful post .... love your little squirrel :)
Hi Hilary. Just to let you know, a Mourning Cloak butterfly was sighted at Riverwood yesterday. Hopefully will be seeing some at Lake A. and Lake W. soon! :)
You amaze me! I love, love, love the shot of the squirrel eating the peanut.
Thanks for the mention of my post, too!
I wondered where I left my shoe! I think leaving goodies for the squirrels at the park is good...I would rather see them there than in my yard! As always I love your simple but so special photography! Congrats to all the POTW and I'll go visiting now!
Something is always interesting when we go for a walk with YOU! You can photograph something so simple and make an amazing picture!!! Love your work!
Your furry pal is terribly cute. Not sure what Hymie would have made of him. Thanks for visiting Hilary.
Dear Hilary, enjoyed seeing nature in winter through your eyes.;)
Nice collection of talented people, will try to visit them.;)
Happy Easter to you and yours,
To your credit, you are a very good "see-er".
Ah yes, I'm enjoying your spring and summer pics... One can only take so much winter! Ha ha ha...
love that shot of the black squirrel snatching the peanut. what wonderful timing for you to get that!
Such a big contrast already from the previous snow post - your eyes must be popping with the first signs of spring.
I love those few moments of interaction when something wild choses to come over to us, naturally they're interested in the free treat but it's an even bigger treat for us ... that pink boot would make a stylish home for that squirrel - I'd be tempted to move it to his tree if it's not reclaimed*!*
Especially loving the composition in the staircase photograph, on this especially busy day in the midst of a few busy weeks. Hope to get around to at least a few of your POTW folks!
I thought the little creature was my favorite until I saw the next photo of the stairs. I love the perfect horizontal lines contrasted with the wild lines of the trees, with the shy, innocent snow as a background.
I hope that slippers finds the foot it belongs to. If not it would make a lovely little nest for some creature.
I was wondering where the stairs led too. Glad you told us. And the door in the tree - I was wondering what or who lived inside.
I won't mention the pink bootie because almost everyone else did. LOL. O.K. I thought it was cute too!
Nice walk - thanks for taking us along.
Love your black squirrel! Happy Easter!
I love that little black squirrel. So different from our gray ones.
OK, that's a big ol' bunch of stairs. I think I'd avoid going into town as often as possible. I've probably mentioned this before concerning one of your photos, but those black squirrels are tres cool. We have lots of grey guys, maybe a very rare one tinged with a bit of red, but no black ones.
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