It seems that through winter, there's only so much out there worth photographing. Sure the snow and icy surroundings can look nice - for the first week or two but after that, the season seems to wear thin pretty quickly. The one nice thing about winter is that the sun always seems to be at a low angle - never directly above as in summer. This makes for lovely lighting and intense shadows. On this day, I spent a lot more time snapping photos indoors than out. Below are a few plants around Frank's house.

The sun was shining through the kitchen window where a couple of plants adorn the ledge. Its light was so intense, that it cast shadows of the window screen upon the tiny leaves.

Another plant, backlit by the sun.

The tiny hairs on the stem of yet another plant were illuminated.

Same plant - a peek through its leaves.

A different view of the same leaf. Do try and contain your excitement.

The croton is a colourful plant - often showing off greens, reds and yellows at the same time. Sunlight is peeking between the leaves.

And from behind, it shines right through them.

Fresh snowflakes, sunlight and the window screen were responsible for this bokeh effect.

Wishing those who celebrate a Happy Passover and/or a Happy Easter. Whatever you acknowledge, just make sure the Easter Bunny doesn't Passover your house without delivering some chocolate.
More photos in a few days.
These make a wonderful set.
I am not generally a Bokeh admirer but i think I may have been converted.
You amaze me Hilary, how you can create dramatic effects from such humdrum subjects. Brilliant! And well done - Dave
How remarkable! I first saw the light through the window shade and plant and liked it then saw the red and green leaves and was like OH MY!
absolutely gorgeous!
have a happy passover!
oo digging the tiny hairs....very cool pics...enjoy the sun..its raining here...and cold....come on sun...
Have a lovely, chocolatey time yourself Hilary!
The peek through the leaves was my favourite, it made me smile! Love the bokeh one too. Love how you play with the light.
I add a hearty "Amen!" to what Dave said. You had me at the first checkerboard leaf. Every one of these is stunning. You really should be making money with your photographic skill.
I love the way you've captured the translucent quality of plant life. These simple pictures feel very spiritual, perfect for Easter morning.
Oh, GASP! What incredible photos, Hilary. I am always gobsmacked (don't you love that word?) by your art. And Happy Easter to you in spite of the cold weather...
It is good, I think, to be able to see something beautiful even when you're worn out by cold and gray and . . . yucky stuff. A single leaf or stem is pretty much a miracle in itself.
LOVE your macros - the tiny hair ones were my favorite! just love your eye and your skill!
no chocolate in my house (on purpose), but i did break down and buy 'birthday cake' ice cream at the store yesterday - drove directly to my neighbor's, told her to meet me outside with a bowl and a big spoon and made her take some of it before i went home. :)
You almost have a green house going on there. I like you resort to indoor shots and playing with the light. I do not have a good close-up lens so my work never satisfies me, but being an addict I will not stop. I will bet this little photo session made you warm!
You almost have a green house going on there. I like you resort to indoor shots and playing with the light. I do not have a good close-up lens so my work never satisfies me, but being an addict I will not stop. I will bet this little photo session made you warm!
You captured beauty in unexpected places. I love the creativity of these pictures. Have a Happy Easter.
Lots of very nice images. I especially like the fading purple coneflower in your last photograph.
Certainly the sharp colours of the croton plant are most appealing in your photographs, too.
Always very nice to stop by.
Your photos are so beautiful and well crafted. Always
green is green even if it is hairy.....tee hee. Love your photos of indoor spring and hope for more. Happy today, jelly beans and chocolate wishes for you too. Oma Linda
Hilary, my gosh girl, you have some spectacular photos here! The bokeh in some of these is simply magical. Truly impressive. Hope you enjoy lots of chocolate today. :)
::: (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...::::::::::::::
*: (=' :') :: Happy Easter! :::::::::::::::::::::
•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...:::::::::::
I like the little hairy stubbles on that plant. Like it needs a shave. Very cute!
So when you get tired of winter scenes take stuff inside. this made a super post. Now I did enjoy every one of your winter posts.
These are wonderful, Hilary!
I especially love the last one.
It always amazes me, just how beautiful plants and flowers can be when they are past their prime.
I hope you've had a wonderful weekend!
The one leaf where it looks like the sunlight is pouring off the edge is so lovely! It makes me want to reach out and cstch the sunshine as it spills over.
Backlit and luminous, these photos are like poetry. Exquisite.
So beautiful, all. Your photos remind me to keep looking-with gratitude.
Save the best to the last, the last one really caught my attention.
So much of our snow melted in the past week, and it wasn't even terribly warm.
Magnificent, Cuzzie. Sunshine on my shoulder always makes me happy.
I really, really love the backlit photographs!! There is something magical about them. :)
Bravo, bravo!!! You are amazing!
HI Hilary.. your amazing pictures made me thank God for how wonderful his colors are! The warmth and peace could all be felt in these shots of yours. You are a wonderful photographer.
Lots of Love,
Beautiful and brilliant, and most welcome greenery.
The textures and light play are just fabulous!
You really experimented with indoor light. I love the fuzzy stem. I personally can't wait for summer. Bring it on!
That second to last one looks as though it's raining money on your window! Cool!
That "do try and contain your excitement" pic looks like either a flying pancake or some weird thing from another planet - lol - both meant as compliments. See what you can do with an ordinary plant leaf? You sure sparked my imagination!
Nice to see sunlight filtering through greenery on the windowsill. Maybe Mother Nature will take the hint and bring on some nice warm spring weather.
I love the tiny stems!!
so sweet
and such amazing detail
my mom brought a croton with her when they moved to So Florida over 38 yrs ago ... it had turned into a bush/shrub by the time we sold the condo .. i hope the new owners treat it with the same love mom did
Lovely photos of what you found indoors. I enjoy the change of seasons and I'm looking forward to what spring has to offer, but I also find tons of things to photograph in winter. I guess snow and ice don't depress me like it does other people. :)
A belated Easter wish to you. Hope you have a great Easter weekend. Those are some great shots of the details of the leaves. I love the plant sporting such colorful leaves.
Never do I appreciate the color green so much as I do after a loooonnnggg winter. ;)
The ‘bokeh’ effect is my favourite.
Hilary: I especially liked the light shining from behind the plant. First time I've ever seen plants photographed this way! Nice!!
So ready for green and sun!
The tiny hairs on plants always amaze me-- They are so unexpected and beautiful.
Hope Spring has sprung in your area.
xo jj
Stems have hairs? How come I never noticed that before? I think I need a Seeing Eye Hilary to translate the world for me, since I miss so much beauty with my own unadventurous eyes. :)
Hilary these photos are amazing!!!
You find beauty in the most mundane places. I envy that greatly. As always, wonderful photos.
plants and flowers are among my favorite subjects..and you have captured your greens beautifully!!!
love all the images :)
Wow wow wow - magical light and fabulous shots!
(Still snowy here.)
Such beautiful composition and use of light in all of these. You turn the simplest thing into art.
I'll take a winter scene any day, just because of that slanty light. The first day in fall that I really notice the sun has dipped makes me so happy. I think summer is nice but overrated. Too much light! I think I come from a long line of short moles.
The lighting really makes for an atmosphere that speaks to you. I especially love the duck "walking on water." :-)
that bokeh shot is absolutely magical!
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