Well I am. Or rather I would be if we still had a significant amount. We don't have too much left but these photos were taken when we did. I hope you enjoy them even if you're sick of the white stuff.

One of the new park benches installed last autumn overlooks the partially-frozen, fowl-filled pond. Say that three times fast!

Impressive little mallards look as if they're walking on water.

Incoming geese! Sorry, mallards but you can't have the whole pond to yourselves.

Don't they kind of look as if someone just tossed them all into the air?

These fence-cicles keep catching my eye, this winter.

No matter the season, Queen Anne's Lace always has my attention. This snow cap is keeping her warm until her milky petals can take over in the warmer part of spring.

Back in Frank's neck of the woods, you can see how the snow has helped to disguise those ice blocks. They're still there - just a little bit buried.

The creek's surface is completely frozen over in some parts, but you can still see the water rushing just beneath its icy veneer.

It's much too early to see caterpillars around here but I thought this little patch of snowy ice did a fine imitation of one.

Ya gotta love the tenacity of squirrels.

And here's Mr. Tenacity himself.
I hope you enjoyed the snowy outing. More photos coming up soon.
gosh, you are AWESOME!
ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
~ > < } } ( ° > <3
I thought it was a caterpillar.
Great pics! Your squirrel is a lot like one we have in our yard!
The geese photos are marvelous!
Unbelievable photos, Hilary! Top notch...the incoming feathered friends are amazing...as are the rest!
The mallards look like they are ice skating to me! And yes, it does look like the geese were thrown up into the air.
Your dog (Benny?) is amazing! Love all your pictures, as usual!
Ha, I am sick of it.;) Blaha, it has been snowing almost every day this week and we are in deep freeze. I can not wait for spring, it is really delayed this year.
However, you make snow look good dear friend.;)
Have a great weekend,
Another great round of photos Hilary. This winter has to over soon... I hope.
Wow! Snow is beautiful! So sorry for those who are bored with it.
Your photos are such wonderful celebrations of nature in all her glory
These photos are so inspiring. I love your creative eye. Not sick of snow here, haven't had much. Just sick of the cold and windy weather!
The flat icicles are amazing. I would never have noticed them. But my favorite is the snow caterpillar. And I think the Queen Anne's lace is getting ready to throw that snowball, so watch out.
Mary Anne in Kentucky
We've had light snow twice this week, nothing that stuck around. Just enough to be annoying. Hey it's spring already! Love the fence-cicles and Queen Anne's Lace photos.
I am tired of snow and cold,but these pictures are still beautiful.
haha i love the snow cap on the queen annes lace...and that rascally squirrel...lol...they are awesome...
Your ice caterpillar looked to me like a porch rail white cat. :-)
What fun to see the geese all thrown up into the air! ...and the ducks walking on water.
You do have an eye, my girl!
I loved the ice ball on the Queen Anne's and of course the Benny picture the best, but as usual I loved them all! :-)
how funny, i never realized ducks fly with their little webbed footsies dangling ...
Love the pics, especially the snowapillar.
I could go for one more onslaught riding a sled down a hill and then call it quits.The cold is here, but most water is open.Missing hockey outdoors,it thins me down.
Yes, I already had enough snow before we got more last night.
the squirrel and benny were perfect endings. :)
love the snow caterpillar and the really cool shots of the geese coming in for a landing. the mallards walking reminded me of the beatles...
This feels like the last time some kid rubbed snow in my face!!!!We received tons of snow yesterday.
As a former pilot I really like the geese coming in for a landing. They have full flaps down and are slip streaming to slow down to landing speed. there's more to your shot than you think.
So over it.
Yep. SO sick of snow. Sick of sassy squirrels too because they just chewed through TWO of my bird feeders. Metal, too yet! ACK!
stunning photos my friend!
i can't get enough of snow! and your photos.
i really love that fence capture.
simply amazing!
happy weekend~
big hugs
beautiful photos Hilary. since the only time I have to deal with snow is in pictures, bring 'em on.
Your doggie always makes me smile!
We haven't had much snow at all this winter, here in Interior BC, now it's just brown out there LOL.
Is that your mom's pic on the sidebar? So beautiful. I miss my mom so much, every day. What a lovely way to remember and celebrate her, at your blog.
That first shot looks so peaceful. From the "tossed" geese to Bennie, I thoroughly enjoyed every shot. I could never tire of snow because we so rarely see it here. I know you are more than ready to be done with it, though.
Incredible snow photos and yes we still have snow here in Maine too and yes we're pretty tired of still seeing it all but it's melting fast now and our 2 feet have finally shrunk down to a few inches now. I love all of your photos they are extraordinary and I really enjoyed them all.
Ha! I love the icy caterpillar and the tenacious, somewhat frosty, squirrel. And, of course, Benny is always a favorite.
So much snowy fun! It helped me feel vicariously cooler here.
Hi Hilary. I'm fed up of the windchill temperatures and the wind always seems to be coming from the West - lots of fun when trying to walk over to MTC. ;)
It hasn't snowed much here this year; like usual it just comes down in rain, so I'm happy to look at snowy pics. Gosh those ducks, they look like they stopped in mid-flight to be photographed. They're just beautiful up there.
I LOVE your photos.
By the way. It was 80 degrees here today.
I'm wishing for a little snow...
Sick of snow? Yes! But I never get sick of seeing your beautiful photography! The duck shots are amazing...though the movie "The Birds" did come to my mind! So, although I'm ready for Spring, there's no denying the beauty of Winter..each season has it's own glam shots thanks to you!
We only had snow here once or twice this winter so I like to look at pictures of snow.
The geese do look like they have been tossed in the air! They are looking a little disreputable for geese. I bet they, along with the mallards and Benny are looking forward to Spring.
Queen Ann's Lace has always been a favorite of mine too. And to think as kids my folks called it a weed!
xo jj
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, thanks for the snow...............
So many fun, very nice photos in this post.
I laughed at the squirrel - heh! I have one in my back yard who does the same thing. However, our squirrels are brown, not black. I would like to see a black squirrel sometime. I heard we have them in Western Iowa near Council Bluffs.
The photo of the snow on the Queen Anne's lace is quite nice. You must have been kneeling in the snow to get that angle.
The green on the mallard's head in the picture of the ducks just jumps off the page as it is so vivid! It glistens.
But of all your photos, the one I may like the best (though it is hard to like one more than another) is the one of the woods. It just looks so peaceful and quiet.
I always enjoy stopping by. Take care.
You know I'm about fed up with looking at the white stuff, but your fowl-filled photos bring a smile to my face. I love the skating mallards and the clumsy-flight of the geese. To say nothing of the sheer goofiness of the ever-proud Bennie.
I loved your snow photos - I wish we'd had some this year! Too many favorites to mention, but the geese do look like they were tossed and I love the ribbon icicles! I've never seen any like that!
no more please. enough already.
I can’t stand much more and may have to emigrate. Only where to?
Benny says it all. Is there a man in the world like him at all?
I LOVE the birds in the sky shot. The detail is amazing.
Beautiful series of photos! Well done and well written!
Loved the ducks crossing and the ones in flight, that cheeky squirrel and of course that *up to no good* Benny!
Maggie x
Nuts in May
Another wonderful set of photos! Love those incoming geese and fence-icles. And, of course, Benny's snowy face!
Love, love, love, Mr. Tenacity!! He is so cute.
Sick of snow indeed, but it sounds like we have more on the way today. Hopefully it will hold off until I leave.
You make snow looks so nice, Hilary. I especially love the Queen Anne's Lace.
I wish you a wonderful beginning to your week.
The lovely thing about living in San Diego during the winter... there's no "sick of snow" problem at all!
Though your photos are so beautiful and fun I believe I'd still enjoy them even if I had to cope with the white stuff myself. But since I don't, they are a wonderful treat!
I love the ducks in flight. And always admire all your photos. I gave you a little shout out on my blog. A wise owl inspired me...
they are wonderful images
sweet light
and blue skies
I'm not! We don't get any so I'm happy when other share. Love the pooch in the snow.
Gorgeous winter serie...
It has been a long winter, hasn't it? But, believe it or not, I'm not tired of sow photos. These are fun, especially the snowy caterpillar!
Enjoyed seeing "Mr. Tenacity"! :)
yes, i am thoroughly sick of it but you manage to make me look at it as a lovely thing again. the geese in flight though....awesome shots.
I can appreciate you wanting to see the snow gone but you have to admit it makes a wonderful backdrop and creates so many unexpected magical gems, love the ducks walking in single file, and the incoming geese, the seed head flower that looks like it's about to lob a snowball at that snow caterpillar :)
Never sick of seeing your snow pictures. Thanks for sharing your winter scenes with us. I love the black squirrel hanging from the feeder. It looks like Benny isn't sick of the snow either.
You did a wonderful job capturing those geese in flight. Gorgeous!
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