I'm still presenting some of my usual photos - because that's what I do - but they'll have nothing to do with the rest of the content.
The photos were snapped on two different days in lovely, late January afternoon sunshine.
Have a look beneath each image and you'll see a familiar (hopefully) lyrical snippet from a song. There are twelve images and twelve different songs represented. Can you figure out what all of the songs have in common?
First, you might want to discover which songs are represented (that's not the challenge, so feel free to allow Google to help you with that part) and then you might determine what they have in common.
I'm going to turn the moderation feature on just for this post, so your guesses will not appear for a while. Any incorrect or unrelated comments will show up as soon as I notice the alert. I'll post the correct answer along with the names of those who got it right (and the rest of the comments) in a few days. Have fun!

1) "Crimson flames tied through my ears."

2) "All in a dream, all in a dream The loading had begun. They were flying Mother Nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun."

3) "Don't cry. Don't raise your eye."

4) "What a field day for the heat. A thousand people in the street."

5) "I am yours. You are mine. You are what you are."

6) "McGuinn and McGuire just a-gettin' higher in L.A. You know where that's at. And no one's gettin' fat except Mama Cass."

7) "The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands."

8) "Too late, my time has come. Sends shivers down my spine. Body's aching all the time."

9) "Found my coat and grabbed my hat. Made the bus in seconds flat."

10) "Hey, mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?"

11) "Yeah, they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles."

12) "Pisces, Virgo rising is a very good sign."
Remember that comment moderation will be on just for this post. Your guesses will be published in a few days. Comments without guesses (or incorrect guesses) will appear as soon as I receive the notification.
So tell me, what do the above songs have in common?
It's 1 a.m. and I can't sleep, but I also can't thin, so that means I can't guess.
I must admit I'm curious though, oh so curious!
Too Hard for me...
3....Baba O'Rielley
5....Judy Blue Eyes
9....A day in the Life
12...Danny's Song.
Lovely photos. I will have to get back to you on the lyrics.
Beautiful shots! Not sure what the songs have in common though...
I won't even venture a guess,but I do know that the pictures are gorgeous.
Oh fiddle dee dee. I can't think about that now. I'll go crazy if I do. I'll think about that tomorrow.
Meanwhile, I absolutely love the #8 photo of the white evergreen branch against the black background.
The only lyrics I recognized were those in #12. That's an old favorite.
Oops. I've never heard of the lyrics in #12. It was #11 that I knew!
Well, some of them are beautiful songs, and my favourites, I think it could be, a dream. Anyway, your pictures are brilliant.
I love the title, Rolling Stones, Whats puzzling you is nature of my game.
nope. can't do it. thought it was color or date related, but can't find a specific correlation.
i do love your images, though.
perhaps it is how we are all in this together...adn linked...i dunno...smiles...lovely pics...love the milkweed...such cool textures....
Well, 5,6 and 11 are clear to me. Mama Cass is fat, the one guy is using alligators to shoot cannon balls and the last one I should know but no. I have no ability to retain lyrics except for a very few oldies.
I'm awed at this beautiful collection of seed pods, just like lyrics of life moments, spreading in the wind. I don't know what all have in common; too lazy this morning to try harder.
I do know that you have opened my eyes to immense beauty in the grains and seeds of life!
I find commonalities in some, but I can't find a link that puts them all together. I love puzzles, though, so I'll keep trying to dope it out.
I think I know, having a brother nine years older who had these albums helps because I was listening to this music before I was double digits old.
Is it songs that don't have the title in the lyrics?
Your photographs are lovely Hilary:)
Best I can come up with is that they all vaguely have something to do with travel, or moving, or moving on - maybe. I don't know, Hilary. I'm stumped.
i can't think of anything right now but i totally enjoyed your shots!
gorgeous macro's! absolutely gorgeous!
Beautiful photos! I love seed pods, they're always so mysterious.
I can't play along because I'm very terrible with song/band names, and sometimes I have no idea what the lyrics are...but I sure love music anyway!
well i was going to guess the 60s as the common thread but then you threw in some curveballs i didn't know what to do with.
My brain is too fuzzy right now, but I know most of those songs. Your shots are beautiful, as always. You find the most interesting things out in nature. I'll have to star this post so I don't forget to come back and see what I missed! Oh, the drama. :)
Oh Hilary, I love this post. I love music so and tied in with your photos it is just perfect! Thanks for sharing.
What do they have in common?
Well, they all caused this simple minded goofball to stare blankly at his screen for several minutes.
I'll wait to hear the real scoop though...
"what's puzzling you is the nature of my game" from Rolling Stones...that song is the devil singing...."too late my time has come...sends shivers down my spine body aching all the time...." sounds like someone dying...I would guess afterlife...Heaven and Hell....
Just a guess, I think it has something to do with traveling and saying goodbye :)
lots of wonderful seed pods .. i am so late to this post, the comments are back on
Taking "nature" from the title as a clue & the words fire, heat or thunder in many of the songs, I am guessing "Summer" as the theme. I am probably wrong though...I usually am.
Ya got me. I've got nuthin'. ;)
Gorgeous photos, though!
I recognize many of the songs but can't come up with one correlation, I go off in many directions all having to do with growth and mothers and seeds and new life and ...
So far, nobody has touched upon what these songs have in common. Here's a hint for you:
Determine the song titles. You don't need to know all of them or even many of them. About 3 or 4 should be enough to catch what they all have in common.
Keep 'em coming! :)
Cannot fathom the song lyrics, but the photos bring gladness to my heart!
Dare I admit, I only know one song (#5) so I have no idea what's in common this time but I do love the photos.
xo jj
It's almost midnight and my brain isn't cooperating, besides I am too old. I never heard of most of the songs...(:0)
Okay, I'm stumped. I'm going to venture guesses anyway.
Endings as beginnings.
I'm not good at party games but I do like the pictorial party favours you've handed out here.
What a great idea, Hilary! Sure, I'll try:
1. ?
2. After the Goldrush
3. Teenage Wasteland
4. For What It's Worth
5. I Am The Walrus
6. Creeque Alley
7. ?
8. Bohemian Rhapsody
9. A Day In The Life
10. ?
11. ?
12. ? and I'm being honest! :)
No clue! Curious though! Awesome photos!
I can't tell you about the songs... I was to engaged with your intimate photos.... wow!
Since I'm not hibernating when I should be, I'm all "Bear-brained." The pictures are all seedy, so to speak. Have fun with your puzzle.
Blessings and Bear hugs.
No clue but curious! Love your photos!
My brain is too tired...traveling? California? Oh, but I love the photos and memories of songs. #11 is one of my favorites - love singing it and made sure all my kids knew it, too. I'm weird that way.
I'm not the sort to play these type of games. However, I do love the photo series. :)
Excellent close-ups! Love the silky milkweed!
Well, I recognize 2,4,5,7,8,and 9... but I can't imagine what basic commonality they have besides travel.
I know, I'm playing late, but I'm playing honestly! Now off to check the next post and see how close or far off I am. :)
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