It is not easy to walk alone in the country without musing upon something. ~ Charles Dickens
All of the following photos were taken in late November or early December while out walking near Frank's place. The weather was still quite lovely for the most part. That means no snow.. yet. Come join me, will you?

It only takes a little bit of late day sunshine for the creek's shoreline to light up in brilliant hues. This was a mostly grey day but the clouds parted briefly and obliged me.

It looks like our little friend has been busy. You know the one - long hair - toothy smile - Canada's national symbol. What his name? Oh yeah - Justin Beaver.

A partly-fallen tree creates an archway on one of the pathways near the creek.

Milkweed pods begin exploding and peak in the autumn but some seeds still escape throughout the winter. These lovely, silken strands were warming themselves in the late November sunshine.

I tried tossing this little guy some peanuts but he appears to be deep in thought and oblivious to my presence.

This one was more than willing to help me lighten my pockets by accepting some peanut treats.

Someone else helped himself to these mushrooms. I had seen them the previous day but it was rainy and I didn't bring my camera on that walk. By the time I returned the next day, someone had nibbled the caps, but I still thought they looked pretty in the amber sunlight.

Benny enjoyed exploring the wooded area up ahead.

A few tenacious maple keys were still clinging to a branch. I liked the colour contrast against the vivid blue sky.

Sometimes it's hard to tell that this was late November. With that warm sunshine, deep blue water and still-living greenery, It could have just as easily been summer.
I hope you enjoyed our walk. I hope we can do it again before too long.
Justin Beaver made me laugh... and Maple keys? I'd never heard that term before! we always called them "helicopter seeds" for the way they fall to the ground on a breezy day.
I love that November light!
A lovely rural walk!
you have such an eye. You notice as I think I do, all the little stories. Yes, that was the best squirrel pic I've seen, so thoughtful.
Just a delightful and very real walk.
Happy Aloha to YOU
from Honolulu,
Comfort Spiral
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I like the way you supply stories with your photos Hilary. It gives them more meaning - Dave
Yet another beautiful wander.
Justin Beaver, yea, good one lol
Beautiful scenes Hilary. Really enjoyed the walk.
Other people could walk the same path and not see what you did. Hilary you have sharp eyes.
Great pop of red in the first shot. Justin Beaver...tee hee. :) So many wonderful things you see on your walks!
Love your walking, beautiful.
oo milkweed is fun...its cool seeing signs of life like the beaver marks...and the sun came out just for you...smiles...happy sunday
I love going for walks with you and will be ready and waiting for the next one.'Justin Beaver',that's cute. This is what my nephews daughter calls him.
Oh... It all looks so inviting. I could smell the sunshine on the dry weeds! The grove that Benny is trotting into . . . it almost looks enchanted.
Justin Beaver, that's funny.
I am forever taking photos of leaves or berries against a blue sky. I very much enjoyed this walk, thank you!
Oh, and I have never seen milkweed, isn't that what the Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on? I don't blame them, it's beautiful.
Love your blog!
Justin Beaver (heh). Glorious shots, LOVE the milkweed.
a great walk. It tells a great story. In the last photo there's not only blue water and sunshine, but a poor old tree that has been hanging tightly on to the ban for some time and someday will give up the struggle and join the spirits of all the other trees.
so much warmth and rich color in these photos. loved 'em. that fat gray squirrel is just too cute. :)
Dear Hilary, I agree with you, the last image could have been taken in the summer.;)
Here we are indeed in snow and Arctic conditions.;)
Lovely photography.;)
Hope all is well, have a great week ahead,
Wonderful, wonderful pictures. Thank you for the walk, but there was not quite enough Benny in the picture for me! The milkweed is so pretty...
Frank lives in a wonderful area.
Thank you for those warming golden hues and the earthy smells of decaying forest plant life. That Justin Beaver's such a busy guy, just eating up all the opportunities that spring up in his path and taking a big bite out of life. You were lucky to get his autograph! Any peanuts left? I'm getting a little squirrely with hunger after that tromp through the woods.
loved the walk near Frank's. Always a delight to the eye. Oma Linda
I enjoyed the walk, Hilary. The tree visited by the beaver reminds me of one at the creek in my neighborhood. Poor tree... the beaver(s) took it completely down; however, it provides a source of amazement for me - seeing how strong and powerful those teeth can be.
I love walking in your neighborhood! The look on that squirrels face really was one of contemplation! We have many black squirrels here and you have a great pic of one. The milkweed reminded me of something..what was it?? Oh yeah, my roots before coloring them yesterday! Ha! Your pics are always amazing!
It looks like you had a nice November. As for our January ...
Walking with you and Benny is always a pleasure. I love seeing the details you provide on our walks.
Justin Beaver indeed. :)
It is hard to tell that it's winter Hilary! The first photo looks like autumn, and yes, this last one has a summery look.
I love the maple keys against the blue sky too!
Enjoyed that walk, especially as I've not been out of doors for a week. Love to come along on the next one too!
I had no Idea poor Justin had such an overbite!
Thank you for the lovely walk. I really thought that milkweed pod was a Muppet.
That milkweed pod reminded me of those snowy egrets that Gail Dixon has posted pictures of. :)
The picture of Benny's woodland adventure is just lovely.
I love these kinds of photos...yours are gorgeous! Justin Beaver was funny.
You said you could fix my picture on my would that work? I give you whole hearted permission to copy it and fix it, if that was what you meant...I am in the dark here. :) Thanks for offering!
Justin Beaver cracked me up too!! Ha!
Beautiful photos!!
thank you, that was lovely .. and the best part? i didnt need to put on my coat
Exquisite. I had to look through them twice to enjoy it all over again.
I always enjoy your walks and your photos. especially like the maple keys.
Worked for me. I no longer feel obliged to take a real walk today. :)
Yep, I'm with the Justin Beaver crowd. Made me smile. Loved that one of Benny in the woods. That's a fabulous photo!
I felt sorry for Justin for about half a second but than I remembered all those millions he has. He can handle a little teasing. Nice pics!
Oh wow! Loved the colours!
Great pics all.
Nice lighting in the squirrel shot.
Just a perfect thing to do with lunch....walk down a path by a stream. Thanks.
Hilary, these are just beautiful! I especially love the milkweed pod, and of course, the work of Justin Beaver. :-)
Thank you for taking us along with you!
Your gift of storytelling, Hilary, is matched only by the beauty of the winter seasons here. What a delight! :)
i always love your walks in the country. thank you for taking us along.
all of your photos show a true gift of seeing things.
superb photos as usual.
wishing a great day.
Beautiful! I love walking with you! And I'm still chuckling over Justin Beaver...
Oh I LOVED that little walk with you! And Justin Beaver still has me laughing!
Always enjoy my walks with you!
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