No matter the time of day, sunlight and shadows give so many photo opportunities. Here are a few of them as they presented themselves to me over the past few months.

This small morning glory-like blossom seemed to be sunning itself in the morning rays of early September. An unexpected surprise upon uploading this photo was that tiny insect near the upper edge of its petal.

My friend, Carol Anne and I were walking through a woodsy park at the end of September when she pointed out this spider web glistening in the sun.

A beautiful mess of gnarly roots soaking up the water and the sun's rays on the opposite shore of the creek.

I like the distinct background colour change from one side of the diagonal tree to the other - from blue to yellow-green.

Any time a leaf is back lit, the colour become intense. You might think the colour or contrast was bumped up but this is exactly how my camera saw this one.

A Touch-me-not seed pod, that is not even close to being ready to burst, back in September. Others were still in bloom, creating that soft, purple hue behind it.

Here's what the blossoms look like. You can see that some of the pods were still in their early stages.

Lazy, hazy rays of sunlight streaming through the trees after an early September rain storm.

The curtained window on the door of our motel room and its reflection in the mirror on the adjacent wall. The round-ish shadow was some sticker on the glass.

Frank's neighbour kept us supplied with yummy tomatoes from his garden, this summer. These were the last of his kind offerings ripening on the kitchen window ledge.

Still looking lovely in November, is this decorative cabbage snapped from behind its lacy leaves.

While on a house hunting trip back in September, Frank and I were having dinner at a family diner. Our table was facing the front door which happened to face west. Every time the door opened a stream of beautiful, amber sunlight poured into the diner and across our table. My meal was getting cold because I sat poised with my camera, determined to capture how it illuminated the condiments at our place setting. From right to left: My iced tea, mustard, salt (much of which is scattered across the table), pepper, ketchup and vinegar hiding over in the corner. What do you figure I had for dinner?

Early in November, but late in the day, Frank was sitting outside appreciating this beautiful sunset when he thoughtfully called me out to enjoy it with him. Thanks, dear!

I hope you found my collection of shadows and light to your liking.
More photos coming up soon.
Very very nice...
Best regards from France,
I really enjoy your photographic eye.Lovely selection
love everything you share. my favorites were the gnarly tree roots and the sun rays over the path. just beautiful!
Oh, Hilary, to be able to see a subject and photograph a picture as you would be a dream come true. You do have an eye for a gorgeous picture! Love them all!!! I couldn't pick a favorite if I had to! The picture of the shadow of the sticker through the curtains...that looks like the shadow of a bed post...amazing! A sticker! Love it! I'm so glad I found your blog through Moannie. So glad!
Oh, Hilary, to be able to see a subject and photograph a picture as you would be a dream come true. You do have an eye for a gorgeous picture! Love them all!!! I couldn't pick a favorite if I had to! The picture of the shadow of the sticker through the curtains...that looks like the shadow of a bed post...amazing! A sticker! Love it! I'm so glad I found your blog through Moannie. So glad!
I sure did and especially the husband says I cant just enjoy the moment always with the picture you have a rare gift of a friend...
Another great collection.
Your pics school and thrill me! Wow
A lovely series of photos again Hilary. But my favourite has to be the spider web. Wonderful and clear and shiny. Also enjoyed the orange sky photos, though all were great! - Dave - Dave
Hilary it was worth the wait for you to post your photos.
Stunning photos!
Beautiful Hilary, the gnarled tree roots, and the last two really stand out.
A beautiful set of photos. Hard to say which ones I like best, as usual. Now that we are back working again I find it hard to keep up with blogs too.
Your pictures always give me pause and bring a smile to my face. And I hope you enjoyed your hamburger and fries(?)!
ah wonderful....the gnarly mess of roots is pretty amazing...and i love the gentleness of the morning glory as well...
So good for my soul to see light and colors. I can almost feel the warmth of the sun.
The gnarled tree roots look like a "find the animals" picture. In fact I see a headless man pursuing a headless sweet young thing who wants to be caught.
Beautiful series of photos! I loved them all!
Love those tree roots... as to commenting, I fall behind too... it's hard to visit everybody without living with a laptop on my lap continuously....
Lovely. Hope you're playing Mike Oldfield's "Light and Shade" in the background.
This was a fun trip through shadows and light indeed. You sound so happy and busy.
I love the pictures, all of them. I especially love the backlit leaf and the sunset. Ahhhh. My day is complete after seeing your wonderful pictures. :-)
So many lovely shots. The intense green leaf is amazing!
You have such an eye for it. I'm so jealous.
That spiderweb is fantastic. And the gnarled tree roots. Love it. And the sunlight streaming through the trees after the rain. Wow. So beautiful.
Thank you for sharing!
a burger and fries
Falling behind on blog reading? When you start that club, I definitely qualify as a member.
You have such an eye for capturing what on the surface seems simple, yet is really very complex and diverse; as in your back lit leaf shot.
Enjoy your day Hilary.
These kind of photos are the ones i return to view on days when we have no sunshine here.
I needed to see these today for inspiration. Thank you. Your photos brightened my outlook as always.
Hilary, great light and shadow! I love the photo of a road and sun rays falling through the leaves!
I can see from these first few pictures just how much you are looking forward to Spring.
A beautiful collection of photos! The standouts for me are the spider web, sun rays, and sunsets. The first pic would not load for some reason. But I love them all!
They are all so beautiful...... its difficult to pick one but that lane is very appealing and also the lighted window looks so cosy.
Maggie x
Nuts in May
I've just caught up on your blog. The photos come on and do their magic, and before I know it minutes have passed and it creates this quiet in me that almost feels like peace. Your perspective is magical, Hilary!
Those tangled tree roots over the water took me right back to childhood.
I'm glad I'm not the only one far behind on my commenting.
Where does the time go?
Hilary, these photos are so beautiful.
I love the way you capture Life and its light and shadows.
I need to get back out there and do some more shooting.
It is so gray and blah today.
Wonder where I will end up.
I think I'm about a year behind on blog visits (and posts!). :-) Totally understand.
Gorgeous pictures and thoughts, as always.
Gorgeous photos.I would have a hard time picking a favourite,but it would be between the spider web and the shafts of light on the path.
It might have something to do with the frigid temperatures we're presently suffering here on the east coast but my two favourite pictures on this posting are the interior shots. I love the moodiness of the motel room mirror reflection and the salt of the earth diner shot. Were any French fries harmed in the capturing of that image?
You've surely captured some beautiful light, Hilary.
I especially love the spiderweb. Just wonderful!
Another magnificent set of images from your amazing photographic eye and skill. Love the sunbeams on the path. The spider's web is wonderful...such amazing detail. And now I'm craving a burger and fries.
Hilary, it's always such a treat to visit here and lap up your photography.
Those are stunning sunsets- I love sunsets!
And I really enjoyed the photo of your diner-dinner table, did you have a burger?
Imagine 100 years ago and more: people would be amazed at the things we can do now in winter, including being busy rather than hibernating!
You're all so clever. It was indeed a burger and fries. And they were yummy!
I'm home from Frank's place for just a few days and trying to catch up on a bit of photo processing while I'm here. I focus on blog catch-up when I'm back at his place next week. See you all soon and thanks always for visiting.
beautiful as always. i think the back of the leaf is my favorite.
I love that leaf and the striped sunsets. We had some striped skies here, too, for awhile. Love them!
Just when I think I've seen my favorite, like the spider web, you end with that beautiful sunset! :)
that spider web is truly amazing!
and always fascinates me.
breathtaking photos! great play on the light and shadow.
that pink flower and the leaf are beautifully glowing !
dear hilary, your photos are always worth the look.
have a great weekend~
A very nice mix of shadows and light and its affect on perspective.
Such lovely shots, I have lots to learn.
Oh, the luscious, luscious taste of GREEN on this dreary winter day! Thank you, Hilary!
(And I totally understand about blog visiting. I crept up to nearly 300 unread posts before whittling it down, but now I find myself looking at other things that need doing.)
lovely as always Hilary. Great sunset, nice of Frank to call you out to enjoy it with him.
You are not the only one falling behind of reading posts...I'm about a month back.
With all of your contacts, no wonder you fall behind.
Thanks. I enjoy your pictures. They are so beautiful!
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