Thursday, January 19, 2012

Golden Moments

Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such.
~ Henry Miller

As promised, I have a few more photos for you which were taken on a New Year's Day walk. The weather had been quite cold for a few days and there was a new blanket of snow on the ground. That snow has since melted, but a bit more has fallen this past week. We're still having a very easy winter, so far.

On this day, I was enjoying the golden tones of the rocks and vegetation as they stood out against the ice and snow.

ice log
This log near the edge of the creek seemed to exude warmth on this icy day. Its colours came to life with a kiss from the sun.

golden rocks on ice
If it wasn't for the ice which formed around this rock, its golden-green shine would have been lost against the similar shades of the surrounding creek water.

ice sculpture
This ice formation reminded me of an airplane which had just taken off.

The fronds of this plant made me think of tiny, golden line dancers. Perhaps their partners were in the shadows below.

tiny seeds
These delicate floral seeds looked pretty against their snowy backdrop.

dried out pea pod
Somebody must have scattered snow peas for some of the creatures in park. I came across this one, opened and discarded. It was devoid of its usual vibrant green, and almost to be metallic gold in the sunlight.

Thanks for joining me. I'll have more photos for you in a few days.


Anonymous said...

Lovely. I tried a similar set of pics on a winter walk, but they didn't come close to capturing the stark beauty you captured here, Hilary ...

Bob Bushell said...

Beautiful images. It's a wonder how it turns out in a frozen abyss.

Gary's third pottery blog said...

It is always a pleasant surprise, the subtle beauty of winter, hmm? :)

Jinksy said...

That's a lovely prehistoric rock baby caught napping in its snowice nest... LOL

DJan said...

I'm going to go walking in the snowy landscape today, and I'll keep your pictures in mind as I snap away. I especially like the last one, and the line dancers. :-)

Reena said...

Great series Hilary. You have such an eye and great imagination ...

Daryl said...

I never noticed before, not sure why, but your header shot reminds me of a pterodactyl ... lovely albeit cold golden snaps in this post

Slamdunk said...

I always enjoy your keen eye to catch beauty Hilary.

And it is a plus that I am inside and warm looking at your ice and snow.

Brian Miller said...

nice the ice...that one of the rock embedded in it is really cool....

Mental P Mama said...

I think this "mild" winter is spoiling us all. Much like these shots;)

WritingsForLife said...

God, I love your photography! You have such a wonderful perspective :-)

TexWisGirl said...

loved the line of dancers! :)

Suldog said...

Are those snow peas the same as those bought in the supermarket for eating? I've seen those pods on the ground here occasionally, but I thought they were some other species.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I love your photography and your imagination. Line dancers, indeed. :)

Scott Law said...

Some great examples of "seeing" here. I love how cameras help us do that.

stephen Hayes said...

You are certainly a poet with that camera. Can't wait to see how you'll shoot Spring.

Anvilcloud said...

Great series. Yadungud with your shapes and tones.

Rosaria Williams said...

The line dancers, yes, yes, yes.

Lynne with an e said...

Very successful panning for gold! We are all the richer for your efforts. My fave is the golden pea pod; would make a lovely design for a piece of jewellery, cast in gold of course.

messymimi said...

A lovely winter, indeed.

maddie said...

Wow, some lovely, lovely lighting there. Thanks for letting me come on the walk with you. x

Ruth Hiebert said...

Winter does have so much beauty. I love the ice sculptures.

Karen said...

Neat pics for a place soooo cold!:P The image of tiny dancers was lovely.

Anonymous said...

I love hearing what the photos made you think of!

Red said...

Really like how you see things and then photograph them. Awesome!

Cloudia said...

golden tones indeed!

Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >

Wendy said...

Cool pix. I think those line dancers look more like trapeze artists, hanging upside down. LOL!

We started out with a mild winter, but now it's cold. Brrrr.

ellen abbott said...

Oh Hilary, you inspire.

Gillian Olson said...

Lovely photos, the fronds and seed heads are terrific. Looks cold there.

colleen said...

Gave me a chill. The fronds is my favorite. So delicate, both plant and snow.

Grayquill said...

Very nice. I love your photos! Here in Seattle we our having a rare treat of snow. I think I have six to eight inches at my house. SO SO SO fun. I guess the rain is coming tomorrow to wash it all away. :-(

Ruby said...

wonderful pictures!!

LadyFi said...

What lovely golden tones! And such gorgeous snow... It's been too grey here with almost no snow at all...

Sueann said...

Beautiful! I love the rock encased or surrounded by the ice! Gorgeous shot!

Gail Dixon said...

A wonderful collection!! Love the "jet plane" taking off!

Indrani said...

The pic of floral seeds is beautiful.

Shrinky said...

Oh gosh, these images are like oil paintings, so full of texture and light - beautiful, dear Hilary.

No snow here (thank goodness), just rain and wind, wind and rain..

lime said...

my favorite was the tall delicate dried flower against the snow.

Linda said...

Hey Hilary, thanks for sharing your winter scenery with me. We are having a mild winter so far this year, and likely won't see much, if any, snow. We had some good snow for two winters straight, so I guess we're due a more temperate winter.

Anonymous said...

Golden warmth and dancers... lovely! Thank you, Hilary.

Kat said...

Gorgeous. Your eye never ceases to amaze me.

Hilary said...

• Robin, thank you but your photos are always inspiring. :)

• Bob, thanks. It has melted and frozen over a couple of time since then. :)

• Gary, it is. I resist its arrival but I always enjoy its beauty. :)

• Jinksy, you remind me of how much I enjoyed co-posting with you. We'll have to do that again soon. :)

• DJan, you always find some lovely shots of your own. And I always look forward to seeing them. Thanks for stopping by. :)

• Reena, thank you so kindly. :)

• Daryl, I have always thought that the Great Blue Heron has a prehistoric look to him. :)

• Slamdunk, thank you so much. Keep on keeping warm. :)

• Brian, thanks very much. I'm glad you enjoyed them. :)

• Thanks, MPM. I do feel very spoiled. ;)

• Raajii, you're very kind. Thank you. :)

• Tex, thanks. :)

• Suldog, as I mentioned in an email, I do believe these were snow peas, and probably scattered by somebody at some point, and this was one that remained. I think I know the pods to which you refer, which a considerably larger and kind of twisted. I could well be wrong though. It wouldn't be the first time. ;)

• Linda, thank you, my sweet friend. :)

• Scott, thanks so much. :)

• Stephen, thank you kindly. Very much appreciated. :)

• Thanks very much, AC. :)

• Glad you enjoyed, Rosaria. :)

• Louciao, you're so right. It would indeed make an interesting piece. Thanks for that nugget. ;)

• MessyMimi, thank you. :)

• Maddie, thanks for joining me. Always a pleasure. :)

Hilary said...

• Thanks, Ruth. There is indeed much to be enjoyed in every season. :)

• Karen, thank you. It's warmer than you might think, though you'd probably find it colder than I might think. ;)

• Barbara, thanks kindly. :)

• Red, thanks very much. I'm glad you do. :)

• Thanks for stopping by, Cloudia. :)

• Wendy, they do indeed look like trapeze artists, also. It's been cold here, too but warming again over the next couple of days. It's been an unusual winter. :)

• Ellen, you're too kind. Thank you. :)

• Gillian, thanks kindly. It wasn't overly cold. Not bad at all for January. :)

• Colleen, thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed. :)

• Grayquill, thank you. You're more than welcome to any snow that might be coming to us through the rest of the winter. Though I'm not so sure I'd want all your Seattle rain. Thanks for stopping by. :)

• Thank you, Ruby. :)

• Thank you, Lady Fi. How unusual for you not to have snow there. And yet, your photos are magical no matter the setting. Thanks for stopping by.

• SueAnn, thanks very much. I'm glad you like it. :)

• Gail, thanks kindly. It never struck me a such until I saw it on the computer. One of those unexpected treats. :)

• Thanks very kindly, Indrani. :)

• Shrinky, thank you so much. I'm glad you like them. It's been an odd winter, everywhere, eh? :)

• Thanks, Lime. I'm glad you like that one. :)

• Linda, that's pretty much how it's been here. The snow is minimal but still enjoyable. :)

• Thanks so much, Karen. :)

• Thanks kindly, Kat. :)

photowannabe said...

Love the peapods in the snow.
The shots of the ice around the rock is beautiful. I do love your Golden Moments.

Dianne said...

you make cold look warm :)

I love the ice around the rock, it is like a tiny planet


...wunderschöne Winterimpressionen!

Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz


Sandra said...

Your beautiful photos could stand alone, but they are made even better with your words. You are the total package, my friend.

icedgurl said...

trekking your superb blog! keep blogging and inspiring people!


Tammie Lee said...

shadows and ice, winter's treasures

sage said...

Rich colors in that soft light!

Glo said...

Just terrific! My favorite photo is the shadow one, but I love them all. Always lovely to share your golden moments.

Unknown said...

Hilary: Your photos always give me pause to evaluate living in Arizona. Sometimes I stop by here with mixed feelings about Arizona State, but when I see the ice, I am grateful for our very mild winters. Beautiful photos as always. I enjoy your sensitivity and thoughtfulness in sharing these precious pictures with us. lol! :)

Crabby McSlacker said...

Love that golden light! Looks so pretty with that white stuff, what's it called? Oh snow, that's right! Too many months in San Diego, I've forgotten that particular noun. Anyway, as usual, a spectacular series of shots!

SandyCarlson said...

Works of art, one and all. The best part of winter is the way it transforms all nature into a beautiful canvas. Thanks for these, Hilary!

Hilary said...

• Sue, thank you so much. Your kind words are always so appreciated. :)

• Dianne, it is! Thanks for your own warm words, my friend. :)

• Danke, Hans-Peter. :)

• Sandra, you are so sweet. Thank you so much for this. :)

Icedgurl, I'll repeat and add to the comment I left on your blog, which, along with Shrinky's comments, you understandably removed.

People leave some nice, thoughtful comments for you throughout your blog. They're written by decent bloggers who care about communication and sharing. They think about what they're going to say before they leave a comment on each blog they visit.

The only comment I have EVER seen you write on these fine blogs, and mine, over and over again is "trekking your superb blog! keep blogging and inspiring people!" You've said it each of the six times you've visited my blog and you say it everywhere I see your avatar on other blogs (published by people I care about), for months now.

I would assume by this, and the heavy advertising on your blog, that you stop by and do not read a word or glance at an image. You merely paste your "trekking your superb blog! keep blogging and inspiring people!" just to get return visits, and not because you have any interest in what others have to say.

Icedgurl, through your "treks" you've "inspired" ME to post this response so that my real visitors - bloggers whom I respect, don't waste any more of their valuable time and concern by inadvertently helping you to get your advertising hits. Don't come back until you can give at least a fraction of what you take from the blogging community.

• Thanks for stopping by, Tammie Lee. :)

• Thanks, Sage. Gotta love the long hours of golden light. :)

• Glo, thanks so much. I'm always happy to have you along. :)

• Thanks so much, Michael. I have no doubt that I would miss winter and the changing seasons terribly, if I lived in a place where it was warm all the time but I sure wouldn't mind testing that. ;)

• Crabby, see my comment to Michael right above this one. Year-round warmth would be wonderful but I think I appreciate it more after a long winter. Thanks always for stopping by. :)

• Sandy, the transformations from season to season is what makes each one beautiful to experience. Thanks for the visit and kind words. :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful line dancers :)

the first photo is a tiny clear crystal ball i have sitting on the window sill mingled with a collection of rocks & crystals

Hilary said...

Thanks for letting me know, Christine. I guess that was one of the rocks reflected in it. :)

Betty Manousos said...

great captures, hilary, loved to see so much snow and some lovely snowy images.
thanks for this beautiful walk along with you!!


Country Girl said...

Oh, how beautiful ~ you make winter all the more lovely.

Javier Guri said...

Fabulous winter series, full of imagination and freshness.