As luck would have it this fine day, one of the gifts was indeed for Benny. It was presented to him with a tag which read "To: Benny. From: Skittles & Zephyr." He didn't need much encouragement to open it.
Once opened, he had to try his gift on. Sadly, it wasn't quite a perfect fit. Benny is a small, slender dog but he's rather solid in the chest, and his cute little jacket just didn't fit well. Doesn't he look embarrassed to be seen in a jacket which was too small? He just wasn't sure what to do with it. He walked quite hesitantly like a kid in a puffy snowsuit. After a few laughs and a photo for blogsterity, we did the only thing we could do.
We re-gifted it to my neighbour's dog, Raven. She drops by a few times a day, and on this visit we nabbed her, dressed her and sent her back home in her new threads. It was a much better fit.
••• ••• ••• •••
Giveaway Winner!!
Giveaway Winner!!
Thank you all for participating and showing so much interest in having one of my photography calendars. I wish I could send one to each of you but unfortunately, I only have the one. I used to select the winner for me. and that person would be (drum roll..............)
••• Lauren at Mental P Mama!!! •••
Please head over to Lauren's blog to congratulate her and to offer her some support. She's at home recuperating from a lumpectomy which occurred just yesterday afternoon.
Congrats Lauren! Please email me thesmittenimage at gmail dot com with your mailing address, and I'll get the calendar out to you in the mail within a few days.
••• ••• ••• •••
And now, without further delay, here are the Posts of the Week. The icon below is yours for the taking if if your blog post is named as a POTW.

The Christmas Frog
by Deb
at Nourish the Soul
Bad Baker
by Kat
at Seeking Sanity
Speaking to Myself
by Friko
at Friko's World
by Erin
at Photographs From a White Space
Morning in Suburbia
by DS
at Third-Storey Window
Come Back, 2 Bed
by Brian
at Waystationone
Lame Lament
by The Bag Lady
at Bag Lady's Blather
Kodak Moments
by DJan
at DJan-ity
Old Woman
by Barb
at One Good Thing
Another Whacky Resolution
by Michelle
at House of Lime
Things to Say After the Fact
by TattyTiara
at TattyTiara
A Winter's Pause
by Laura
at Pretty Pix
A Fence, Explored
by Barbara
at Confessions of a Photography Addict
Not Now, I'm Eating
by Steve
at Take a Look Around
Please drop by their blogs for a visit and leave a kind comment if you have the time. Also, please feel free to add your own choices (for any blog except this one) for a specific blog post in the comments section below, where others can see them.
Thank you.
Benny doesn't look any happier than Raven to have received this gift.
I'm bummed I didn't win, but at least I got the consolation prize - Benny in the jacket! Congratulations to Lauren - enjoy!
LOLl - poor Benny! Congrats to the winner of your fine giveaway.
I think he likes opening the packages better than trying them on.
Poor Bennie!! A shame the coat didn't was so cute!
Congrats to Lauren and to all who received the posts of the week!!
Benny does look a wee bit ruffled.. but oh so cute!
Thanks so much Hilary, I'm truly honored you chose one of my posts as a POTW.
benny is soooo cute!!
i just want to smooch that little pretty face!
congrats to the winners.
I always dread (just a little) your POTW posts because I know that I will have a longer list of blogs to read before I can get to my housework. An abundance of riches...too many blogs...too little time.
Benny is so cute -- I always enjoy pictures of him, even when he looks slightly embarrassed in his too small Christmas sweater. :)
Thanks for the smiles this Wednesday morning! I appreciate being selected as one of the POTW ~ means a great deal to me. Take care.
dogs in coats = ADORABLE :)
its like a muscle shirt on bennie...smiles....
and thank you much hilary...and congrats to everyone else!!
I love Benny's little face.
Oh that Benny. He is such a darling. Very sweet of him to give his one gift to someone else. Such a generous fellow. :)
Thank you for the mention! I am honored!
Well, maybe it's good the jacket didn't fit Benny. After all, REAL dogs don't wear jackets or sweaters - heh!
But he did look pretty dashing in that jacket, I have to admit.
Take care.
Thanks for the POTW for my fence, Hilary! And congrats to the other POTW and to Lauren for the calendar! Oh my gosh, Benny does remind me of the little brother in "A Christmas Story" in that jacket! Love the look on his face!
I don't think Benny minded giving the coat away. He didn't look too happy in it.
He did enjoy opening it though.
I must say, I don't like to see animals dressed up in clothes and always feel sorry for them.
Congrats to Lauren and all the Post Of The Weekers!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Oh poor Benny so humiliated and I am thinking that Raven is not happy either .. I am so not a fan of dogs in clothes...
HOORAY for Ms Lauren ... I am sure she will love her new calendar
Gosh, thanks for the POTW for the Kodak Moments post, Hilary. I enjoy so much your pictures of Benny. I think he is my virtual dog, I love him so much. Glad you were able to find the right owner for that jacket. :-)
How nice for Miss LaLa to win the calendar - a cheery thing for her!
Benny does look adorable...and a tad embarrassed.
thanks for great choices, once again! the Christmas frog made me cry.
congrats to your lucky winner!!!
The eyes and the tail both gave Benny away - he felt constricted. Raven doesn't seem too sure either! Thanks for including me in POTW - an honor.
I am SO THRILLED that MPM was picked!!! Oh, that's awesome :-)
Oh, wonderful. Kudo's to Benny. And to you for the POTW. :)
Benny just brightened my morning! I couldn't help but chuckle at the poor babe, having to model that ill-fitting jacket. Looks good on his buddy, though!
Congrats to all the POTW winners!!
your pups are so cute, how fun that you regifted, must inspire chuckles, did for me. thanks for sharing all these wonderful links too!
Too bad Benny's jacket didn't fit - it looked cute on him! (But it looked cute on Raven, too, so it's all good.)
Congrats to Lauren on her prize!
And thanks so much for the Post of the Week - you're so sweet!
Poor old Bennie, he didn't love it. Oh well, best to give to some dog who will wear it.
I always enjoy your posts featuring Benny, I think he wears his new jacket rather well. A bit tight,but that is just *the look*.;) So, will he get a new one I wonder.;)
Congratulation to the giveaway winner, the rest of us can only be envy.;)
Have a great week dear Hilary,
True, it did fit Bennie like a disco dancing shirt from the 70s. Probably not the image Bennie wants to project.
What a fun surprise for your neighbor's dog, to get the new coat, and congrats to the calender winner.
Yes, Bennie didn't look too happy with his gift. :) Congrats to all the winners.
Yay!!!! I am so excited, and I want to thank you for the support. Doing well this son was showing me some Jack Russell videos today, and I was thinking about my Benny! He is the best! Thank you, again!
((it has been such a long time that i have almost been in hiding))
thank you))
She's such a lucky girl, and since she just had a bit of surgery, I think it's wonderful that she's the winner of the calendar!
That was a funny fit on him! LOL
Congrats to Lauren. Sure to cheer her.
Your Benny cracks me up. :)
I think both dogs and cats like ripping up paper. Pity Benny's jacket didn't fit so well - Dave
That calendar couldn't be going to a finer place. Poor Benny doesn't know what to do--glad you figured it out for him. Thank you so much--it is an honor to be in such wonderful company (and good friends, to boot!).
Hard to get the good fit with jackets, but the regift was fun.
Oh, poor Benny!
And yes indeed, Baggie had an excellent rant. :)
thanks for a shoutout. makes me giggle to think this made you and others giggle so much too, and with that i shall head over to lauren's.
Benny has a manly chest
Love Benny... he's adorable in that coat!
I see you've been busy surfing, I have POTW reading to do!
I am sure Raven is comfy in the new jacket. Benny cracks me up. The look on his face! At least Benny had the fun of opening the gift.
Congratulations to Lauren for winning the calendar. I know she must be thrilled.
You have some excellent recommendations in the POTW, congrats to them all.
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