Come along with me and we'll see if we can hold onto the sunlight for just a few more minutes before it bids goodnight to the day.
Late day sunlight has the Midas touch. Most everything it touches turns to gold - like these burrs.
Remember doing hand shadows? None of mine ever had golden eyes.

This is a delicate-looking plant of an unknown (to me) variety. You can see the tiny spots which once contained seeds.

I took this image on a windy day. I liked how the sunlight touched the flowers on the other side of the chain link fence. If you look closely, you can see the out-of-focus, wavy criss-cross of the fence links which appear to be part of the background, but are really in the foreground.
Hold on for just a little bit longer. Don't let the sun slip through your fingers.
This interesting little bug crawled all over the sunlit goldenrod.
When I was finished playing with the sun, it bounced along the water to tease me. It seems it wasn't quite finished playing with me.
What fabulous and uplifting shots! Love the way you played with the sun!
Great job! Love that last photo.
These are amazing, Hilary! I love the way you presented them, too.
I will never look at a burr the same way again--the way you've captured them, they look beautiful!
I usually see them when they're stuck in my sock--not such a lovely picture.
OOOOh! All quite beautiful, esp. the dock!
You have outdone yourself with these. GORGEOUS!!!
oh my, hilary!
what magical images you shared today!
what a great start to the day!
every single oe of them is really a gem!
i adore these photos!!
Wow! This was sure fun, and the pictures are somehow very soothing to me. Thanks.
Great job with the photos and narration! Beautiful.
Love the twinkling effect. How did you accomplish that 'nifty' magic? :)
Really interesting photos, Hilary, with your hand and the sun. What a good idea.
Cleverly done! I love the out of focus fence the best
Fantastic views Hilary. Thanks for letting us play catch with the sun as well.
This is just what I needed on a blah rainy day here--we have had too many of these over the past few months.
Your hand game with the sun sure looks beautiful Hilary
Wow, Hilary I love the last one! How did you get those to sparkle on the water?
What a nice sunset, the last was a very nice image.
Love these! I know just what you mean about the last bit of sunlight. You captured some beautiful moments.
Love the sparkles on the water.
You know what? I just really enjoyed this series. Thank you.
These made my morning! We have cold, cloudy weather... I needed the shiny shots!
Wow! You really nailed these! Love how the hand in every other photo seems to be touching the sinking sun. Well done!
some very cool pics that one with the fence...the fog in the background and the shadow of the fence...nice...and the one off the dock as well...warm thoughts...
just gorgeous! made me smile!
This was a fun post. Loved the diamonds on the water. It's tricky shooting through a chainlink fence, but you did an amazing job of it. I might not even have noticed the shadowy fence if you hadn't pointed it out.
I love how you were able to "catch" the sun!
Perfect, perfect, perfect.
Amazing photos of you touching the sun!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Nice work with the rays and the hand.
What a great series Hilary!
Such fun and that last!
Another winner Hillary. The sunlight dancing on the water, oh my.
I love the sun slipping through your fingers too. I love how your mind works.
Well again, I really do love them all.
What a good teacher you are, Hilary - you teach by showing. Your sun-play is so absorbing. You make me want to go out and play, too!
Oh, that second photo and the one with the bug absolutely inspire me. I'll get my camera back into the shop.
I loved ALL of these shots...especially the windy day and fence one...glorious!
So beautiful. We haven't seen the sun for a long while..hopefully it will return this weekend! I'm not ready for this cold and wet that's been making a stand here. I'm hearing rumors of snow...I'm trying to hold on to that sun!
Cool post. I'm partial to the little bug on the plant. He might be a stink bug, but I can't say for sure. Love the coloration on him.
another masterful and enjoyable post!
Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Gorgeous pictures as always....
Regard from France,
That is interesting, trying to capture the sun. :) Fantastic shots.
You have the best playmates :)
Wonderful captures!
The sun pics are so soothing. You really bring out the best in the world around you.
What marvellous pictures. I like it when the sun casts long shadows and goes all gold. I do admire the image of the bug - beautiful ! it has quite a quaint look about it actually :)
Absolutely gorgeous! Love these shots. :)
While scrolling through these beautiful photographs, I felt a sense of serenity and peace. You captured the waning sun in such a lovely way. Stunning images! A truly magical post!
great shots and it looks like you and the sun had some fun together. While looking at these I turned on "soak up the sun" by sheryl crow
Lovely as always. Is that a new filter you used to get the flare?
Thanks everyone for the kind comments on this and on previous posts. We got back from the cottage on Thursday and I'll be back to my regular computer, blog visits and new posts sometime this weekend.
* Thanks, Lady Fi. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
* Thanks kindly, Steve. :)
* Thank you, Barbara. Much appreciated. :)
* Well thank you, Crabby. Those burrs are not much fun when they stick to our clothes - or worse.. our pet but yes, they \do have a beauty all their own. And golden sunlight always helps. Thanks for stopping by. :)
* Thanks very much, Gary. :)
* Ruth, you're too kind. Thank you for that. :)
* Thank you so much, Betty. You sweet comments never fail to make me smile. I think YOU're the gem. :)
* Thanks, DJan. Soothing is good.. as long as they didn't put you to sleep. ;)
* Welcome, Denise and thanks so much for the kind words. :)
* Thanks, Daniel. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time of day. Sometimes the sunlight just enjoys playing around. Truly, no magic involved.. except for the one-handed photography. ;)
* Thanks very much, TB. I did have fun with it. :)
* Thanks, Daryl. I was quite pleased to see that the fence showed up after all. :)
* Slamdunk, I'm glad my sun-play photos were able to cheer you on a blah day. Thanks always for your kind comments. :)
* Thanks kindly, Anyes. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
* Thanks, Karen. I just asked nicely. ;)
* Thanks very much, Steve. I'm glad you like it. :)
* Thanks so much, Elizabeth. It pleases me to know you like it. Thanks for the visit. :)
* Thanks, Ellen. They were quite mesmerizing. :)
* Glad to hear it, Birdie. Thanks for stopping by and letting me know. :)
* Diane, I'm glad you were able to glean a bit of sunshine from these photos. It's become quite dreary here, too. :)
* Thanks kindly, Gail. I did have fun playing with these pics so I'm glad you enjoyed them. :)
* Brian, thanks so much. It always pleases me to know that you've enjoyed my photos. :)
* Thanks, Tex. Glad to hear it. :)
* Thanks very much, Linda. I almost didn't notice it myself but the shimmer looked unusual and I realized what it was. Your sweet comments always make me smile. Thanks for that. :)
* Thanks, Kristina. When I'm done, I'll toss it your way. ;)
* Bob, thank you, thank you, thank you. :)
* Thanks kindly, Maggie. :)
* Thanks, AC. Much appreciated. :)
* Reena, thanks very much. I'm glad you enjoyed them. :)
* Sue, thank you so kindly. I'm pleased that you enjoyed my sun-play. :)
* Thanks, Messymimi. :)
* Barb, what a lovely thing to say. Thank you for that. :)
* Thank you, Mage. I do hope your camera is back in fine form before too long. :)
* TRO, thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
* Yaya, say it isn't 'snow!" We've not seen a great deal of sunlight over the past few days here, either. But when it does make a brief appearance, so does my camera. Thanks for your always-kind words. :)
* Thank you, VM. I don't think I'd know a stink bug by sight.. or even by smell, for that matter. In any event, I didn't notice anything unpleasant about him but you never know. Thanks for the kind words. :)
* Thanks so much, Cloudia. :)
* Pierre, merci beaucoup, comme toujours. ;)
* Thank you, Indrani. You're too kind. :)
* Thank you, Kerri. You make me smile. :)
* Leah, that's such a nice compliment. Thank you so much. :)
* Thanks kindly, Jenny. That late day, golden sunlight is my favourite time for absorbing and photographing the world around me. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
* Thanks kindly, Kat. Much appreciated. :)
* Julie, thank you very much. Your kind words are so appreciated. :)
* Welcome, Lisleman and thank so much for the kind words. I'm glad to know that my photos inspired your fine musical selection. :)
* Thank you, Reb. No filters.. just a late-day sunlight and a fairly fast shutter speed. Thanks for stopping by. :)
That last shot really makes me wanna go fishing.
Capturing the sun! I don't know how you do it but I'm glad you do.
Fantastic pictures!, Thanks for sharing.
you have a happy weekend.
a hug.
Playing with the sun gave you nice pictures!
Exquisite! You really can't go wrong playing with nature. Oh wait a minute, perhaps you can.
That bug is so beautifully colored. I had no idea you were such close friends with the sun.
I love your sparkly magic water! It looks like faeries are hopping on the waves.
What a fun post! Catching the sun in your fingers is a very different way of making shadow puppets. LOL!
WOW! I hadn't visited in a while... but I see your posts are as FABOLOUS AS ALWAYS!!!
Sun shots are STUNNING!!!!
* Travis, that dock has welcomed a lot of fishing. You'd love it there. :)
• Louciao, I just ask it very nicely and it comes willingly. ;)
• Welcome, Ricardo and thanks very much for the kind words. :)
* Photoioannina, thanks kindly. :)
• Thank you, Gary. Yes, too many have played a bit too roughly at time. I'm happy letting Nature make the rules. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks, Mami. Yes, the sun and I are regular "raymates." ;)
• Wendy, thanks very much. I like the way you look at the sparkles. Thanks always for your kind comments. :)
• Welcome back, Juana. Thanks so much for such kind words. They're very much appreciated.
Great photos... especially the hand/sun theme. Really strange how you managed the "cartoon sun" image... that whole "circle with lines coming out of it" thing. Weird.
And I think, perhaps, The Warmth of the Sun might not be inappropriate.
I can feel you having fun in all of the photos. I adore the chain link fence photo and the sunlight bouncing on the water.
Wow, Hilary, I love the way you play with the sun.;) It makes everything relative, don't you think.;)
Your posts are like minature coffee table books that I'm always reluctant to put down.
• Cricket, the sun was pretty low on the horizon but perhaps it was not quite as dark as appears in the images. The sparkles as seen by the naked eye were not so sunburst-like as you see them here. I used a fast shutter speed and the sun and larger sparkles were probably caught in mid-glare.. or something. Give it a try, sometime. You have the PowerShot and can manipulate shutter speed with that. I also seem to recall that you live near water. Head out there late one afternoon, or earlyish in the morning and see what you can do with it. If nothing else, it's fun to play with but I suspect you'll capture a few fine shots. Thanks always for your soundtrack. :)
• Christine, thank so much for your always kind words. I sure do appreciate your visits. :)
• Zuzana, perspective is everything. Sometimes we appear bigger than the sun. But we know better. ;) Thanks for the visit. :)
• Pauline, that's one of the sweetest compliments ever! Thank you so much for that. :)
Such beauty!
These are lots of fun. You are amazing with your camera.
• Thank you, Karen. :)
• Much appreciated, Sandy. :)
love that last shot. ah the golden hour when the sun sprinkles its gem all around.
It's my favourite time of day, Lime. I'm glad you like it. :)
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