The above quote was uttered by Jim Carrey's character in the movie Simon Birch. a delightful and sweet movie that touches the heart if you can suspend disbelief for a couple of hours.
I don't keep up with a lot of movies. There's always one or two that I would like to see, but rarely get around to viewing them firsthand at the theatre. More often than not, I'll catch up by renting or buying the DVD. I still have a VCR and during the summers, I tend to pick up a number of videos for rock-bottom prices at yard sales. Saturday evenings, I might get the chance to see one of the films that passed under my radar for many years before. That's how I ended up watching Simon Birch for the first time, just last week. I was only about ten years behind.
The photos below are each matched with with a quote from movies - many of which I've never seen. They might be recent or old. How many can you recognize? The first three should be easy - they're all from the same movie. Answers can be found at the end of the post. Have fun!
Walking along the creek, there were a few seagulls assessing where to go for breakfast. (please click, and then click again to enlarge)
As you can see by the salmon carcass behind him, this one found a suitable diner. (please click, and then click again to enlarge)

The enchanting cedar grove, as seen between two trunks. (please click, and then click again to enlarge)
This friendly little mockingbird posed on the fence for me while I fumbled with my camera. They seem less shy than most birds around here. (please click, and then click again to enlarge)

This path leads toward home but Benny often leads me off of the path which benefits both of us. He gets a good sniff at things and I get a new perspective for a photo. Benny allowed me a clear shot by wandering out of camera range. (please click, and then click again to enlarge)
More photos and movie quotes to follow in a few days.
Answers to today's movie quotes.
1, 2 & 3 - Jonathan Livingston Seagull
4 - Princess Bride
5) - A Streetcar Named Desire
6) - Jerry Maguire
7) - Forrest Gump
8) - The Wizard of Oz
Another amazing series of photos, Hilary! Love the trees; love the water on the chair slats; love the birds! I recognized the quote from The Wizard of Oz, only because I watched it seven-jillion times when my kids were growing up. I did see Forrest Gump, but none of the others; guess I'm just not a movie person. However, the words were perfect for the photos.
Um...I stink at quotes. But I love the way you illustrated them.
I did manage to get the Wizard of Oz though...
I love "Simon Birch".
We seldom go out to see movies too -- much better to rent and not spend an entire paycheck on popcorn and a drink!
I've got a quote for ya,
Time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana - Groucho Marx
p.s. VCRs? Seriously??
Beautiful once again Hilary! I loved the quotes, but other than The Wizard of Oz, couldn't have told you any of them.
I love the rain on the chair slats!
I read the story of Johnathan Livingstone Seagull years ago and found it to be a very inspiring story. I liked the way you showed your photos with quotes. Well done Hilary. I especially liked your photo of the sun shining through the water droplets. A magical photo to me. - Dave
Johnathan Livingstone Seagull - ahhhh, I read that over and over to my kids (mainly because I wanted to read it over and over again myself)! I love the shot between the tree - you've perfectly captured the serenity there. What a clever post hilary, I love the way your mind works.
Hilary, what I like best about the photographs you take is that you chose very ordinary subject(s) and then depict it in an extraordinary way, paying attention to details.
My favourite in this series is the view of the cedar grove with the bird barely visible in the sky. It makes me feel free.
In the quiz the only one I got right is Jerry Maguire and The Wizard of Oz.;)
The rain drops on your lawn chair are (is?) my favorite image.
But the cedar grove looks most inviting.
And the quote "You had me at hello" is my favorite one.
I guess a person can have more than one favorite...!
Beautiful work and well-chosen quotes. Inspiring and settling.
Thank you for a touching post.
I came from dr john's and I am glad I did. A carefully done blog. Love the photos and quotes that go with them.
wow, great pics and idea for a series!
Hilary - you always come up with interesting and fascinating posts! Love the photos (can't decide on a favourite!) and the quotes! Very well done.
Superb series of shots Hil and clever quote-finding. (I only got Jerry Maguire and the Wizard of Oz. Can't believe I missed TPB. I'll have to watch it again!) :)
I only got half. :(
so love the pictures and quotes.
Two .. I got only 2 .. wanna guess which ones?
Lovely photos .. and I never even heard of that Jim Carrey movie ...
The shots here get more and more amazing each time. And I would not think that possible.
I guess I am ten years behind too. Hardly ever get to the movies. My Daughter in Law and I do watch a few chick flicks together though. I even got 2 right on your Quiz...
Love the pictures you put with each quote. They were perfect. i like how you think.
I didn't know that Jonathon Livingston Seagull was made into a movie!
I usually want to climb into your pictures, but I will pass on the decaying salmon... ugh!
I'm sure it was an enjoyable meal, though ;)
I love your photos. I didn't know all the quotes but I loved Forrest Gump so anything from that movie seems poignant to me!
I haven't seen Simon Birch either. I'll look out for it.
Your photography is beautiful. The sunlit trees are stunning!
I'm afraid I've never heard of the movie Simon Birch. Usually, that means that it's a movie that came out while I was on deployment out at sea. I'll have to go look it up.
I was only able to answer 6, 7, and 8 off the top of my head, and 7 only because I JUST saw that scene of that movie on tv the other day.
I LOVE the picture you put with 7 though and the sun shining through each of the rain drops hanging from the steps.
• Thanks kindly, Pat. I'm not overly familiar with movies either, and I had to look up almost all of these quotes, but it was fun to put it together. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks, Susan. Truth be told, I'd have never guessed most of them myself. I'm glad you enjoyed the post though. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Hi, Steph. I'm glad you're familiar with the movie. And yes, going out to see a film can be very expensive, especially when I think back to the days when my kidlets were little and we had to factor in babysitting costs too. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Rabin, I never forget a commenter, but in your case, I'll make an exception (skewed Groucho Marx). ;) Yes, seriously. I have two VCRs.. one of them a combo VCR/DVD. :)
• Thanks muchly, Reb. It's a lot easier to know the quotes when you look them up. ;) Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks, Cimba. I was in my teens when I read JLS and loved it. I've never actually seen the movie. The water droplets sparkled so brightly that morning, I had no choice but to snap that shot. I'm glad you like it. Thanks for the visit, Dave. :)
• Thanks very much, Shrinky. A cherished compliment from someone as delightful as yourself. I never really thought about JLS when my kids were growing up. Now you tell me! ;) I'm glad you liked the cedars shot. It's such a beautiful little piece of land. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thank you, Protege. I'm glad that the photo of the flying gull evoked a feeling of freedom for you. I sure hope that the one with the salmon carcass didn't inspire nausea. ;) Thanks for playing along. Much appreciated. :)
• Russell, you can have as many favourites as you like. I'm just glad that my blog is among them. Thanks always for the thoughtful comments. Most appreciated. :)
• Thanks very kindly, Leah. I'm always happy to see you drop by and am especially glad you that you enjoyed the post. :)
• Welcome, Bettygram and thanks very kindly for the visit and kind compliment. Thank you too, Dr. John for linking to my blog. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks muchly, Gary. A theme is always fun to do. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks always for stopping by. :)
• Thanks very much, Baggie. Kind words from someone who never runs out of original ideas herself. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks, Frank. How about this Saturday night (if there isn't SOME game on)? I have The Princess Bride in DVD, so the quality will be better. :)
• Thanks, Twizzle. It seems you got a lot of them if you managed half. You must be a film buff. Thanks for the visit. Long time no see. :)
• Thank you, Daryl. My guess is that you got the same two as everyone else - Jerry Maguire and The Wizard of Oz. Am I right? Do yourself a favour and rent Simon Birch one day soon. Just be sure to have some tissues available.. sniff! Thanks for the visit. :)
• Thanks very much, MPM. That's such a kind thing to say. Much appreciated. Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks very kindly, Photowannabe. A chick-flick movie night with a daughter in law, or other female relatives or friends sounds like a fun time. Thanks for the kind words. :)
• KC, I don't blame you one bit for passing on that salmon photo. You have no idea how strongly it smelled in the vicinity of that carcass! Thanks always for the visit. :)
• Thanks, Cath. Do find yourself a copy of Simon Birch. It's really a good movie.. you'll laugh.. you'll cry. You'll blow your nose and feel better. ;) Thanks for stopping by. :)
• Thanks very much, Michelle. Those words mean a lot to me, coming from such a fine photographer as yourself. Much appreciated. :)
• Thanks very kindly, Blunoz. Do take a look at Simon Birch if you have the chance. I'll bet you'll dab a tear or two. Probably. Yeah, for sure. ;) Thanks for the kind compliments. :)
I'm better at song lyrics than movie quotes.
If you had started writing out "Fish Heads, Fish Heads....Roly Poly Fish Heads" I would have yelled out "That's from Barnes&Barnes. Fish Heads: Eat Em' Up Yum!"
My man Papi made the kids read Jonathan Livingston Seagull. They hated it. :) I thought that was funny because it was one of my mom's favorite books/movie and she owned the Neil Diamond soundtrack to it also.
Nice movie quotes to go with your wonderful photos. I love the tops of the cedar grove (that looked like autumn glory the way the light hit them) and the water on the deck chair.
I recently read the book which somewhat inspired the movie Simon Burch. The book is much different, but excellently written.
You are THE PHOTOGRAPHER of the YEAR!!! I sometimes forget to read what you write. Amazing, really! Must admit couldn't answer all.
I'm not much for movies and of the these I saw only the last two. So I failed the test. But the pictures were great.
The only thing more incredible than your photography here is that you still have a VCR.
I absolutely love the porch railing with rain drops sparkling on it -- breathtaking!
Again, I can't open your pics on this laptop, but I wouldn't be able to guess the movie quotes anyway, as I'm not a keen movie watcher! I'll catch up with your great pics when I get back to Ontario.
Meanwhile thanks for your birthday wishes, I had a great day! we stayed up till 1am watching the US election results last night (with the rest of the world), and I'm pretty happy about the way things turned out. The future has suddenly got a little brighter. It was very interesting being here in Florida on election day, specially as Florida was one of the pivotal states.
That raindrop picture is STUNNING!!!
Brilliant. The quotes, the movies, the photos. You always inspire me!
Have you ever seen mocking birds playing with cats?
The cedar grove is amazing with the light and the gull.
I must say I would have failed with a D if this was an exam! :)
I like movies but not an expert on quotes.
Great photos!
Darn, I only got two! Jerry M and The Wizard of Oz.
I never saw Simon Birch, but I will now.
I did click and reclick the pictures. I have said it before, but it sure does look GORGEOUS where you are! Great quotes with your photos.
BTW We almost always rent the movies. I am too impatient and cold in the theater.
Great post. My favourite image is the one of the droplets.
I recognized Jonathon Livingston Seagull immediately...it was always a favorite book...I had to laugh at that smart alecky little Mockingbird...mine would eat his little tailfeathers for breakfast! They are huge, lol! Congrats on POTD mention, Hilary...lovely photos!
You're just the best, Hilary. Great quotes. I've never heard of that Carrey movie. I'll have to check it out. It sounds like something I might enjoy.
"You had me at hello..." I always wondered where that quote came from and now I know! And what a sweet little mocking bird that is!
I never heard about Carrey's Simon Birch. I love watching movies, but rarely get the opportunity to see any.
Beautiful, beautiful pictures. Loved them all, no favourite.
Got the Jerry Maguire and of course The Wizard of Oz. how clever are you?
Gorgeous as always. I really love the way the light is playing with the rain drops on the deck chairs. They look like a string of miniature Christmas lights. Beautiful!
I LOVE the diamond of rain on the slats
Nature as artist!
* EWBL, I'm surprised that your kidlets hated JLS. Then again I'm also surprised you'd know a song about fish heads. ;) Thanks for stopping by.
* Thanks, Louise. I'd like to read the book too (the name escapes me at the moment). I understand it's different than the movie. Thanks for the kind words. :)
* Aww thanks very kindly, Indrani. I'm glad you liked it. Much appreciated. :)
* Thanks, Dr. J. Much appreciated. :)
* Yeah, Cristopha. I know.. and you should see my collection of 8-tracks.. ;)
* Thanks very kindly, Sandra. Much appreciated. :)
* Hey, Shammie. I'm glad you're enjoying your time away and that you're pleased with how things evolved. Thanks for stopping by. :)
* Thanks muchly, Tink. I'm glad you liked it. :)
* Thanks so kindly, Carol. Much appreciated. :)
* Thanks, Therese. No, I've never seen mockingbirds playing with cats. Do they toss them back and forth between them? ;) I'm guessing they tease and taunt them? Do tell. Thanks for the visit. :)
* Thanks, FP. Good thing it wasn't an exam, eh? Thanks for stopping by. :)
* Thanks very much, MT. I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. Those two quotes sure do seem to be the ones that everyone knows. Thanks for the visit. :)
* Thanks kindly, David. And thanks especially for including my in your Posts of the Day. Much appreciated as always. :)
* Thanks very much, Sandi. I knew someone would have to recognize JLS. I thought the mockingbird was a real cutie. Thanks for stopping by. :)
* Welcome back, Sully aka Juror #10. I think you might like the movie, but keep in mind that it's a very small role for Jim Carry. For his short, cameo appearance, he plays the adult version of one of the main child characters. The story is about the young boys. Thanks for your always kind words - much appreciated. :)
* MLH, I didn't know where that quote came from for a long time either. I think I learned it from a trivia game. ;) Thanks for stopping by. :)
* Thank you, Moannie. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I'm glad you came by for a visit. :)
* Thanks, Tricia. That's exactly how they struck me when I saw them that morning. I didn't know how well it would translate into a photograph, but I guess it did well enough. Thanks for the kind words. :)
* Thank you, Dianne. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks always for stopping by. :)
I only recognized a couple of the quotes, but I sure enjoyed looking at the adjoining photographs. Once again, your photography is gorgeous. In my opinion, you have the best photographs on the blogs. Do you have a special sort of camera? Why do you photographs all look as if I could step right into them?
#5 and #7 are my favorites. (: Inspiring photos as always. Have a wonderful weekend.
I like the pictures. I always love nature photos.
I love renting or buying movies at a rock bottom price, too. I will look for that movie "Simon Birch". Watching movie with my husband is our bonding time. We laugh together. We cry together. In this way, we feel that we grow together.
Exactly that Hilary, I am sure you would describe the scene much better than I would. We used to put a chair in our cul de sac, next to our neighbors', and watch the mockingbirds tease the cat. Poor cat, exhausted he would retrieve for a while and then retry to no avail. Hilarous! Plus a great time spent with our neighbors, we move to a new place and here we still have mockingbirds waking us up in the morning but not cat around.
Ooo I LOVE movie quote games.
I did get Princess Bride (one of my fav ever movies), Jerry Maguire (who can't remember THAT quote), Forest Gump ("Little bitty stingin' rain" love it) and, of course Wizard of Oz.
I guess we've been hiring out the same movies!
• Thanks so kindly, Jo. I'm glad you're enjoying the photos. The camera is nowhere near tops but it's a decent one, and I'm sure enjoying learning its capabilities as I go along. I suspect you just like some of the same scenes that I do but I thank you very much for your super kind words. :)
• Thanks very much, Cheffie. Much appreciated. :)
• Welcome, Grace. And thanks for stopping by. If you like movies that make you laugh and cry, I promise you'll like Simon Birch. Let me know if you do. Thanks for the visit. :)
• Therese, those mocking birds sound like such clowns. The scene you described sounds like it should have been captured on video. Luckily it remains in your mind's eye. Thanks for sharing. :)
• Tara, I'm glad you were able to get a number of those quotes. I think you're in the lead! More quotes are up now on today's post. Thanks for the stopping by. :)
Yay! More movie quotes and beautiful photographs. I rarely go to movies anymore, but if there is something good playing, I'll make an exception.
Thanks, CG. I'm glad you enjoyed the pics and quotes. Thanks always for the visit. :)
love, love, love your quote-photo quizzes!!!!!!!! keep 'em coming!!!! :)
WOw Hilary....your shots take my breath away! Those water drops.....AMAZING!
• Thank, Moi. That means a lot to me coming from you. I'm glad you stopped by. :)
• Thank you Kerri. I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. That one is my personal favourite too.
Thank you!
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