Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that, my child. Remember you are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.
~ Margaret Atwood
Most of these photos are from a bit earlier in the spring. I am pretty far behind as far as both posting and visiting go. There are lots of photos still in my camera and about which I'm nearly ready to blog. Time, however, has a way of getting in the way. So for now, there's this. I hope you enjoy.

A lot of this..

... and not very much of this...

... has made for a significant amount of this.

The flooding has receded greatly over the past week or so but this is what the patio at the lakeside Holiday Inn looked like just a couple of weeks back.

This footpath, which appears to end here ordinarily takes you all the way to that opposite shore with plenty of grassy area to the right - when it's not hidden under water.

The path is located between the mooring docks and these amazing water tulips.

This is the sign on a nearby street which tells you that you're approaching a dead end. In this case, it was just a little too late.

Not everything suffered from the rain. It provided much needed hydration for trees in bloom.

Flowers everywhere were at their finest. These tulips in a pop bottle caught my eye.

The catkins of the weeping willow soon gave way to full, sweeping boughs.

And the virginal green of spring was everywhere.

I hope your spring is blooming beautifully!
More photos coming up before too much longer.
Oh you have a splendid eye! So nice to spend time with you, Hilary
Water everywhere this spring. Our aquifers should be full as we've had rain almost every day. Then the sun shows its face briefly until the clouds over-shadow it again. It rains again. Enough.
We've got just about the right amount of rain this year, I'd say you have a surplus.
Oh yes, there's been rain and water aplenty.
We've had a lovely Spring but also it's been a bit wet. But the flowering has about stopped and it's time for my annuals to pick up the slack! Hope you get more sunshine soon!
So sorry about the flooding, we've had a bit here, too. Everything is soggy and colorful there and here.
All that flooding does not look so good.The flowers and green foliage, on the other hand are beautiful.I do hope the water has receded by now.
You give us a good idea of the flooding by some awesome photos.
You surely have a photographer's eye. These are great, especially the water tulips and the pop bottle!
I use like that quote from Atwod at the beginning, which stayed in my mind as I looked at all your water pictures. It's always a pleasure to see what you see, Hilary. Thank you for sharing with me. :-)
Water has been receeding here, it almost broke the bank
We've been getting a lot of rain here as well this past week. no flooding but it certainly has made the grass grow.
Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink....
Well, it's been raining here too, but luckily my house is dry, fingers crossed it stays that way.
If you're going to Port Perry at any time, let me know!!!!!
Quite a bit of flooding there. I hope it has receded by now. The plants are persistence of life personified. ;)
This seemed to be a wet spring, almost everywhere. You certainly got your share...and then some. It made for some beautiful and interesting images, though.
Love those "water tulips"! Lots of flooding all over it seems. Raining now too! :-(. Will be happy to see the sunshine once more.
Water levels have been bad in a lot of places this spring. It's gone down somewhat here.
Terrific shots!
Oh, too much water! Well, we had an excess of rain too. I love that Margaret Atwood quote.
Those water tulips are gorgeous! We had some flooding here in Idaho too. I tried to take my dog Hunter to a new dog park a few weeks ago and it was completely underwater!
As usual, your wet visions are still grand. Here we have a great many half dead trees. Makes me wonder if we don't have ground squirrerls. I so hope you have settled in to your new life. You know I worry.
it was equally wet here ... and now overnight its sun/90+ degrees ... whew
Lots of rain here too this spring, yet instead of whining about it I should have seen it through your eyes! Love the way you capture the magic of any sort of weather.
These sure stand up to a second viewing. what will you show us next?
Wonderful shots.
We've had a lot of rain around here this year, too. The water around the tulips made an interesting shot. Not often you get reflections of tulips in water.
Has the water gone down? It's been quite a time!
on the other hand are beautiful.I do hope the water has receded by now.
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